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    • By Ehiztari
      Enter Eclipse Apply or maintain your Moonfire, Sunfire, and Stellar Flare (if talented) Keep Celestial Alignment / Incarnation: Chosen of Elune (if talented) on cooldown Cast Convoke the Spirits when you have less than 50 Astral Power. Try to pair with your other cooldowns but do not lose a use. Spend your Astral Power on Starsurge or Starfall on multi-target. Do not lose uses of Warrior of Elune, Force of Nature, or Fury of Elune (if talented). Cast the Eclipse-appropriate filler. Item 3 says to cast Celestial Alignment as a higher priority than (presumably that means before you cast) Convoke the Spirits.
      The subsection on Convoke the Spirits Optimization says "Generally, you will play around your Convoke and not your Celestial Alignment, as you almost never want to cast Celestial Alignment without Convoke up as well."
      I'm not quite understanding how I'm supposed to prioritize Celestial Alignment in my rotation but not generally cast Celestial Alignment without Convoke up.
      Unless Convoke is a special sort of channel, if you actually managed to cast Celestial Alignment during Convoke, wouldn't it interrupt the channeling of Convoke?
      If I am supposed to cast Convoke and then cast Celestial Alignment as it's channeling, shouldn't the rotation guide have those reversed?
      I'm sorry to be a noodge about accuracy here, but either I'm badly misunderstanding what looks like fairly simple instructions or the two elements of the instructions are inconsistent with one another.
    • By Idzuna
      I use Icy-Veins a lot when learning a new class and I am super lazy so I made a rotation helper profile for each class in TellMeWhen using the guides provided here.
      They can tell when you are in an AoE situation (melee and ranged) and will also not suggest abilities you have not yet unlocked.
      I have also tried to keep them as minimal as possible so you can modify them as you wish by adding/removing components

      Let me know what you think
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    • By Archimage
      In case you haven't seen, there is an addon called AzeritePowerWeights that shows you which azerite traits are best.
      Bloodmallet, a website containing DPS simulations for azerite traits, has also added a button to export the weights for the addon.
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      Title says it all.
      i saw a user on youtube using an addon a while back. the addon seemed to show the locations of rare enemies on the world map with a skull icon.
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