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[H] <Myth> 25 Man 12/12 - Turalyon [EU] Recruiting DPS and Healers!

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Guild Website: http://myth-guild.info

Myth are a long standing guild that has been around since Vanilla always raiding 40 man and then 25 man content, both in normal, hard mode and then heroic flavours. We are currently looking to get a few raiders in to ensure that history long continues.

So are you:

  • Looking for a solid, experienced and friendly guild?

Missing that special 25 man raiding scene?

Enjoy cheering after a new boss kill like the good old days?

Want to progress through end content including 25 man heroic bosses?

Then apply to us by going to http://myth-guild.info and applying on our Recruitment forum.

We’re particularly interested in the following classes:



DPS Monk

Any healing class.

If your class or role is not listed but still eager to raid, apply anyway! We’re always looking to add awesome players, providing they are good enough!

If you got any questions then drop in game and give us a whisper!

Feel free to contact: UKMuzik, Natoleah, Gnub, Djimoo, Lílíth or Bananajonés, if you can't find them they might be on their alts, if so then simply poke a member of guild who will point you in the right direction.

Our Raiding Times: (server time)

Wednesday: 20:00 – 23:30

Thursday: 20:00 – 23:30

Monday: 20:00 – 23:30

Tuesday: 20:00 – 23:30

All raids include a short break of approx 10 mins around 22:00.

About us

We’re a bunch of avid gamers with a great mix of people, raiders, ex-raiders and social, all of which want to enjoy the game. Our raiders are an awesome group who like to push their limits. However, those raiders also often have families, jobs and other commitments or interests, so we understand if you can’t make a raid and we try to be very flexible to accommodate those needs. We’ve got many socials creating a great atmosphere and there usually someone dabbling in old raids, 5 mans, scenarios, pet battles or a bit of PVP that you can join in with.

We’re currently progressing through Mists of Pandaria raid tiers and we would like to add some solid players to our raiding team, if you like the sound of it then give it a whirl and apply!



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