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[Kel'Thuzad][A] <Deathrite> Recruiting for legion

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General info

  • -Raid nights on Monday and Wednesday @ 7:30 pm EST
  • -Expected attendance of 90% to 100%
  • -Number of active raiders ±25
  • -Loot council. See details below

About us

Deathrite is led by mythic experienced players and former high-end competitive raiders. Our goal is to nurture a place where skilled players can display competitiveness and commitment - all while having fun. Our core is made of minmaxers who thrive on reaching full potential no matter the class or role played.

We’re looking for

Dedicated players with positive attitudes. Our members need to be prepared, be knowledgeable about their classes and the encounters. In 2016, resources are everywhere and there are no excuses for negligence. If we need to take you by the hand on the ABC’s of your class, you are not at the right place.


  • To show commitment, tolerance and a positive attitude towards progression. Wipes are going to happen and strategies will need adjustments, it's all part of the game.
  • To handle constructive criticism politely.
  • To come prepared! (Food, Flasks, Runes, Gems, Enchants, etc.)
  • To aim for 100% attendance. We only raid twice a week with only a few hours to spend. We expect our raiders to respect their engagements and show up on time. If you know you can't attend a raid let the Raid Leaders know. There are many ways to contact them.
  • To understand and speak English.
  • To have teamspeak installed, a working headset and microphone.
  • To have a decent rig. Your computer can't be a bottleneck to your performance. If you are playing on a dinosaur or using an unreliable connection affecting your abilities while raiding, you will be replaced. We understand temporary issues can happen.
  • To level your artifacts. If you can’t put time on upgrading your artifact, you will fall behind. As a requirement, you must also level your offspec artifact as soon as possible. Raid progression is paramount.


No drama will be tolerated. You will be given a respectful warning and if you fail to calm down, you will be booted from the raid. If you keep ranting, you will be dealt with. There are ways to communicate with people and we expect everyone to treat others the way they’d like to be treated. If you feel like any conversation involving a member of Deathrite is getting out of hand, please advise the Guild Leader or the Officers available.


Voted among officers, rewards will be granted to raiders based on the following criterias :

  • Progression needs
  • Attendance
  • Upgrade value
  • Guild commitment

If you feel you are being treated unfairly, we encourage you to communicate directly with the Guild Leader or the Officers available. You will be given a fair hearing.


Applications from exceptional players will not be turned down as many of our core players are quite flexible in the roles they can manage. With that said, we are looking for the following specific roles and classes :

Healer: 1 resto shaman
Range dps: any class


Apply @ http://www.deathrite.club/recruitment


Edited by fredroy50

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