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Restoration Druid 7.3

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1 hour ago, Guest Xirmac said:

...wall of text

So all this saltiness and hatred you put into your wall of text, screaming for dismissing the guide is because you don't agree on a one talent choice? 

Even if you were right - and you are not - doesn't it seem like a bit of overreacting?

It was stated a million times in the past that IV guides are aimed for the raid environment and in said environment a talent that works as a short on-demand raid CD for all the raid is a million miles better than a 4% chance for a proc of a single target mediocre heal with a weak HoT.

Regrowth was a good healing spell when we had a glyph that made it a 100% crit removing the HoT part. The glyph has gone. The only usage of Regrowth in pre-patch (the guide is for the pre-patch) is during Omen of Clarity procs or paired with SotF talent as a must for a 200% healing increase. Otherwise you get a spell that heals for a half of a Healing Touch amount for a double mana cost.

You actively insist on using in raids (IV guides are for the raids as I already said) a talent that does a competitive amount of healing for a single target only when paired with other talent and works as a proc of a proc (you need MoC to proc and then Regrowth to proc as a crit) instead of a 1 min. raid CD (in raids) or a 1 min. damage mitigation CD with increased healing from HoTs (for a tank in 5-man)?

Sorry, but I don't agree.

Anyways, it's always nice to discuss things with calm people :)

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4 hours ago, Guest Xirmac said:


Guys... just a good advice. Do not listen such websites and guides like this, or noxxic or any similar sh*t. Read your spells, passives and talents, understand those and try it out in every situations, with every combinations! Only this way you will be a good player!

lol.... Noxxic has fallen off over the years but I still read it for different points of view though Icy Veins I believe is still viable for many classes as a STARTING POINT. I have raided on druid for the last 3 going on 4 expansions. resto and balance being the majority of my time. 

Every time their are class changes I jump on here read what they have to say and take it out to try, though I can say I have found flaws and situations in where they are wrong the amount of work that it would take to go through every raid and dungeon fight for each class to choose a talents and when to pop what would be ridiculous, and still probably have flaws just because this game changes with every group and player that plays it. Currently for my group b/c we lack a good tank healer since disc went to the toilet, I have found Mastery>Crit is better in almost every circumstance, along with taking stone bark and ward on extremely rough fights for the tanks, or fights where big debuff are put out. Our other resto druid builds more of the AoE build with complete different talent choices. To say any guide is bad b/c it doesn't account for everything is just a flawed since of thought.


The best advice I can give anyone either starting raiding or  someone who has raided for years is to get as many different views as possible from as many different perspectives. Your combatlog parses many jack crap if you spent 3 hours wiping on it b/c you took the 'better healing' over the external cd, and your tank gets one shot.

The only good thing from that quote is reading your spells and talent and trying them out in many situations, but take others people knowledge as well and build upon it, being a solo player in an MMO world will just put you behind.

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Guest Xirmac
6 hours ago, Pandacho said:

"... one talent choice? ..."


No, not only one talent choice, I just grabbed an example as I said at the start. ( I just guessed you all can read and understant what you read, but as I can see I was wrong ) There are a ton of idiotism at every classes, that's clearly visible that those guides are not based on any try or any sense...

Returning to the omen of clarity: Yes, lifebloom has a 4% chance, with 4setbonus it's 8% and that's why I tested it to be able to show you an exact number of procs in one minute. As I said, I can cast 9-12 free regrowth in average which is much better than + x sec HoTs on 2-3 ppl in every 1 min. Long cd for low effectiveness.

Anyway I really don't care how you guys make your characters useless by relying on such sites... At least I know why are all the LFRs, battlegrounds, random dungeons, mythic dungeons unplayable bcause of players who just don't know what does their spells do at all :)



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From the Rotation, Cooldowns, and Abilities page (3.1)


Lifebloom Icon Lifebloom is a healing over time spell that can only be on one target at one time. You should always keep Lifebloom up on a target who is taking constant damage, such as the tank. When Lifebloom expires, it heals its target for a large amount. This means it is always recommended to let it expire from its target before refreshing it.

I'm finding that if refreshed within last 30% of the duration (<4.5 seconds) of the HoT, the bloom effect OCCURS, and refreshes duration - the maximum duration being 130% of base, as usual.

Edited by Forreststump

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Uncommon Patron

this has to do with stat priority-

in my other game certain enchants go on certain gear


right now ive got haste enchants on my druid but some gear wont take a haste enchant, like helm for example, is there a different enchant i can use for that? 

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11 hours ago, Sugartits said:

right now ive got haste enchants on my druid but some gear wont take a haste enchant, like helm for example, is there a different enchant i can use for that? 

You can't enchant helm in WoD content (armor slots enchants were removed during different expansions). Right now you can enchant a weapon (will be removed in Legion), neck, cloak and rings. Here you can read about the current state of enchanting. 

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MoC is not a viable talent, and I doubt it is currently designed to be. It has no row 1 synergies except abundance which is a poor talent that caps in 3-5 rejuvs. The output you lose from MoC does not make up for the mana you gain. Flourish is simply far more competitive both because it is in itself very powerful, and because it synergizes with other abilties like EoG, ToL, innervate, SotF,  WG, cult and CW.



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Guest GuestDru


Does Flourish consider Efflorescence/Spring Blossom as HOT?

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Guest Skinnable

Hi guys,

I liked the guide, thanks a lot to the author!

No offense but I found some build choices a bit doubtful. Here is why:

First is ofc, the Germination talent. With the current gear levels and until Legion comes, I'd say the class trinket, if obtained, is shouting at you to pick the double Rejuv as it also doubles the chance to heal your raid pet tick. In many fights, people are used to stack near each other if of course not advised otherwise. HC gear provides enough haste to make those aoe ticks frequent enough. I would not recommend giving this up for a 2min Tranq cd which will most likely not even be needed unless your raid dps is low. Many druids advised me to replace Germination with the shroom hot, but that healing over time is less than one cast of Rejuv, total waste of a talent tbh.

Second and the last spot where I wanted to add some of my personal experience is last talent tier. I currently use Moment of Clarity and considering that our mana regeneration is very bad at the moment, it is the only obvious choice, especially that it works so well with the Restoration 4-set bonus. If you place Lifebloom on both tanks you will just spam those Regrowth's all the way, what otherwise would eat your mana like hell. The other 2 talent choices are either very situational(pvp) or just not worth it because of the long cd.

I hope this will help some of you who also had doubts about those talent tiers.

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First of all I wish to say thank you for this guide and the ones that were made before it.

I consider myself a good restoration druid in both PvP and PvE with lots of experience, and when reading the guide I had some questions / comments.

1) Please make a section for 5-man (mythic+ or even usual heroics). I saw your comment on the 5-mans - almost all talent picks are different from the raid-oriented build. The fact is that those druids, who know their class since BC will change the talents accordingly in 5-man dungeons, but those, who are new - they won't. They will consider the proposed talents optimal and will stick to it.

2) Will the guide be updated with new 110 lvl gems, enchants, food? All the info is available now.

3) I understand the talent choices for the raids (20-man). But what about those situations, where the raid consists of 10-12 people with just 2-3 healers? For example, this year I won't have a lot of time, so I'm totally skipping Mythic raiding. And as that, I will be leading a raid of 10, max 12 good people who also just want to finish Heroic Raids quickly.

In that case (in the case of 10-12 people in the raid) I consider the value of Mastery and Germination much higher. Especially when you get +3 sec on HoTs from Artifact. With just 2 healers, you will always almost want to have double Rejuvenation on both tanks (or at least the one taking damage now). And as you only have 10 people, you have a great chance to spam double Rejuvenation on half the raid. Otherwise, without Germination, I won't have much freedom to heal.

In situations, when 1-2 people from the raid get some kind of debuff from boss and require heavy healing - Germination and high Mastery also come really useful.

4) When comparing stats using weights, did you consider the following?

Mastery value can be 1x, 2x, 3x. But not less then 1x. So in some cases, which are not at all rare, value of mastery for some players will be up to x3. So additional +5% in Mastery has a potential to become +15% healing.

If Germination is not taken, the value of Mastery is, let's say, X. But if Germination is taken, the weight of Mastery becomes Y, so that Y > X.

5) What would you recommend for 10-12 man raids given 3) and 4) ?

Thank you! =)

Edited by Mekc
some typos

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You know, now I thought about the proposed logic that crit > mastery... And this is what i see.

Crit and Mastery values are the same, e.g. 1024 crit/mastery gives you 2.93% crit/mastery at level 110. So no difference here.

Crit gives you healing x2 when the crit occurs. But it is a bit of uncontrollable "burst" of healing. So it means you get 10000 tick heals, and then you get 20000 tick, when the crit procs. It means that crit heals are more susceptible to overhealing. The only moment it is wrong is when raid is NEVER at full HP.

Mastery gives you tick*(1+mastery%*number of HoTs). So it heals with more stability. Even for 1 HoT on the target you get increased healing. And it's less "bursty", meaning potentially less overhealing.

And now about those players that you give more HoTs (2-3). Given the Restordruid is sane and gives more HoTs to people in high need of healing - it means that people in high need of healing will get Mastery*3 more healing. Moreover, tank-healing for a druid (sometimes you need to do it) becomes much easier with high Mastery.

Mastery also buffs direct heals when there is a HoT on a target. But it doesn't buff direct heals with no HoTs on the target (Crit does). In my opinion, only a bad druid will direct-heal a player without having a single HoT on him. So this "advantage" of Crit goes away.

So, to sum it up:

Mastery is at least as good as Crit. And almost always it is better.

Crit-oriented advantages:

Direct heals on average heal for more when there is no HoT on a target

Higher chance for Living Seed (direct heals only)

Crit-oriented disadvantages:

Higher chance of overhealing

Mastery-oriented advantages:

Better healing for those, who need more healing.

Easier and better tank healing.

Often Mastery*2 proc due to Rejuv+WG and so on.

Mastery-oriented disadvantages:

Less healing when direct healing a target without HoTs (which should almost never happen)


Mastery is at least as good as Crit, and almost always better.

Stat priority:


intellect > mastery > haste > crit = versatility (germination >>> spring blossoms, inner peace situational)

10-15 man:

intellect > haste = mastery > crit = versatility (germination > spring blossoms, inner peace situational)

20+ man:

intellect > haste > mastery > crit = versatility (spring blossoms > germination, inner peace situational)

Edited by Mekc
fixed some typos

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Guest amr

Haste is listed as a top priority stat, but one of its features is missing. Haste increases the speed at which HoT tick without reducing the total time the HoT stays on the target. As such, it allows for EXTRA ticks of the hot to occur in excess of the normal base amount of ticks. For example, if 10 ticks happen in 10 seconds, but you get a 50% speed increase from haste, the entire 10 seconds of healing would occur in the first 5 seconds of the spell. Then there would be 5 "bonus" seconds of free ticks afterwards. 

Hope this makes sense. And please, correct me if I'm wrong! This is a huge feature of haste that isn't mentioned at least from what I could tell.

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1 hour ago, Guest amr said:

Haste is listed as a top priority stat, but one of its features is missing. Haste increases the speed at which HoT tick without reducing the total time the HoT stays on the target. As such, it allows for EXTRA ticks of the hot to occur in excess of the normal base amount of ticks. For example, if 10 ticks happen in 10 seconds, but you get a 50% speed increase from haste, the entire 10 seconds of healing would occur in the first 5 seconds of the spell. Then there would be 5 "bonus" seconds of free ticks afterwards. 

Hope this makes sense. And please, correct me if I'm wrong! This is a huge feature of haste that isn't mentioned at least from what I could tell.

You are right in theory :) But I have to mention (so people that are not familiar with the math wouldn't think that it's possible to stack Haste up to gaining 50% healing bonus) that in a normal situation your gain would be more between a partial and 1 tick (not 5), but it's still a good bonus.

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Guest Rudy199

So versatility should be completely avoided right now on live and in Legion?

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12 hours ago, Guest Rudy199 said:

So versatility should be completely avoided right now on live and in Legion?

Well, 'avoided' wouldn't be the exact word. You shouldn't prioritize it - that's right but don't DE an item just because it has Vers. Higher ilvl still matters more, same as a big amount of your best secondary stat.

I don't raid in pre-patch (thanks God for the break^^) but in Legion with the Resto new Mastery, you are going to prio Haste and Crit in raids>Mastery=Vers and Mastery > Haste&Crit > Vers in 5-man.

The new Mastery is very strong when you are able to stack a lot of HoTs on a single target. This is exactly what druids would be able to do in 5-man for tanks (so Mastery goes first) but one wouldn't take a deep single target build for raid healing and in this case Mastery goes down.

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On 8/10/2016 at 9:44 AM, Mekc said:

You know, now I thought about the proposed logic that crit > mastery... And this is what i see.

Crit and Mastery values are the same, e.g. 1024 crit/mastery gives you 2.93% crit/mastery at level 110. So no difference here.

Crit gives you healing x2 when the crit occurs. But it is a bit of uncontrollable "burst" of healing. So it means you get 10000 tick heals, and then you get 20000 tick, when the crit procs. It means that crit heals are more susceptible to overhealing. The only moment it is wrong is when raid is NEVER at full HP.

Mastery gives you tick*(1+mastery%*number of HoTs). So it heals with more stability. Even for 1 HoT on the target you get increased healing. And it's less "bursty", meaning potentially less overhealing.

And now about those players that you give more HoTs (2-3). Given the Restordruid is sane and gives more HoTs to people in high need of healing - it means that people in high need of healing will get Mastery*3 more healing. Moreover, tank-healing for a druid (sometimes you need to do it) becomes much easier with high Mastery.

Mastery also buffs direct heals when there is a HoT on a target. But it doesn't buff direct heals with no HoTs on the target (Crit does). In my opinion, only a bad druid will direct-heal a player without having a single HoT on him. So this "advantage" of Crit goes away.

So, to sum it up:

Mastery is at least as good as Crit. And almost always it is better.

Crit-oriented advantages:

Direct heals on average heal for more when there is no HoT on a target

Higher chance for Living Seed (direct heals only)

Crit-oriented disadvantages:

Higher chance of overhealing

Mastery-oriented advantages:

Better healing for those, who need more healing.

Easier and better tank healing.

Often Mastery*2 proc due to Rejuv+WG and so on.

Mastery-oriented disadvantages:

Less healing when direct healing a target without HoTs (which should almost never happen)


Mastery is at least as good as Crit, and almost always better.

Stat priority:


intellect > mastery > haste > crit = versatility (germination >>> spring blossoms, inner peace situational)

10-15 man:

intellect > haste = mastery > crit = versatility (germination > spring blossoms, inner peace situational)

20+ man:

intellect > haste > mastery > crit = versatility (spring blossoms > germination, inner peace situational)

RDSW counts the real time contribution excluding overheal of a single point of each stat over an encounter. Crit is more often than not better than even haste, and far above mastery and versatility. You have to keep in mind that theory crafting is a lot more complicated than the simple terms you defined it here. For example while a crit is more likely to overheal, a hot tick crit is pretty safe. In anycase RDSW does the math for you to compute the point by point value of your secondary stats.


As it stands, Haste and Crit are fighting for first and second. I've seen crit more often in the lead, but this may change when legion raiding kicks on. Trailing behind them significantly is mastery then versatility.

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Guest Tuffen

When Lifebloom expires, it heals its target for a large amount. This means it is always recommended to let it expire from its target before refreshing it.

As has already been mentioned this is wrong.  Any chance to fix this in the guide?

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On 13.08.2016 at 0:16 AM, Manaleaf said:

RDSW counts the real time contribution excluding overheal of a single point of each stat over an encounter. Crit is more often than not better than even haste, and far above mastery and versatility. You have to keep in mind that theory crafting is a lot more complicated than the simple terms you defined it here. For example while a crit is more likely to overheal, a hot tick crit is pretty safe. In anycase RDSW does the math for you to compute the point by point value of your secondary stats.


As it stands, Haste and Crit are fighting for first and second. I've seen crit more often in the lead, but this may change when legion raiding kicks on. Trailing behind them significantly is mastery then versatility.

Let's then speak about the complexity of theorycrafting.

Can you explain using logic and theory why crit can be better then mastery, given that mastery multiplies itself by x2 and x3, and crit is just a plain stat?

For example, in the same topic you were saying (like with 100% assurance) that:


CW is 4.58 times stronger than Props in Heal Per Mana Per Spell Power.

Then there was a discussion for like 5-10-15 pages that this is illogical and wrong. And people proved to you that math was wrong. At least 4 times wrong.

Same here. You say it's very complex. The big theorycrafting is complex indeed - but this is just the comparison of quite simple secondary stats. Critical Strike was never great for Druids. But in Legion in appears that it is. Why? Were there any big changes to Critical Strike mechanics? Haste was good and is good. At least here we agree. Mastery was great, and as I see it now - it's even greater now for small groups (5-10), and good for 20-man. Crit - nothing changed.

Please, tell me using common language, logic, formulas (and so on) how Crit suddenly became so good, even much better than Mastery?

Thank you.

P.S.: I'm myself a financial analyst. Using a lot of VBA. If logic says the results (or some of them) are wrong - usually it ends by digging into the code and finding the mistakes (in formulas, code logic, anything). If results don't have logic behind them - they are wrong almost always.

P.S.S.: as for WoW, I'm not saying I'm a pro player. I don't have all the time to invest in Raids, given family, job, interests. But in WoD I was in Top 1-10 list of restoration druids on a lot of bosses (warcraftlogs). As for Arena, 2200-2500 is my usual arena rating. So not "Pro", but I'm a very fine restoration druid.

Edited by Mekc

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On August 25, 2016 at 10:03 AM, Guest Tuffen said:

As has already been mentioned this is wrong.  Any chance to fix this in the guide?

I am fixing this right now. Thanks for reminding me.

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Guest Killerpirate

So i noticed you placed Moment Of Clarity on the never pick list.  It seems like the author doesn't understand this talent.  Let me try and explain a little about it.  It allows your moment of clarity to give you 3 casts of regrowth completely free.  With some artifact talents, this can also allow for 6 free regrowths to be spread among the group.  Early on when damage is high and knowledge is low mana usage will be high so this does help quite a bit.  Also when paired with the big incarnation tree, it definitely helps on the instant cast spam to not go oom so fast.  

This is information I am sure you know already.  However what is missing from this is the fact that when you have your feral ability the moment of clarity increases your energy max by 30.  This effectively allows you to easily apply rake, shred*4, rip, and back to reapplying your dots before getting energy locked.  Without it you will get stuck on the shreds for a few seconds and its pretty slow regen on energy as resto.  This technique REALLY helps your dps in dungeons, to the point I am always beating at least one dps in the group.  If you are wanting more dps in dungeons, choose Moment of Clarity.  This should be mentioned in your guide.

Another thing that is missing in your guide is how incarnation should be macroed with innervate to help save mana.  This allows you to go crazy on heals and just spam as much as you can for the window of time without fear of going oom.  Its amazing.  This by the way is where the first tier talent Abundance comes into play.  Again this guide says never pick it but you never mention how it can possibly be used which is amazing.  When you do incarnation and innervate this allows for you to spread your hots a lot and if you use germination this is even more crazy.  At this point, if you are using Abundance, all your healing touches are instant cast and all your regrowths that you are spamming are stronger.  This allows for so much raid healing it is insane.  Pair this with another boomkin innervate with the haste boost and druid wont be able to be beat.  The author should really look more into the not so obvious choices and try them out before writing them off.

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3 hours ago, Guest Killerpirate said:

This technique REALLY helps your dps in dungeons, to the point I am always beating at least one dps in the group.  If you are wanting more dps in dungeons, choose Moment of Clarity.  This should be mentioned in your guide.

I'm pretty sure the mods will say you that the guide is for raid and that the talent choice is different for doing dungeon as resto druid.

Also, for the macro, I'm pretty sure they can add it to the guide! :)

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18 hours ago, Guest Killerpirate said:

So i noticed you placed Moment Of Clarity on the never pick list.  It seems like the author doesn't understand this talent.  Let me try and explain a little about it.  It allows your moment of clarity to give you 3 casts of regrowth completely free.  With some artifact talents, this can also allow for 6 free regrowths to be spread among the group.  Early on when damage is high and knowledge is low mana usage will be high so this does help quite a bit.  Also when paired with the big incarnation tree, it definitely helps on the instant cast spam to not go oom so fast.  

This is information I am sure you know already.  However what is missing from this is the fact that when you have your feral ability the moment of clarity increases your energy max by 30.  This effectively allows you to easily apply rake, shred*4, rip, and back to reapplying your dots before getting energy locked.  Without it you will get stuck on the shreds for a few seconds and its pretty slow regen on energy as resto.  This technique REALLY helps your dps in dungeons, to the point I am always beating at least one dps in the group.  If you are wanting more dps in dungeons, choose Moment of Clarity.  This should be mentioned in your guide.

Another thing that is missing in your guide is how incarnation should be macroed with innervate to help save mana.  This allows you to go crazy on heals and just spam as much as you can for the window of time without fear of going oom.  Its amazing.  This by the way is where the first tier talent Abundance comes into play.  Again this guide says never pick it but you never mention how it can possibly be used which is amazing.  When you do incarnation and innervate this allows for you to spread your hots a lot and if you use germination this is even more crazy.  At this point, if you are using Abundance, all your healing touches are instant cast and all your regrowths that you are spamming are stronger.  This allows for so much raid healing it is insane.  Pair this with another boomkin innervate with the haste boost and druid wont be able to be beat.  The author should really look more into the not so obvious choices and try them out before writing them off.


I appreciate your post. I've read it, considered it, and discussed it also with Gamko who reviews the guide as our "expert".

First of all, Power of the Archdruid can indeed allow you to apply 2 additional Regrowths if it procs (not sure where you got 6 from), but using it on Regrowth is probably not ideal anyway, at least not for maximum HPS.

We don't recommend Moment of Clarity, and we stand by this, but that doesn't mean you or others shouldn't feel free to try it out. We have a duty to "guide" people along the path that we feel produces the best results, consistently. There are very many combinations of things that "can work" in certain situations (especially now with combinations of talents, artifact traits and relics, legendary items, and eventually set bonuses), but we can't entertain every possibility. It would be nearly impossible to maintain the guides, not to mention that it would turn the guides into novels, which we definitely want to avoid.

Now, regarding Feral Affinity, you may be right, but we still feel that for progression content (which is what our guides are written for), Guardian Affinity is simply the best choice.

Regarding Tree of Life + Innervate, that's a good idea and I'll include that macro in the guide. But we still can't recommend taking Abundance, even though it does of course work with Tree of Life. See the above rant about covering every possible combination. 

15 hours ago, Kirr said:

I'm pretty sure the mods will say you that the guide is for raid and that the talent choice is different for doing dungeon as resto druid.

Also, for the macro, I'm pretty sure they can add it to the guide! :)

Kirr is mostly correct. The guides were initially (before Legion) written with a raid progression context in mind. We've expanded that to dungeon progression (Mythic+) where applicable (though there's more work to be done on that front, I admit). In any case, raiding is the main focus and we always only look at progression content (meaning places where if you aren't well optimised, you're dragging the raid down).

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Guest Justanothernoob

I have a few questions:

Is the tooltip of our mastery correct? (I looked it up on wowhead)


Your healing is increased by 5% for each of your Restoration heal over time effects on the target$witch<1>[][, up to3].

So whatever happens, we can only get the masterybuff only 3 times.

This means that Germination is only viable if the whole party gets constant dmg or am I wrong? I think the second Rejuvenation would cause too much overheal. I would actually prefer the hot you get when healed by our aoeheal because of being a hot.

As far as my dungeonexp goes for now I havn't seen any encounter where the tank got high constant dmg which renders a second Rejuvenation just as useless as well? Though I mainly did nhc and not every dungeon. (Gearscore...) So isn't Spring Blossoms better than Germination because of being free and saving time?

So my hots on the tank are Rejuvenation, Lifebloom and Regrowth. This leaves me with the maximum of 3 stacks of the masterybuff if this information is correct. Since it's more or less rnd which target gets healed by our aoe I don't count that for the tank.

For the party- and raidheal I would cast Rejuvenation on everyone/many and depending on the hot from Spring Blossoms plus Wild Growth and then heal those directly which are too damaged to depend on the hots.

I think I would have more time to cast Moonfire and Sunfire or simply to move than I would have if I had to give everyone two Rejuvenations. Not to mention manacosts. Doing this I would like to try and go for mastery and crit once again.

I do like mastery more because you probably forgot it stacks three times. Oh I forgot. The buff doesn't only affect direct heals anymore but our hots just as well! And since I get 1% for 583 mastery and this still needs to be multiplied with 3 I end up with 1% healincrease every 194 points. For haste I get 1% every 324 points and for 349 I get 1% crit.

Since Efflorescence heals randomly injured people in the field, I assume that at most 9 people can be influenced by Spring Blossoms at the same time granting me one masterystack on those for free. My raid is going to be 10 to 16 people which is why this is perfect for me.

Another question: Why is it wrong to let Lifebloom expire and refresh it right after that. Of course only if one can manage to do so?

And why is everyone obsessed with haste? I like crit more because of a passive and it's perk on the artifact. (Assuming that we are to use power in our healing weapon.)

I do know that my thoughts are often wrong or strange.

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      🤠(Author's introduction)🤠

      Introduction: Before I begin I want to clarify that I am an old explorer and curious connoisseur of these players who dedicated their lives for years to a style of play within WoW, known as WoW F2P, I want to clarify the doubt of who this person is and what he came to represent and what he continues to represent today for level 20 communities, looking for information and more information I can say that this is the summarized result of this player known as Saruski, also known by other nicknames with which I will also be willing to better summarize this matter.

      👀 (What were the beginnings?) 👀

      Beginnings: Saruski started playing WoW around 2012 or 2013, but officially dedicated herself to the F2P playstyle in 2014.
      She has videos on her YouTube channel where she talks about her early experiences in WoW F2P, including her time in the Alliance and later joining the Horde. These videos provide some insight into her beginnings in the game and how she became involved with the F2P community.
      👀 (What's it called?) 👀

      Name and character: Saruski, whose real name is Andrea, is a recognized figure in the World of Warcraft (WoW) community, specifically among players who play for free (F2P).

      👀 (What is it known for?) 👀

      Pioneering the F2P community: Saruski founded and led the first international WoW F2P community on the Blizzard app. This provided a central hub for F2P players to connect, share information, and organize groups.
      Advocating for F2P players: She has been a vocal advocate for F2P players, highlighting their achievements and contributions to the WoW community.
      Creating content: Saruski has created videos and content to share her knowledge and experiences with the F2P community.

      👀 (What does Saruski mean for WoW F2P?) 👀

      Community building: Her leadership in creating the first international F2P community helped to legitimize and unify the F2P player base.
      Inspiration and representation: Saruski has shown that F2P players can achieve a high level of play and contribute meaningfully to the WoW community.
      Education and guidance: Her content has helped many F2P players learn the ropes and improve their gameplay.

      👀 (When did he retire?) 👀

      Retirement: While Saruski retired from WoW in 2020, her contributions to the F2P community remain significant. She is remembered as a pioneer, leader, and advocate for F2P players.
      Saruski, a prominent figure in the WoW F2P community, while no specific reason was publicly stated, she did create a video titled "Wow Saruski Official F2p: End Of Story | 2013-2020 (English And Spanish)" which you can find on YouTube.

      👀 (Final summary) 👀

      Summarizing: There are many players today who deserve high recognition, but it could be said that Saruski is the most well-known player and the one who marked a before and after in WOW F2P, given her career in the game and on the internet some people call her the legend of WOW F2P, but there is nothing official to call someone like that, therefore that is up to each person's discretion.
      ❕ (Additional information) ❕
      ✅ YT - Saruski: Wow Saruski Official F2p
      ✅ Wow Character: Saruski-Stormscale
      ✅ Wow Guild: The Last Legend
      ✅ TW Saruski: @Wow_Saruski_F2p
      ✅ FB Group Saruski: The Community Of Wow Saruski Official F2p
      ✅ FB Page Saruski: Wow Saruski Official F2p
      ✅ IG Saruski: wow.saruski.official.f2p
      🔴 Saruski's last video, his retirement: 

    • By Starym
      We have another triple entry in the hotfix ledger, as Radiant Echoes gets more improvements in retail, while Season of Discovery and Cata Classic get additional class changes.
       August 7  (Source)
      Steady Flight should no longer be removed after entering an Arena. Quests
      We tuned up the Prototype Shredder MK-03 so that “Eye for an Eye” can be completed. Radiant Echoes Event
      Increased Flightstone and upgrade Crest drop rates in the event. Reduced the HP scaling on all event bosses so that they should be killable in a more-reasonable timeframe. Developers’ notes: This includes both ‘minibosses’ (e.g. Hogger, Thorim) and final bosses (e.g. Remembered Onyxia, Ragnaros). Season of Discovery
      Hunter Heart of the Lion once again has a 100 yard range. Warrior The Focused Rage rune will now correctly reduce the cost of Meathook by 3. Cataclysm Classic
      Fixed an issue where Faerie Fire did not deal intended amounts of threat when used on NPCs targeting another unit.
    • By Stan
      Due to a bug introduced with the War Within pre-patch, some players are receiving item level 250 gear from the weekly cache.
      We've seen numerous reports on Reddit and the official forums that the Last Hurrah weekly quest on live servers drop low-level gear for some players. Apparently, the bug was first introduced with the War Within pre-patch two weeks ago and still hasn't been fixed.
      Here's an example of a low item level drop from the Cache of Awakened Treasures by Omnifox.

    • By Starym
      Week 2 brings quite a few changes, as Hunters in particular rise up, while Shadow has a really bad time. The top 3 remains the same and very consistent, so let's jump in and see what's going on.
      Warcraft Logs Points
      The below logs are based on POINTS, and not actual damage or healing, meaning they log the timed completion for the specs, with higher keys getting more points, obviously. The time in which the dungeon is completed is also a factor, but a much, much smaller one, as it grants very few points if you do it significantly faster than just any in-time completion. We're also using the Normalized Aggregate Scores numbers, for clarity, meaning the top spec is marked as 100 and then the rest are ranked in relation to that peak point.
      All Keys
      95th percentile DPS
      The top 3 remains quite stable with the Evoker-Paladin-Warrior trio reigning supreme. We see the first change of the week right after that though, as Frost DK continues its upward march in dungeons as well as in raids, taking 4th from Elemental. Both DKs are on the rise, as Unholy also moves a spot up, taking advantage of Shadow's precipitous 5-spot fall to the bottom of the top 10. Arms remains stable as two Hunters burst in, Beast Mastery taking 8th and Marksmanship 9th, as Frost Mage disappears down towards the bottom. Speaking of the bottom, Devastation gets some new roommates there, as Outlaw and Destruction fall and give Enhancement and Feral a break.

      Mythic+ All Keys 95th Percentile Data by Warcraft Logs.
      All Percentiles
      As with the top percentiles, the top 3 remains solid, but 4th is immediately changed, thanks to Shadow's massive drop in performance this week. The Priest loses even more ground here, falling 9 spots into 13th, opening 4th up for Arms. Beast Mastery moves even higher here, grabbing 5th and moving in front of Elemental and Frost DK, as Marksmanship brings up the rear and completes the Hunter sandwich in 8th. Affliction breaks into the top 10, just ahead of Unholy which dropped to the final spot.

      Mythic+ All Keys All Percentile Data by Warcraft Logs.
      Raw DPS U.GG DPS Rankings
      U.gg's rankings are based on actual DPS taken from Warcraft Logs data, focusing on the top players and span the past two weeks.
      Frost DK finds itself on top in the raw DPS rankings, as Augmentation isn't calculated properly here. Fury and Arms grab the next two spots, moving ahead of Ret, and the Fyr'alath wins continue in 5th, where Unholy finished the legendary axe streak. Even Survival joins the Hunter good times in 8th, where all three specs gather, just ahead of Balance who closes out the top 10.
      Mythic+ All Keystone DPS rankings by u.gg.
      For even more in-depth data for each individual key head on over to Warcraft Logs. And if you're interested in more info on the specs themselves you can always check out our class guides (updated for the pre-patch), as well as our Mythic+ guides and Mythic+ tier list.
    • By Stan
      For the next two weeks, the Archaeology quest for Spirit of Eche'ro is available on live servers, so don't forget to get the rare mount before it's gone for 6 months!
      How to Get the Spirit of Eche'ro Mount
      1. Download MapCoords or some other add-os that displays coordinates in the game.
      2. Teleport to Azsuna from the Stormwind/Orgrimmar Portal Room or use your Dalaran Hearthstone to reach Dalaran (Legion) if you have one in your inventory.
      3. Seek out Archaeology Trainer Dariness the Learned in Dalaran at 41,26 and learn Archaeology if you already haven't.
      4. Accept The Right Path quest from the Archaeology Trainer and make your way to Thunder Totem in Highmountain.
      5. Talk to Lessah Moonwater to accept Laying to Rest. For the quest, you must collect 600 Bone Fragments of Eche'ro by rotating between four digsites in Highmountain. The exact locations with coords are outlined below.
      Digsite 1: Darkfeather Valley (50, 44) Digsite 2: Dragon's Falls (58, 72) Digsite 3: Path of Huin (44, 72) Digsite 4: Whitewater Wash (39, 65) it takes roughly around 2 hours to get the mount.
      Spirit of Eche'ro
      "The spirit of Huln Highmountain's pet moose."

      Hurry up! You only have until August 21, 2024, to get the mount!
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