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Marksmanship Hunter 7.3

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On 12/14/2016 at 10:28 PM, Guest Snowl said:

If anyone could help me with my rotation or at least tell me if I'm doing well/not enough, I'm not really sure if I am doing an okay dps for this ilvl/items or not. 

I'm 875


Please see my above comment.

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Guest steppingryan

Having issues as far as aggroing everything there is it seems like. Any advice on not hitting things i dont want it to? Should i be up close and personal with mobs rather than far away like it used to be?


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16 hours ago, Guest steppingryan said:

Having issues as far as aggroing everything there is it seems like. Any advice on not hitting things i dont want it to? Should i be up close and personal with mobs rather than far away like it used to be?


What exactly are you aggroing mobs with?

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On 12/31/2016 at 5:32 AM, Guest steppingryan said:

Having issues as far as aggroing everything there is it seems like. Any advice on not hitting things i dont want it to? Should i be up close and personal with mobs rather than far away like it used to be?


there are 2 ways for us to bring out our inner-Huntard:

1. Barrage, which does a cone spray in front of you for like 40-50yd (on the same elevation), so either you position yourself behind the mobs you're trying to hit or stand super far away to avoid hitting stuff you shouldn't be hitting

2. Sidewinders, this one's a little funky, the further away you are from the mob you used winders on, the wider the cone will be, so if you're trying to hit a single mob, don't cast this at max distance, otherwise you'll be grabbing everything else around the mob (like 20yd left and right of it lol)

my suggestion is to head to the dummies and just get a feel for it, stand face to face with a dummy and hit winders, then go max distance and do it again, you'll see!

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6 hours ago, timoseewho said:

my suggestion is to head to the dummies and just get a feel for it, stand face to face with a dummy and hit winders, then go max distance and do it again, you'll see!

Thanks for helping out with that timo! :)

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This guide needs a lot of work and review.  There are too many things that don't line up.  "Use Lone Wolf" but then you say set pet talents.  With lone wolf active, you can't call on a pet.  Use this ability it says and when you look, it doesn't even show up on the spellbook.  Please review and edit this guide.  It's a mess.

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31 minutes ago, Goonakikas said:

This guide needs a lot of work and review.  There are too many things that don't line up.  "Use Lone Wolf" but then you say set pet talents.  With lone wolf active, you can't call on a pet.  Use this ability it says and when you look, it doesn't even show up on the spellbook.  Please review and edit this guide.  It's a mess.

I think you might be slightly confused.

The guide is not telling you to use one set of talents and everything else is wrong. The guide is meant to allow people to play the class depending on the talents they take. Some players still enjoy having a pet and, given the small DPS difference between Lone Wolf and the other T1 talents, it's OK for them to do so if they don't mind slightly lower damage. 

When they do select one of the other talents, the use of a pet raises questions about what talents their pet should be aiming for. If we didn't have that section, this thread would be full of "WHAT TALENTS DO I TAKE FOR PET?" questions. Azor has instead included it in the guide for those people that use a pet.

As for using certain spells that aren't in your spellbook, I think it might be worth re-reading the guide. You might find a certain phrase included - "if you have chosen this talent". If you haven't taken Barrage as a talent, you're obviously not going to have it in your spellbook.

There is nothing wrong with the guide, but thanks for your comment. If you find the guide too confusing, I would recommend looking at the Easy Mode section, where it eliminates any extra detail in favour of simplicity and understanding.

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The guides are currently being updated for 7.1.5! I just wanted to leave a few notes for all of our users that might be getting ready to leave a comment:

  • Some pages do not require updates. The "Last Updated" stat does not mean the page is out of date, it might just not have needed any changes. If you feel that it does, leave a comment telling us what needs changing and why.
  • The process will not happen immediately - some guides will be updated faster than others simply due to the number of resources available. Be patient, they'll be ready when you need them!
  • There might be some continuity errors when making small adjustments to large guide pages. If you do find one of these, just let us know in the comments and we'll get it fixed ASAP.
  • "Why have you not taken into account X buff to X ability?" - remember, just because something got buffed, it doesn't mean it is now automatically better than the other options!

As always, we want to thank you all for being patient while we get things updated and I'm always available to help you all if you need it :)

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Guest nox

One question to the single target rotation:

" 2.Cast Marked Shot Icon Marked Shot when it is available, but only at 95 Focus or above and regardless of Vulnerable Icon Vulnerable since it is no longer affected by it. This is because Marked Shot is now your primary source of Vulnerable uptime, so the goal is to maximize the amount of Focus you have available after casting it."

So 95 Focus ok. But a bit later in the guide:

90 Focus?

Isn´t it the same situation? Why 2 different focus values?


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3 hours ago, Guest nox said:

One question to the single target rotation:

" 2.Cast Marked Shot Icon Marked Shot when it is available, but only at 95 Focus or above and regardless of Vulnerable Icon Vulnerable since it is no longer affected by it. This is because Marked Shot is now your primary source of Vulnerable uptime, so the goal is to maximize the amount of Focus you have available after casting it."

So 95 Focus ok. But a bit later in the guide:

90 Focus?

Isn´t it the same situation? Why 2 different focus values?


Will double check with Azor, might just be a consistency error after changes. 

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2 hours ago, cloudy09 said:

Is satyr really still better? Even with the new 600 mastery on trained soldier?

I believe Azor currently can't resim to check due to updates required for Simcraft. It was updated until all of the new hidden changes started appearing. 

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I think the linked pawn strings didn't get updated for 7.1.5: http://pastebin.com/EpdZ5Y3D
I says it was updated in november.
Could he update it too? :)

And I got two questions:

  1. In Opener Sequence he wrote: "Windburst from as far away as possible." Why is the distance part, I can't see anything related to it.
  2. On normal sequence, should we shoot Marked shot even if we already got Vulnerable (from Windburst for example)?
    Wouldn't be better if we shoot Aimed Shot1s, and we shot Marked Shot only after the previus Vulnerable wears off and we got enough Focus again and thus maximize Vulnerable duration?
Edited by KergeKacsa
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So, in Aarath terms, the whole time we do not have the vulnerable debuff up we are building the focus for it? No more focusing on rolling the vulnerable debuff to the best of our ability?

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Guest Souin

To those of you who have been slapping the dummy for a while: Does it feel like your MM overall dmg has increased or decreased with 7.1.5?


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Is SimCraft even considering that you have Blasting Cap on? I set SC to multi-target and in results I don't see Bursting Shot used even once. Do I have to switch skill priority manually? If so, how?

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Guest Skytten

I think there's been a typo in the opening rotation. Just tried with 13% haste and there's no way you can get out 4x aimed shots in the vulnerable window after casting marked shot with trueshot active. You can do it with windburst since windburst has traveltime so the vulnerable debuff is delayed so you can start pre-casting an aimed shot. But it's not possible after a marked shot since it's instant.

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Pawn strings got updated, but it seems wrong to me.

It seems that mastery just got more valuable over Agility than it was was in 7.1. With the secondary stat nerf in 7.1.5 it would be surprising for me.

Is there any changes that reversed this change?

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What shell we do with several marked shot procs until reaching 115 focus. Simply ignore it, spam AS till 115 focus, or is it the same output to follow up each procs. It happened so extremely often, that I got several procs during spamming AS....additional I have Zevrim´s Hunger legendary where you recommend to simple use it. Summary I am little confused about the marked shots proc situation and how to handle it in a usefull way.

Isn´t it good to follow up AS, Marked Shot, AS, Marked Shot, AS and only start with the 2-3 AiS execution when there is no procs anymore?

And how should we handle multi-target situations? Isn´t it better to use each proc for AE Situations, witch means Multishot, Marked Shot, Multi Shot and execute with AiS as long as no proc is available...

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Do you toggle Volley off for bosses/single target or do you just keep it active all the time? (is it a ST boost?).

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Guest Souin

Ok no clue if that is a bug or it has smth to do with the 4 pc setbonus from Nighthold, BUT:


I just tested the AoE Specc and it comes nowhere close to the old "AoE" specc with barrage and sidewinders. My ilvl is around 880 and I tested it together with an 890 geared hunter. He did sustain 600k AoE with the new specc and 1,6mio with the old one.

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Guest Lagboot

So after a little testing last night I feel the hunter got buffed and is fine. Sidewinder build. In saying that, I think the haste recommendations are off a bit. I have 16% haste and was easily able to get 3 Aimed Shots off (4 with TS) and still move around out of ground poop. At 9% you are gimping yourself into a glass cannon and removing any ability to side step out of ground aoe or directed in-line damage from mob/boss.
The much despised (but I love it) Sidewinder build is still king. I am using the legendary ring that gives "free marked shots" (lately it has been procing 3-4 in a row, often) and belt. Sticking with Lock and Load (which procs a lot) I find I can get 4 Aimed off in a full Vulnerable window. When it procs I use WBurst or MarkShot spam my 2 freebies and 2-3 (3 if I am on my toes and due to higher haste rating) more. The other thing is Sidewinders return of 40 focus feels so much better than spamming Arcane shots and allows fluid Aimed shot rotation still (more sooner).
About the latest guide:
I know it is a work in progress, but I think we should have 3 seperate guides within the guide for all 3 tier 7 talents. It would make the rotations clearer.

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2 hours ago, Guest Lagboot said:

So after a little testing last night I feel the hunter got buffed and is fine. Sidewinder build. In saying that, I think the haste recommendations are off a bit. I have 16% haste and was easily able to get 3 Aimed Shots off (4 with TS) and still move around out of ground poop. At 9% you are gimping yourself into a glass cannon and removing any ability to side step out of ground aoe or directed in-line damage from mob/boss.
The much despised (but I love it) Sidewinder build is still king. I am using the legendary ring that gives "free marked shots" (lately it has been procing 3-4 in a row, often) and belt. Sticking with Lock and Load (which procs a lot) I find I can get 4 Aimed off in a full Vulnerable window. When it procs I use WBurst or MarkShot spam my 2 freebies and 2-3 (3 if I am on my toes and due to higher haste rating) more. The other thing is Sidewinders return of 40 focus feels so much better than spamming Arcane shots and allows fluid Aimed shot rotation still (more sooner).
About the latest guide:
I know it is a work in progress, but I think we should have 3 seperate guides within the guide for all 3 tier 7 talents. It would make the rotations clearer.


Do you still use barrage if not what is your replacement ?

Edited by Metztli

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