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Marksmanship Hunter 7.3

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On 10/19/2017 at 11:50 AM, Guest Alex said:

Is there ANY fight in ToS (for example on heroic) that I would use Convergence 890 over any of these two?

Depends on fight length for your group -  realistically, CoF 890 should be better than the 920 Sentinel's, but if you're not getting an extra use out of it, then Sentinel is better.

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Guest kittybleu

I have a sort of technical question- my guild just got to M Host- and I noticed I couldn't cleave the adds if I was targeting boss- (but I could cleave the boss if I was targeting adds)

I'm guessing it has to do with the way targeting works for hunters- am I correct in assuming that "target" for a hunter is dead center mass, and on a boss with a very large hitbox (like engine of souls) the radius of our aoe is actually smaller than than said hitbox?

If so I guess I have to ask my RL to have tank put the adds actually IN the boss' hitbox......

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12 hours ago, Guest kittybleu said:

I have a sort of technical question- my guild just got to M Host- and I noticed I couldn't cleave the adds if I was targeting boss- (but I could cleave the boss if I was targeting adds)

I'm guessing it has to do with the way targeting works for hunters- am I correct in assuming that "target" for a hunter is dead center mass, and on a boss with a very large hitbox (like engine of souls) the radius of our aoe is actually smaller than than said hitbox?

If so I guess I have to ask my RL to have tank put the adds actually IN the boss' hitbox......

Asking Azor.

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On 10/21/2017 at 1:12 AM, Guest kittybleu said:

If so I guess I have to ask my RL to have tank put the adds actually IN the boss' hitbox......

Direct from Azor:


It's finicky stuff with hitboxes. Cleaving from a smaller target to a bigger one nearby is always better than the opposite in terms of successfully getting your Multi-Shot to cleave. So, you just Multi-Shot off the adds on Host but use Aimed on the boss.

The same goes for everything in the game. Harjatan murlocs, Avatar Maiden, you always target the small fish when cleaving.

Hope this helps!

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Guest John

I don't know if this has been reflected in the trinket sims yet or not, but just today I noticed they nerfed the convergence of fates proc to 4 secs instead of 5 secs on the 24th of october, there was no mention of it as far as I know but can be seen in game today, I don't know how much it affects the overal sim ofcourse, I just wanted to mention it just incase ;) love the guides <3

- John

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Guest John

They also buffed the main stats on it by 10% to compensate I forgot to say too ;) if that helps

- John

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Guest Bloodtusk

Hi. I came across a trinket i don't see in the list and was hoping you guys could give me a clue if it's worth anything. "Rocksunder Lucky Statue"

Thanks for your efforts

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On 11/10/2017 at 3:32 PM, Guest John said:

They also buffed the main stats on it by 10% to compensate I forgot to say too ;) if that helps

- John

The trinket list is updated on the main spreadsheet, but not on the guide image. Check it here: 


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On 11/10/2017 at 11:04 PM, Guest Bloodtusk said:

Hi. I came across a trinket i don't see in the list and was hoping you guys could give me a clue if it's worth anything. "Rocksunder Lucky Statue"

Thanks for your efforts

You can find it on the trinket sims list under "X statstick", depending on the stat it has.

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11 hours ago, pyro123456 said:

what is the meaning of RingBoots, RingInsigna, RingGloves ? ,mentioned on this url https://www.icy-veins.com/wow/marksmanship-hunter-pve-dps-guide

Arc/Cos , i am assuming set from arcway and Cos Dungeon, but there are two sets , one that gives haste and other that adds fire damage. which set effect is used. 


It's the combination of legendaries used in the sim. RingBoots, for example, is Soul of the Huntmaster (Ring) and Ullr's Feather Snowshoes (Boots).

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So, when are hunters finally getting new usefull trinkets to look out for?

Current top 4 (with Antorus)

Arcano (old content World Boss, 860 base)
Tarnished (ToS, okay this was pretty recent)
Convergence (Nighthold, even been nerfed...)
Bloodthirsty (Emerald)

This feels so very dissappointing.


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8 hours ago, AartS said:

This feels so very dissappointing.

This is mainly the fault of Titanforging, unfortunately. Old trinkets stay relevant for far too long.

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Regarding gear recommendation ,I fully agree to stay 4x T20 and 2xT21, but I don´t understand, why we should choose Argus Shoulders (crit+haste) and ToS gloves (crit+vers), instead of ToS shoulders (vers+mastery) and Argus (crit+haste).

Argus Leggs to complete T21 2-piece bonus is clear, excellent stats, but the other recommendations are confuse me a little bit, because we loose a lot of mastery and win "only" crit instead....

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Just wondering, will Zevrim's Hunger + Warbelt be worthy combo's for Mythic+ or AOE heavy fights combined with the new Tier setbonus? Or will boots continue to > zevrim in these cases?

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13 hours ago, Armorphis said:

Regarding gear recommendation ,I fully agree to stay 4x T20 and 2xT21, but I don´t understand, why we should choose Argus Shoulders (crit+haste) and ToS gloves (crit+vers), instead of ToS shoulders (vers+mastery) and Argus (crit+haste).

Argus Leggs to complete T21 2-piece bonus is clear, excellent stats, but the other recommendations are confuse me a little bit, because we loose a lot of mastery and win "only" crit instead....

From the guide:


Critical Strike: Critical Strike benefits a lot from the T20 set bonuses, in particular the 2-set bonus that can adds at least 7-8% to Critical Strike's value as a stat, which in many cases pushes it above Mastery. If you have the T20 2-piece or 4-piece bonus, we strongly recommend using something like RaidBots.com to sim your stat weights and figure out if you should be swapping around your enchants and gems.

Hope this helps.

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5 hours ago, AartS said:

Just wondering, will Zevrim's Hunger + Warbelt be worthy combo's for Mythic+ or AOE heavy fights combined with the new Tier setbonus? Or will boots continue to > zevrim in these cases?

Good question - asking Azor, will let you know.

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On 29.11.2017 at 9:07 PM, AartS said:

Just wondering, will Zevrim's Hunger + Warbelt be worthy combo's for Mythic+ or AOE heavy fights combined with the new Tier setbonus? Or will boots continue to > zevrim in these cases?

My bet would be that is't not worth it because you want to have your Trueshot after the boss fight and without boots that could be hard to pull off.

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Guest kittybleu

recent comments made me wonder, How do you know if you should be swapping to crit gems/ench/food?

I mean, I know the answer I'm going to get is "sim yourself", but is there a result somewhere I've missed on raidbots that shows recommended enchants? Or is there a point where a particular difference in stat weights means swapping gems is a good idea?

(FYI my last sim for stat weights came out crit 40.81 and mastery 40.17 so I'm not swapping out my mastery stuff)

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On 11/29/2017 at 8:07 PM, AartS said:

Just wondering, will Zevrim's Hunger + Warbelt be worthy combo's for Mythic+ or AOE heavy fights combined with the new Tier setbonus? Or will boots continue to > zevrim in these cases?

So - from Azor: 4-piece will be worth using, Zevrim will not. Boots still win.

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22 hours ago, Vuda said:

My bet would be that is't not worth it because you want to have your Trueshot after the boss fight and without boots that could be hard to pull off.

It is not worth it, indeed :)

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10 hours ago, Guest kittybleu said:

recent comments made me wonder, How do you know if you should be swapping to crit gems/ench/food?

I mean, I know the answer I'm going to get is "sim yourself", but is there a result somewhere I've missed on raidbots that shows recommended enchants? Or is there a point where a particular difference in stat weights means swapping gems is a good idea?

(FYI my last sim for stat weights came out crit 40.81 and mastery 40.17 so I'm not swapping out my mastery stuff)

So, RaidBots doesn't necessarily tell you what to enchant, but instead allows you to actively sim two sets of gear against each other, thereby checking which one has the highest damage output. To do it, you need the SimC addon or SimPermut, then you can use this page:


The reason why this is more reliable than the simple stat weights is that it actually tests the output of each combination, rather than simply using weights (which can change as they increase) to multiply out an estimated damage increased. If you aren't bothered by minute DPS changes, you can simply use your weights, but as your weights get closer to each other, the answer becomes more difficult to find accurately without sim comparison.

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Guest CrucibleWeight

Export for Crucible Weight addon. 



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On 12/7/2017 at 12:48 AM, Guest CrucibleWeight said:

Export for Crucible Weight addon. 

Is this your own weights? Or a general weight you've made?

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Guest Trightz

So I just got back into playing WoW. I took a break back in March and things have certainly changed. I was at ilvl 890 when I left. Now that's clearly not anywhere as good as it was back in March. And now my stats are all screwballed. Is there a generalized Pawn string for MM Hunters (First time using Pawn) or could someone let me know what my stat #'s should be at generally (i.e  Mastery at or above 25, Crit at or above 25, Haste at, around, or above 15, ect).


Also, I've read multiple comments above and keep hearing folks say raidbot and simming themselves. What exactly are they referring to?


Any sound help would be extremely appreciated!



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