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Survival Hunter 7.3

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Guest Xardas

Sorry for my very bad english but i think you can understand me

my armory https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/character/burning-legion/qúincy

so i have 4pt 21 and 2p t20 and i have problem...im fu.cking hate mok nathal i think this buff ruined my fun on this spec to play ;/

so i pick mok nathal and serpend sting but i dont stack mok i use raptor strike only when i have 2p adn 4p bonus from t21set so i have sometimes mok nathal buff 1 or 2 stack

i lose so much damage doing this?? on raid dummy in 10min fight i have 1.60mil dps when im stacking mok to 4 and uptime always, but if i play like i said earlier using raptor strike only when i have 2p adn 4p bonus on, i do 1.5mil ,but this is only dummy

and  i do with my gear too low dps?


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On 12/22/2017 at 3:52 PM, Guest Myrorr-Xavius said:

I realise this isnt ideal as its only a LFR but i checked out the Top Mythic SV kill and his SS did 4.26 % of his damage, DfG did 4.9% of mine, Top LFR did 3.9% of his damage with SS. 

But DFG triggers the GCD. With 7 casts of it in your fight, you're not only contending with the damage of SS, but the other 7 casts you also lose out on (with the amount only getting larger as the fight gets longer). 

Assuming worst case scenario, you'll use 7 Raptor Strikes, meaning in your log, it'd be an additional 632,000*7 damage. So you're looking at the damage from SS + another 4,424,000 damage. Given that that 4,424,000 damage is around 30% of the damage you dealt with DFG, it's fair to say that it is more damage than the increase from DFG to SS (which is around 20% in your most extreme comparison of LFR to LFR, 4.9% to 3.9%). Keep in mind this is a worst case scenario, while using your Raptor Strike damage and a low SS damage output level. The difference only becomes bigger when checking the other logs, since the Mythic top parses' RS does about 2.5x the damage yours does.

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15 hours ago, Guest Xardas said:

i lose so much damage doing this?? on raid dummy in 10min fight i have 1.60mil dps when im stacking mok to 4 and uptime always, but if i play like i said earlier using raptor strike only when i have 2p adn 4p bonus on, i do 1.5mil ,but this is only dummy

Can you post a log of yourself to the Hunter forum? I can't really help you with what you've given me, your armoury doesn't tell me anything. 


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21 minutes ago, Guest Xardas said:

So, you're using AI there, but for general use: you need to keep WotMN stacks at 4 as much as possible.

As for your actual log:

  • You should be running Serpent Sting on Aggramar. It's by far the best parsing choice, as seen here.
  • You only cast one Raptor Strike on the fight. You should have 60+ on a fight this length.
  • You could have fit in another use of Fury of the Eagle easily with better management of its usage.
  • Your opener is really confused. Check the opener section of the guide to work out how to perform this.

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Guest Xardas

ah sorry on this log aggrama i dont use t21  cuz i drop last part on this aggramar xD next time when i go raid i link logs with t21 set

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On 12/29/2017 at 7:44 PM, Guest Xardas said:

ah sorry on this log aggrama i dont use t21  cuz i drop last part on this aggramar xD next time when i go raid i link logs with t21 set

I'll take a look whenever you're ready with the log.

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Guest Xardasos
On 15.10.2017 at 12:38 PM, Blainie said:

Tested this on my Hunter (also female human) - might be a trinket proc or so, I don't see it. Have you seen it again on a character?

and again i today see hunter sv female ho when have 3 stacks + of mongose she shine all the time but only when she have 3+

2 screens -she dont have any proc trinket or something else weird buff

2 stacks - https://ibb.co/dTRgu6

and another screen 2 sec after when she have 3 stacks

3 stacks - https://ibb.co/c3nnZ6

she shine in red color ;/ all the time when he have 3+



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19 hours ago, Guest Xardasos said:

and again i today see hunter sv female ho when have 3 stacks + of mongose she shine all the time but only when she have 3+

2 screens -she dont have any proc trinket or something else weird buff

2 stacks - https://ibb.co/dTRgu6

and another screen 2 sec after when she have 3 stacks

3 stacks - https://ibb.co/c3nnZ6

she shine in red color ;/ all the time when he have 3+



Thats really weird, it seems a bug from the Bestial Wrath animation.

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On 1/16/2018 at 6:58 PM, Guest Xardasos said:

and again i today see hunter sv female ho when have 3 stacks + of mongose she shine all the time but only when she have 3+

The only things it can be are a trinket proc, a buff or a bug. I'm really not sure what it is. Maybe Sacred is right with it being a BW bug.

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Hello i was looking over the BiS portion of this guide and i was wondering why Mote of the Forgemaster is BiS iron relic when Decimator Crankshaft exists?

Because i was looking at it wondering why, when in the artifact portion of the guide it says that Fluffy, Go is less of a ilvl upgrade compared to Jaws of the Mongoose.

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I think that rotation and coldown section have some problem.

6.4.2 said 'Because both "Snake Hunter" and "Aspect of the Eagle" offer a big return on Mongoose Bite charges, you do not usually want to cast them within the same Mongoose Fury window.'

But, in the 6.4.5 said ' "Snake Hunter" should be used together with your "Aspect of the Eagle ability". '

the one section says "use that skills separate phase", and the other section says "use that skill in one phase"  

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On 1/20/2018 at 7:48 PM, Guest SUPAHGUESTO said:

Hello i was looking over the BiS portion of this guide and i was wondering why Mote of the Forgemaster is BiS iron relic when Decimator Crankshaft exists?

Because i was looking at it wondering why, when in the artifact portion of the guide it says that Fluffy, Go is less of a ilvl upgrade compared to Jaws of the Mongoose.

Because you gain bonus item level, since Argus the Unmaker drops loot that is 10 item levels above the rest of Antorus.

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On 1/24/2018 at 1:14 AM, Laiglinne said:

I think that rotation and coldown section have some problem.

6.4.2 said 'Because both "Snake Hunter" and "Aspect of the Eagle" offer a big return on Mongoose Bite charges, you do not usually want to cast them within the same Mongoose Fury window.'

But, in the 6.4.5 said ' "Snake Hunter" should be used together with your "Aspect of the Eagle ability". '

the one section says "use that skills separate phase", and the other section says "use that skill in one phase"  

I've let Azor know.

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On 1/24/2018 at 1:14 AM, Laiglinne said:

I think that rotation and coldown section have some problem.

This has now been fixed :)

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Any thoughts on the Survival Rework? Now it trully feels like a ranged class with one melee ability.

Raptor Strike / Mangoose bite (Melee unless aspect of the eagle is up)

Kill command (ranged)

Serpent Sting (ranged)

Wildfire bomb (ranged)

Throw Axe (ranged)

Artic Bola (ranged)

Murder of crows (ranged)

Chakrams (ranged)

I'm really excited by these changes and, just from a rotational and fun point of view, I would love to choose:

Tier 1 Talents: Throw Axe

Tier 2 Talents: Hydra bite for 2/3 targets cleave; Volatile Mixture for continuos aoe; Butchery for burst aoe

Tier 3 Talents: Posthate (I would love it it also applied to Disengage)

Tier 4 Talents: A Murder of crows

Tier 5 Talents: whichever. Probably binding shot

Tier 6 Talents: Mangoose bite 

Tier 7 Talents: Chakrams

I also love the New Mastery which increases the damage of all our focus consuming abilities (almost every ability except kill command, Wildfire bomb and Chakrams) 

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1 hour ago, SacredBlaze said:

Any thoughts on the Survival Rework? Now it trully feels like a ranged class with one melee ability.

It seems like it'll play similarly to the Demon Hunter from Diablo - mainly ranged, with a bit of melee thrown in when needed. Not sure if I'm a fan, but I'll try it out before giving an actual like/dislike opinion on it.

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Guest Quincy

I have  38%crit.  39%haste.   8% mastery.  13& versa. I have to much haste or crit? I wanna boost my versa changing items crit to versa but im unlucky to versa drop items 

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6 hours ago, Guest Quincy said:

I have  38%crit.  39%haste.   8% mastery.  13& versa. I have to much haste or crit? I wanna boost my versa changing items crit to versa but im unlucky to versa drop items 

There's no way to tell this other than through simming it. Use RaidBots to sim yourself: https://www.raidbots.com/simbot

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4. Viability of Spec Choices in Antorus

Marksmanship has the strongest single-target and AoE damage output of all three Hunter specs, but it is quite limited by movement which can be problematic in the hands of less experienced players, but the damage benefits it brings to Mythic raids in particular makes it worth learning and optimizing. It is also best for Mythic+ due to its AoE damage potential, and solid utility with Bursting Shot IconBursting Shot.

Beast Mastery generally does the least damage of all the Hunter specs, but it does not suffer from movement at all which makes it excellent if you are new to raiding and whatever content you are doing. It has good short-term single-target bursts which can make it really strong on fights where this is important. In Mythic+, it can bring both Bloodlust IconBloodlust / Heroism IconHeroism as well as battle ressurrections to your group using its pets, and its single-target burst comes in handy for dungeons like Upper Karazhan where there is not much AoE either.

 "Survive" has the second-best single-target potential of the three Hunter specs, and while it lacks in sustained AoE damage, it has excellent burst AoE using its Butchery IconButchery ability, and great AoE crowd control abilities through Caltrops IconCaltrops AoE slow, battle-ress and Bloodlust IconBloodLust /Heroism Icon  Heroism with pets, and enhanced traps across the board. In the aggregate, it is a competitive spec in the right hands, gaining a lot with a well-executed rotation, but also being a tad unforgiving and punishing when not played close to optimally. Due to this, in reality, it is often on par with Beast Mastery for single-target, due to the latter's ease of play compared to Survival.




How long is true??

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This guide will be updated for the release of the pre-patch of Battle for Azeroth in the next few days. We are aiming to have every guide deployed prior to the patch going live.

Please note that a new feedback thread will be created for the new guide, meaning that this one will be archived. Any feedback you have for the new guide should be placed in the new comment thread.

Thank you all for your patience and we are working to get the new guides up as soon as possible.

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Guest OMG


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