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[Hyjal][H] Fun is for Casuals - Recruiting

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Server:  Hyjal
Faction:  Horde
Raid Days:  Tuesday and Thursday 8PM - 11PM EST once Legion raids open.  In the mean time, we will be raiding on Thursdays at 8PM to familiarize ourselves with the spec reworks.
Needs:  Melee and Ranged DPS, any spec.  Possibly a DPS with a tank offspec.

Are you tired of the PuG scene?  Are you looking for a more casual raiding atmospere without having to raid with incompetent players?  Do you miss the days of smaller tight knit groups?  We might have a home for you.

<Fun is For Casuals> is comprised of a small group of friends who have gamed together beginning with Vanilla WoW through Warlords of Draenor.  We have also dabbled in such games and Aion, Rift, Tera, Neverwinter, Blade and Soul, Guild Wars II, and Wildstar during long content droughts in Warcraft.  We are all over the age of 25 and at a point in our lives (family, work, etc.) where Mythic progression raiding does not interest us.  However, this does not mean that we are lacking in skill.  We will clear through and farm Heroic raid content each tier as well as farming Mythic+ dungeons once released.

Our only requirements are that you show up as consistently as possible and perform at a passable level.  Lets face it, Heroic content isn't exactly back breaking.  With this being said, we also don't expect you to treat our raids like it is LFR.  We have pride in our abilities as players and we expect you to have the same.  

If you would like to join or have any questions about our guild please feel free to get in contact with myself at DbD#1309.  

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