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Mistweaver Monk 7.3

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If there is any current data that needs to be update can you post it soon? I have seen many post on other sites that are conflicting information on builds? looking to squeeze all i can :) thanks for all the help so far. If you would like to add a Pot to your healing AOE bird what would be the best?

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Guest Thuuls

Can someone please explain the rationale behind the first artifact weapon path listed in the guide? Unless I'm reading something wrong, Spirit Tether doesn't seem to have any worth for healing whatsoever and should be avoided as long as possible.

Especially if Dancing Mists is recommended over Yu'lon, wouldn't it make more sense to go Soothing Remedies/Shroud of Mist/Infusion of Life/Sheilun and then picking up Way of the Mistweaver and Essence of the Mists afterwards as needed?

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11 hours ago, Guest Thuuls said:

Can someone please explain the rationale behind the first artifact weapon path listed in the guide? Unless I'm reading something wrong, Spirit Tether doesn't seem to have any worth for healing whatsoever and should be avoided as long as possible.

Especially if Dancing Mists is recommended over Yu'lon, wouldn't it make more sense to go Soothing Remedies/Shroud of Mist/Infusion of Life/Sheilun and then picking up Way of the Mistweaver and Essence of the Mists afterwards as needed?


That's not a mistake, and the reason for going with this path is because it enables you to unlock Mists of Life as quickly as possible, which is important. Also, we value Essence of the Mists higher than Soothing Remedies. We've amended the image, since it was slightly misleading (but the actual text was correct).

Let me know if anything is still unclear.

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Guest Guest

a bit confused about the third artifact progression path. what's the point of 1/3 Extended Healing?

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1 hour ago, Guest Guest said:

a bit confused about the third artifact progression path. what's the point of 1/3 Extended Healing?

That's actually a mix-up, there's no need to stop after taking 1/3. Just take 3/3 and then carry on as stated (to either Dancing Mists of Blessings of Yu'lon). Guide should be updated to reflect this soon.

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Guest Layqusit

So versatility is actually the go-to stat for Mistweavers now?

I'm just a little bit confused since i never saw versatility as the best secondary stat for any other spec.

Can you give confirmation on this being correct?

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11 hours ago, Guest Layqusit said:

So versatility is actually the go-to stat for Mistweavers now?

I'm just a little bit confused since i never saw versatility as the best secondary stat for any other spec.

Can you give confirmation on this being correct?

It is actually the case for some other specs too (like Vengeance Demon Hunter). Most people see Versatility as generally bland, but sometimes it just works out to be the best.

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Guest TeddyR

Mark of the Claw does not proc from heals. So pretty useless for none fistweavers.

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19 hours ago, Guest TeddyR said:

Mark of the Claw does not proc from heals. So pretty useless for none fistweavers.

Thanks for pointing this out. I'm adding Mark of the Trained Soldier as an alternative if not fistweaving.

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Guest Djawz

Have you guys any plans to add some stat weights for the stat priority?

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Guest Dhyana

Really looking for a bit of a deeper understanding on Fistweaving. 

First of all is it truly viable for raids AND Mythic+? Is it better than regular mistweaving at raids or mythic+? 

IMO as it stands Rising Thunder is THE fistweaver talent and spirit of the crane is an optional additional fistweaver talent. Is spirit of the crane the correct choice on raids or mythic+? I am trying to figure out when to pick what tier 3 talent and often times feel myself gravitating towards mistwrap or lifecycles because of all the enveloping mists used with fistweaving. 

If you could go into detail the decision making process for tier 3 talents strictly from a fistweaving perspective that would be much appreciated. 

Lastly, from a progression Raiders standpoint would you rather have a mistweaver or fistweaver in your raid? Because Monk Healers don't really have a niche sometimes it feels like you constantly are having to prove your value to the raid and I'd like to put myself in the best position to do that. 

Sorry for the long post, any information you have for me is much appreciated. Thank you in advance for your time and effort! 

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12 hours ago, Guest Dhyana said:

First of all is it truly viable for raids AND Mythic+? Is it better than regular mistweaving at raids or mythic+? 

For raids Mistweaver is 100% viable. As for Mythic +, Mistweaver will be able to clear +10, but will likely need more gear to clear +15 for the artifact skin compared to a resto druid. Most healers have this problem though. 


12 hours ago, Guest Dhyana said:

IMO as it stands Rising Thunder is THE fistweaver talent and spirit of the crane is an optional additional fistweaver talent. Is spirit of the crane the correct choice on raids or mythic+? I am trying to figure out when to pick what tier 3 talent and often times feel myself gravitating towards mistwrap or lifecycles because of all the enveloping mists used with fistweaving. 

While yes, SoTC is an optional talent for Fistweaving in a raid setting, it is generally want you default to. It offers to most dps (your goal when you fistweave), and the free RSK resets can be directly translated into additional free dps/healing.

Sometimes you will simply not have the time to cast tiger palm or black out kick. An example of this being a fight in Nighthold called Tichondrius. You simply need to spam enveloping mist/vivify/ef to keep up with the high damage, and you have infinite mana to spam with. 

For Mythic + there's no real reason to ever talent SoTC. Since you're already heavily spamming EnM/vivify, you will gain more mana sustain from lifecycles. That said, mana sustain is only relevant in the higher end of mythic +, so mistwrap is generally taken for the additional single target hps. 

12 hours ago, Guest Dhyana said:

If you could go into detail the decision making process for tier 3 talents strictly from a fistweaving perspective that would be much appreciated. 


I already kinda answered this, but the way I see it is the goal of fistweaving is to do damage whilst still doing relevant healing. SoTC gives you a filler spell that does DPS, and also gives you additional free tft's which turn into free healing via vivify. 

You would take Lifecycles if you do not have the GCD's to cast tiger palm, and need to cast a powerful healing spell every global cooldown. The Lifecycles rotation will do more healing in comparsion to a full SOTC+RT build, however you will do far less damage, and find yourself going oom quicker, because you're always breaking the soothing mist channel with the movement of melee, and pressing ReM/RSK on cd. 

I wouldn't really take Mistwrap with Rising Thunder, as the playstyle heavily relies on soothing mist, and doesn't really work out well when you're forced to cast spells that break the soothing mist channel all the time. This is compounded by the fact mist wrap offers the worst raw mana sustain. 

12 hours ago, Guest Dhyana said:

Lastly, from a progression Raiders standpoint would you rather have a mistweaver or fistweaver in your raid? Because Monk Healers don't really have a niche sometimes it feels like you constantly are having to prove your value to the raid and I'd like to put myself in the best position to do that. 

I don't really understand this mindset. Unless you raid in the top 5 of the world, so long as you're a good player, you're not going to be replaced if you play a "shit" class. Healing is so well balanced hps wise right now, I can't see anyone making this argument that mistweaver sucks, unless the player is bad.


Anyway, you should be playing both. It would be incorrect for me to recommend you fistweave on encounters where you need the most hps possible at all times, just like it would be incorrect for me to recommend you mistweave on fights where the healing can be covered by other healers. It's important to realize with healer dps, every healer can do it, but most healers don't gain anything out of it. Mistweaver still contributes competitive hps whilst doing dps for free if you choose to fistweave. 



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Guest nick

not understanding why you rank vers and crit higher than haste and mastery. my output is insane stacking haste and mastery compared to crit and vers. sorry but i don't agree at all with this guide.

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Just now, Guest nick said:

not understanding why you rank vers and crit higher than haste and mastery. my output is insane stacking haste and mastery compared to crit and vers. sorry but i don't agree at all with this guide.

What content are you currently completing? Are you by any chance obtaining insane output in Mythic dungeons, given that raids currently aren't available? The part of the game that directly aligns with M+, in which our guide states you should be using haste and mastery?

There are 3 different stat priorities here, in which one does actually align with yours. I'm not sure how you can not "agree at all" with the guide, since it has your exact priority in there.

Thanks for your comment!

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Guest Bad Monk

So Vers > Haste > Crit is Fistweaving stat priority? Or is it Haste>Crit>Vers? Is there an optimal haste cap to hit?

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On 11/09/2016 at 10:34 AM, Guest Bad Monk said:

So Vers > Haste > Crit is Fistweaving stat priority? Or is it Haste>Crit>Vers? Is there an optimal haste cap to hit?

It would seem Vers > Haste > Crit is the ideal build for Fistweaving. Haste becomes the priority in Mythic+ mainly due to the timer involved there. You can also drink in M+, which you cannot do mid-raid boss.

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Guest Whats Up Dawg

Can you discuss the artifact ability Sheilun? It isn't mentioned in the stat priority and is only briefly talked about in cooldowns. Obviously, its a great big heal that costs no mana, but what are your thoughts on using it? Personally, I only use it +3 stacks when my main tank gets low in substitution for vivify. 

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15 hours ago, Guest Whats Up Dawg said:

Can you discuss the artifact ability Sheilun? It isn't mentioned in the stat priority and is only briefly talked about in cooldowns. Obviously, its a great big heal that costs no mana, but what are your thoughts on using it? Personally, I only use it +3 stacks when my main tank gets low in substitution for vivify. 

I leave this one for someone that is more experienced than I to discuss. Tagging @Suplift for more info.

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Guest solo content

Can you level/solo as MW, or is it better to start WW, get MW weapon at 102, save all the artifact increases, and just use them at 110 on MW weapons?

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5 minutes ago, Guest solo content said:

Can you level/solo as MW, or is it better to start WW, get MW weapon at 102, save all the artifact increases, and just use them at 110 on MW weapons?

You definitely can level as MW, but WW will be faster.

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On 15/9/2016 at 4:34 PM, Guest solo content said:

Can you level/solo as MW, or is it better to start WW, get MW weapon at 102, save all the artifact increases, and just use them at 110 on MW weapons?

If we take as a fact that we level up as "sole" Mistweaver (spec) and the content we are clearing is Quests / rares / proffesions (killing involved) i would say that the healing spec is quite good as you can dps / tank and heal yourself.

# I would like to make some examples for my evaluation and explain why it is valid and how you can achieve that.
# Take into consideration that the stats you have do not amount in my theory as more or less is the questing gear(meant to be only from quests and without the help of dungeon gear that it is obviously better. On the other hand the gear slightly varries with the upgrade chance that you have).

1) You can level up as mistweaver using your statue tier 7 talent to cast a healing ability to yourself (as such is the case you will be healed by the statues soothing mist for 25-26 secs and after that you will need to recast a healing ability to keep the soothing mist up).That is also the 1 out of 2 times your staute tier 7 talent is actualy useful (the other time for the people who ask is when you want to fistweave and you have mana problems as Jade wind tier 7 talent consumes a good amount of your mana).

2) While some thinks that Mistweavers lost their "fistweaving" dps after the pre-patch this is not true and that is because teachings of the monastery passive is too powerful when it comes to making damage (tigerpalm -> blackout kick dmg is trully too much compared to other healers and the mana consumption of spinning crane kick is retartedly small as you can spam it and still regen some mana as you spam). 

3) If you think of leveling as a fistweaver then i suggest the bellow content of advices:

# Your statue is valuable you need to have it up while you are pulling mobs (you can pull a group of mobs exactly because you have the soothing mist from the statue healing you).

I believe that a lot of you will find this advice is actualy the most valid when you want to pull a lot of mobs (look bellow):

  a) The talents you can use while leveling are not the same as the talents you use when you heal a group of people as you are the main target and your spells are selfheals. As a good talent for leveling you will find the dmg and healing of Zen pulse tier 1 talent to be better than chi burst for the reason that you do not need to cast it (it is instant) and the cooldown is 15 seconds (half of what chi burst's is) as well as it scales with the number of your enemies (healing wise).

  b) I use chi torpedo tier 2 talent because it propels you forward a longer distance and gives you a movement speed buff that is good when you do not need to mount up for the next mob group but a single roll is not enough to get you there as well. There is a bug i asume that when you do Spinning crane kick and right after chi torpedo you actualy move forward and damage the enemies you overrun (quite useful if you want to pull a lot of neutral mobs).
  c) Since you are leveling and your mana consumption is not an actual problem i suggest mist wrap tier 3 talent because you can heal yourself while moving (good for sort distance quests) to the next group of mobs if you are not full hp. There is also another reason i suggest this talent: Shroud of Mist is an artifact trait that you can pick (of course i am not advicing you to unlock the talent if you are not going for the Golden trait Celestial Breath) and as the trait states you will take less damage while channeling your soothing mist. Quite a good combo with mist wrap as you can move and take 10% less damage alltogether  (13% if you have 4/4 on it).

  d) Leg sweep tier 4 talent is an instacast stun that allows you to take a breath and heal yourslef up if the mobs are too much for you or if there were more of them unexpectedly pulled along. Also not all the times but quite some times you can interrupt abilities with it (as a mistweaver monk you have not spearhand strike anymore so leg sweep is even more valualbe than before the pre-patch).

  e) The tier 5 talent has not any real best or worst skill when it comes to leveling but i took healing elixir as i was literaly pulling to the edge groups of mobs and i wanted more heals than i could do with my fingers alone (even with the usage of life cocoon you can never be too carefull).

  f) As already everyone that read until now have understand the only trait that is valid for leveling as mistweaver or as fistweaver is the tier 7 Statue of the Jade serpent i will once again say that this is my opinion upon the matter and i do not reject the guide Suplift made at all. Statue is a big help when it comes to leveling , i already said why some lines above , i suggest that you take it as chi-ji has a lot of cooldown and jade wind is not exactly what you say a single target spell + it is not keeping up with the time you will need to kill off the mobs.

 g) Since you are obviously using your damage spells as tiger palm / blackout kick / rising sun kick and Spinning crane kick through the questing content you will find that mana tea is not a valid talent since you will never be out of mana (of course there are times that someone will spam too much his high consumption spells and waste his mana). Focus thunder is a talent that i never used so i wouldn't know if it is valid for leveling but i am sure that it is not as good as the suggested tier 8 talent Rising thunder. Why Rising thunder is too good of a choice ? Simply put you will have your thunder focus tea ready for activation every time because your damage making abilities consist of a series of combos ... Rising sun kick even when used on his own cooldown will reset your thunder focus tea and as a matter of fact you will have an instacast ability , yes Enveloping Mist.


4) Examples of how to utilize your spells / talents / artifact traits when leveling :

  a) Pulling a group of mobs with the same level as you and with more hp than you that do not hurt that much:

You place your tier 7 statue on the ground and cast an effuse for the soothing mist to be activated (will keep up for 25-26 secs) then you pull the group of mobs (4 to 8 mobs) and spam spinning crane kick. When your life is at 60% you use your thunder focus tea with Enveloping mist and instantly after you attack with a rising sun kick to reset the cooldown of thunder focus tea (its good to have it ready at all times). With the effect of enveloping mist on you and with nearly 2 times of doing this you will have killed all the group of mobs. Zen pulse use on cooldown if you lack damage or keep and use if you can't handle the damage taken. Renewing Mist is to be used on cooldown as always.

  b) Pulling a group of mobs that hurts too much such as wolfs or harpies:

Same story as before you place down your statue but this time you cast Enveloping mist from the start and you do not pull more than 4-5 mobs because you can hardly handle their burst damage. You use the upper strategy but this time you use your leg sweep if you see that you cannot heal yourself up fast after their burst and some times you might want to use your life cocoon to be safe (healing elixir will help if your life drop too low as well). You use your Zen pulse only for healing yourself up and not on cooldown like the upper strategy. Renewing Mist is to be used on cooldown as always.

  c) Pulling a rare or a very difficualt to handle mob as a solo player:

Here is the best part of being a mistweaver since you can actualy solo "minibosses" that some dps toons would not handle. Your statue - statue - statue is the thing that will help you again you place it on the ground and instacast Enveloping mist for the soothing mist to activate. But ... this time you actualy have an easier time healing yourself ... why ? You use only single target skills of course. Starting with the combo of rising sun kick - > black out kick -> tiger palm etc you stick into the combo your thunder focus tea + Enveloping mist instacast. With a little rng luck you will have your Enveloping mist always on you with only a little less dps because of the 1 sec you will need to instacast it (huehuehue just 1 sec). Your Zend pulse do not play a big role in these kind of encounters and if you use it you will just disrrupt your dpsing flow. Renewing Mist is to be used on cooldown as always.
#As an expirienced monk with an average gear of 825 ilvl you can even solo world quest bosses (type:danger).


  d) This is not an actual mob you can kill and you need to run away so it will lose agro on you:

This is more a survival tactic and not a dpsing one as you need to flee for your life. If you are a night elf then your life is easy , just use your shadowmeld. Is your shadowmeld on cooldown or you failed shaking the agro for some reason ? Then follow this tact as all the others scrub. You face an enemy that you can't win against but you have already set your statue down (because you do it every time you see a mob literaly) so you use your instacast combo Enveloping mist and you attempt a paralysis , eventualy the miniboss has immunity and you need to run for your life chi torpidoing away but for your bad luck the miniboss has slowed you down or has a jumping ability or even teleports you back near it , you need desperately to leave that place and survive without dying (because Heroes never dies) so you kick it with rising sun kick for the reset of your thunder focus tea and instacast your Enveloping mist again but you take no other action apart from running away. Why you do that ? Because you have 2 soothing mists on you + hots effects (unkillable). You can use your life cocoon - revival as some survival heals as well but as i am concerned you will never die with 2 beams + hots on you ( you are not trying to solo a world boss afterall ). There is also one more thing that will help you survive and it is an artifact trait that you unlock if you have chosen to be a fistweaver (By my thoughts of course) and its name is Shroud of mist. While you are running for your life you actualy heal yourself because you have chosen mist wrap and conviniently you are also taking 10% less damage because of your artifact trait.

# Why to unlock shroud of mist while leveling ?

Simply put if you are going to become a fistweaver you will use your thunder focus tea all the time and the Golden artifact trait that will maximize your healing output in that case is Celestial Breath. Eventualy trying to unlock the golden trait you will first unlock Shroud of mist and as a matter of fact you need 17 lvl artifact for you to have 2 golden artifact traits unlocked if you just unlock the links needed towards them.


At last i would like to say that all this text is not simply a theory but what i did to level up one of my several Monks (I am leveling only as a healer). It took me 12 hours right after the launch of the expantion to get level 110 and at that time there were only 50 people in my server that had reach the max level.
I did not play beta because i never gained a key so i didn't know about sortcuts or anything like that to help me level up faster. So take it that i was a rookie at questing and still made it on the first of my server.

# If any moderators found any of my ideas usefull feel free to amend them copy or add them as they see better . cheers :)

Edited by Thesinfault
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On 9/17/2016 at 0:24 AM, Thesinfault said:

If any moderators found any of my ideas usefull feel free to amend them copy or add them as they see better . cheers :)

Not changing anything here, just wanted to say thank you. Fantastic piece of information for anyone hoping to level as MW.

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Are the stat weights of noxxic still updatet? Does anyone know? Are they even "right"?

If not i would be very pleased to see the stat weights of this mistweaver guide :)

Edited by MrParadoxus

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    • By Stan
      For the next two weeks, the Archaeology quest for Spirit of Eche'ro is available on live servers, so don't forget to get the rare mount before it's gone for 6 months!
      How to Get the Spirit of Eche'ro Mount
      1. Download MapCoords or some other add-os that displays coordinates in the game.
      2. Teleport to Azsuna from the Stormwind/Orgrimmar Portal Room or use your Dalaran Hearthstone to reach Dalaran (Legion) if you have one in your inventory.
      3. Seek out Archaeology Trainer Dariness the Learned in Dalaran at 41,26 and learn Archaeology if you already haven't.
      4. Accept The Right Path quest from the Archaeology Trainer and make your way to Thunder Totem in Highmountain.
      5. Talk to Lessah Moonwater to accept Laying to Rest. For the quest, you must collect 600 Bone Fragments of Eche'ro by rotating between four digsites in Highmountain. The exact locations with coords are outlined below.
      Digsite 1: Darkfeather Valley (50, 44) Digsite 2: Dragon's Falls (58, 72) Digsite 3: Path of Huin (44, 72) Digsite 4: Whitewater Wash (39, 65) it takes roughly around 2 hours to get the mount.
      Spirit of Eche'ro
      "The spirit of Huln Highmountain's pet moose."

      Hurry up! You only have until August 21, 2024, to get the mount!
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