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Holy Paladin 7.3

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On 11/14/2016 at 10:43 AM, Guest Rudy199 said:

Guys, how do you feel about haste? With extremely low haste and super-high crit, holy shock cooldown seems just way too long for me. Is it a good idea to go for ~20% haste and ~40% crit?

I mean, no, it's likely not. Haste is terrible for mana usage and with no way to push for more Spirit, you'll likely see a drop in your output if you actively push for it, especially in longer fights.

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On 11/30/2016 at 9:31 PM, Guest Diznutz said:

why isnt  Mark of the Ancient Priestess  pref for neck enchant over mastery ? and why isnt crit enchant default ? 

Because it is a worse enchant than the Mastery one. Which Crit enchant are you referring to? Mark of the Claw? It doesn't proc from healing and it procs approximately twice per minute, which means around 12 seconds uptime per 60 seconds. The mastery one is better.

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Guest BIS and Stats

Can the BIS please be updated not just for Legs, Its always really confusing to know whats actually best for H pally, Crit /vers/  or Crit /mastery  is there a base % for Crit and mastery you should have (with out the tier set as its not available yet)

For example i have a gear set that is

ilvl 876 with 43% Crit, 0 versa, 4% haste and 50% mastery , 37500 Int

another set

ilvl 882 with 40% Crit 8% versa, 2% haste and 30% mastery 36500 Int

what would be the better set? i would assume the lower ilvl set would be but no one would take a 876 over a 882 in a group. 

seems really silly how secondary stats are worth more then ilvl. i know its ment to be fixed in 7.1.5 but i think it will make the second Crit stat harder to get high and more importantly ignoring the ilvl of an item if it has more Crit. 


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On 12/11/2016 at 11:37 PM, Guest BIS and Stats said:

what would be the better set?

The first set. Also, the BiS isn't updated to include gear basically just because of how complicated it can be. There isn't really a single list of items that are 100% best. This is mainly due to WF/TF and how drastically it can affect the item level of an item. M+ also is a big problem.

There's a general list being worked on, but I'm not sure when it's coming. It'll probably be up for 7.1.5.

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The guides are currently being updated for 7.1.5! I just wanted to leave a few notes for all of our users that might be getting ready to leave a comment:

  • Some pages do not require updates. The "Last Updated" stat does not mean the page is out of date, it might just not have needed any changes. If you feel that it does, leave a comment telling us what needs changing and why.
  • The process will not happen immediately - some guides will be updated faster than others simply due to the number of resources available. Be patient, they'll be ready when you need them!
  • There might be some continuity errors when making small adjustments to large guide pages. If you do find one of these, just let us know in the comments and we'll get it fixed ASAP.
  • "Why have you not taken into account X buff to X ability?" - remember, just because something got buffed, it doesn't mean it is now automatically better than the other options!

As always, we want to thank you all for being patient while we get things updated and I'm always available to help you all if you need it :)

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Guest Tjib23

You need to  rewrite your evaluation of aggramar's stride since they now benefit from either haste or crit (whichever is your highest) thus making the legendary considerably better since crit is our best stat.

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On 1/17/2017 at 11:17 PM, Guest Tjib23 said:

You need to  rewrite your evaluation of aggramar's stride since they now benefit from either haste or crit (whichever is your highest) thus making the legendary considerably better since crit is our best stat.

Will get this updated, thanks!

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Guest outdated?

I have been playing at 110 for about a month now and have been reading countless article on Holy Paladins and healing. I have been looking at Warcraft Logs of other holy paladins in fights. First thing that I believe might need to be reevaluated, Crit vs Vers vs Haste vs Mas. I have found that in most situations that the drop off on having high mastery destroys it as a viable stat to choose. It is rare that adds can be withing 30 yds of boss, and with Rule of Law you are still missing time with the extra 50% range padding. You will also end up finding yourself trying to run to the player that is hurt to heal them better. When you guys run these numbers, do it for 20 yds plus, because most raid groups split in every raid at least once (EN dragons, HOV Odyn, NH Tich and more). Stacking isnt as common since druids, shammys, monks dont need it the way stating into mastery will mean for us.

In my opinion the article should better explain that while crit is the holy paladins bread and butter, at 30% (with Avenging Wrath) you are at 100% crit on your holy shock. Then your choice becomes Flash of Light or Holy Light). Cool, this sounds good. If you stack more than 50% crit (45% with the 2-set) the only benefit you see from Avenging Wrath is the haste increase........ 


What I am trying to say is the best benifit from cooldowns and from rotation comes from Crit and your GCD. Since so many abilities are instant cast the next best thing to do would be increasing the amount of heals we can get out in a certain time period and start discussing using Maytr as a rotation piece instead of a last option in are arsenal. Sure Warcraft Logs and other loging addons will subtract the damage you inflict on yourself but in the end of the day keeping everyone alive is the healers responsibility.


for those of you who made it this far a rotation I have been trying:

bestow, light of marytr +Divine protection, light of marytr, holy shock (on me or on person who took damage), Flash of light (on the opposite person from either me or the person taking damage).

in heavy damage: Avenging wrath, Holy shock, Flash of light, Divine shield, SMASH LIGHT OF Martyr since you are now taking no damage for 8 seconds. With enough haste, and crit, you should after those 8 seconds have your holy shock close to back.

of course in heavy raid wide damage (rule of law always goes first before aoe heals) light of dawn, tyr of deleerence and, aura mastery and any other instance aoe heals. 

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Guest Daitenshi

There going to be a section for best professions to chose from?

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On 2/4/2017 at 5:53 AM, Guest outdated? said:

First thing that I believe might need to be reevaluated, Crit vs Vers vs Haste vs Mas

The thing is with Crit, is that there are technically more than one point that needs to be mentioned if you are going into full detail of stat %-choice - Crit doesn't maintain a constant priority and shifts at different breakpoints, as well as at a soft cap. The issue is with soft caps is that it isn't a simple "When you reach X %, stop taking this stat completely". 

Instead, what happens is: You reach a certain level of crit, up until which it has been by far your best stat, and then the value stats to diminish. The issue is, it doesn't immediately drop to 0 as it would with a hard cap. Instead, it slowly moves down on the priority compared to other stats. The point at which it becomes better depends on the levels of other stats that you currently have. 

If you hit the 45% soft cap, you then still have a period of a few % at least where Crit is still your best stat, simply because despite the lack of use for it in AW, it is still an incredibly powerful stat elsewhere. You could even be pushing to 50%+ and find that Crit is still your top stat. This is assuming the 2/4-P has been attained.

The reason there isn't a BP listed is basically because the priority would look like this:

  • Crit to 25% (with 2P)
  • Crit to 30% (without 2P)
  • Crit to 40-55%, depending on other stats and if you have 2-4P or not.
  • Rest

With current gear, it's hugely unlikely you'll hit those crit amounts anyway, honestly, especially since multiple pieces of Tier gear don't have Crit on them anyway. 

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12 hours ago, Guest Daitenshi said:

There going to be a section for best professions to chose from?

Professions no longer make any difference in raids.

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Guest Jacqo

Ilterendi, Crown Jewel of Silvermoon : 

It is noteworthy that during Bloodlust or Holy Avenger (or if you have >20% haste)  you should be able to cast 4 heals (finishing off with an instant cast).

If you have some distance to your target you should actually be able to cast 4 spells too(finishing off with an instant cast) since the buff (of the ring) applies when judgement actually hits the target not when it is cast.

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Guest Arthasik


I am wondering if we can use Aura of Sacrifice as a Devotion aura (10% damage within 10yards is rediracted to you when you're above 75% health). If I use bubble on >75% health and people stay near me - does it mean its basicly a short-range half-the-effect of Devotion Aura Mastery? 

Any tests? I tried it on Healing dummies in Order Hall and it seems to work this way. 

Asking this question in a context of Mythic Krosus progresion and the last 2 slams with Orbs....I wish I could have that small, short range, additional cooldown at my disposal.


Thank you for any comments on that!


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Guest Arthasik

And one more thing to be added to my previous post. Is there equality between redirection of damage and damage reduction (assuming I, as a person to whom the damage is suppose to be redirected to, is not taking damage at all during bubble)? Or maybe it works in a slightly different way. Namely, if a person near me is about to take a fatal hit (101% of his HP) he will die in the case of damage redirection (Aura of Sacrifice with bubble on me) and not die in the case of damage reduction (Devotion Aura). Maybe the redirection takes place AFTER taking damage (so the guy in the first case is going to be dead anyways).

And maybe it's trivial and just Devo = 2*Sacrif (when used with Bubble >75% health). 

Any ideas?

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Guest Taip

Someone could ADD dps guide informacija holy spec for mythic+ dungeons?

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On 2/23/2017 at 0:37 AM, Guest Jacqo said:

If you have some distance to your target you should actually be able to cast 4 spells too(finishing off with an instant cast) since the buff (of the ring) applies when judgement actually hits the target not when it is cast.

Does it also apply to a spell that is started casting prior to Judgement hitting? I don't have the leg to test.

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Guest Brendan

Stat weightings could do with being reviewed, in many scenarios haste is no longer our fifth priority stat, currently ranks first for me, it's quite difficult to have a static stat priority list as these will change dependant on our gear, I've found dreamguards spreadsheet incredibly useful for optimising gear


apologies if this isn't suitable to be linked here,

also I noticed within the addons section omen is a recommended addon to allow us to better use hand of salvation, however salvation is only available to prot paladins now

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Guest Brendan
On 3/9/2017 at 0:51 PM, Guest Brendan said:

Also I noticed within the addons section omen is a recommended addon to allow us to better use hand of salvation, however salvation is only available to prot paladins now

My mistake, salvation is no longer in the game at all! Shows how much I play prot

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On 3/9/2017 at 0:51 PM, Guest Brendan said:

apologies if this isn't suitable to be linked here

It's absolutely fine, will pass this on. We generally keep the priority list as a general thing since it is exactly that: general. Someone can take a look at it quickly and, since they don't care about being 100% optimal, they can just pick based on that. The spreadsheet is very good for people that want more specific weights though.

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On 3/14/2017 at 2:35 AM, Guest Brendan said:

My mistake, salvation is no longer in the game at all! Shows how much I play prot

Will also pass this on.

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i have been thinking about swapping over too being a holy pally as i simply don't enjoy ret all too much.. even tho it is kind of a shame as i got both the bis leggies for ret pally. Nevertheless.. i would love a more detailed explanation regarding stats sure i can see a list of the priority but i would love too know.. how much mastery/crit should i build up? 50% crit.. or maybe 60% mastery and so on i used to do healing years ago but frankly ive forgotten so much 

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21 hours ago, Gormnir said:

i have been thinking about swapping over too being a holy pally as i simply don't enjoy ret all too much.. even tho it is kind of a shame as i got both the bis leggies for ret pally. Nevertheless.. i would love a more detailed explanation regarding stats sure i can see a list of the priority but i would love too know.. how much mastery/crit should i build up? 50% crit.. or maybe 60% mastery and so on i used to do healing years ago but frankly ive forgotten so much 

If you are looking for completely specific %-ages to aim for with stats, using a spreadsheet can help since simming isn't possible. A user linked a very useful one above, but keep in mind it might not be correct as of tomorrow until it is updated.

On 3/9/2017 at 0:51 PM, Guest Brendan said:

Hope this helps.

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We are currently in the process of updating our guides in preparation for the release of 7.2 - please understand that we will not be answering questions in this section about "What is better for 7.2?" prior to the patch release, since all the information will be available when the patch goes live. Please be patient and thanks for waiting!

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