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Discipline Priest 7.3

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Guest Shiv

Question regarding "Purge the Wicked" talent. Talent description says: "Spreads to an additional nearby enemy when you cast Penance on the target."

However, on the guide it says: " While Purge the Wicked is active, using Penance Icon Penance on another target causes Purge the Wicked to be applied to them as well. "

Those two are not consistent messages. Talent description seem to indicate you need to use Penance on the target that already has Purge the Wicked on it and it'll spread, while the guide is saying it will be applied to a separate target that you use Penance on, as long as you have Purge the Wicked active on any target.

Which one is correct?

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Question regarding "Purge the Wicked" talent. Talent description says: "Spreads to an additional nearby enemy when you cast Penance on the target."

However, on the guide it says: " While Purge the Wicked is active, using Penance Icon Penance on another target causes Purge the Wicked to be applied to them as well. "

Those two are not consistent messages. Talent description seem to indicate you need to use Penance on the target that already has Purge the Wicked on it and it'll spread, while the guide is saying it will be applied to a separate target that you use Penance on, as long as you have Purge the Wicked active on any target.

Which one is correct?

During my Beta testing of disc priest earlier this week, I had to cast Penance on the target with  "Purge the Wicked" talent to spread it to another target.

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Yes, Pandacho is correct. I'm updating the guide now. Thanks for pointing it out, Shiv!

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Do we feel the spec is competitive with other healers as a solo healer for five man content? I don't honestly see how they can justify Discipline being equal on footing with other healers, without being flat-out the best option to bring to any group. Especially since now Weakened Soul is gone, and class buffs are gone, you could stack a raid with all Disc healers provided they had enough throughput to deal with the incoming damage.

Just seems like it's too good to be true. Either they're going to blow anything else out of the water, or they're going to be a 75% healer hybrid that can't cut the mustard in dungeons.

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11 hours ago, Vlad said:

Yes, Pandacho is correct. I'm updating the guide now. Thanks for pointing it out, Shiv!

Thanks for the quick update, appreciate the clarification!

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Question about Tier 4. 

The guide recommends Mindbender for increased DPS and Atonement healing. However, Atonement says it heals on spell damage and it seems like mindbender is a pet not a spell. I just want to double check that it does, in fact, trigger Atonement.

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Guest Wbar

Another issue I see is stats show Mastery now as lowest priority for Disc however Beerek is stacked prioritizing Mastery.

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Guest Guest anonymous
6 hours ago, Guest Wbar said:

Another issue I see is stats show Mastery now as lowest priority for Disc however Beerek is stacked prioritizing Mastery.

Yea it seems to me it should be intellect, mastery, haste, critical. Since it seems most of our healing will be done through atonement.

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Guest AnActualGoodDisc

Ugh.  There is so much wrong with this guide.

First: Never take Schism.  It's not about skill or ability, it's about maintaining atonement.  Schism is a trap.  It looks pretty on paper, but with a 6 second cooldown, it forces you to recast it every. six. seconds.  This almost never lines up with Penance or Solace, and if you're casting Radiance for multiple atonements, you have to time Schism perfectly.  Too perfectly.  Meaning your uptime on BOTH Schism and Atonement are going to suffer.

Second: Speaking of Solace.  Don't.  Take Mindbender.  Coupled with Power Infusion, and assuming you're good at keeping your atonements up, this combo will net you some serious healing during aoe-intense fights.

Third:  Plea is not a heal.  Yes, it "heals" but so did Glyph of Power Word: Shield, and that was an absolute no-no for disc priests.  Plea is an atonement applicator.  That's it.  The math on it is correct in this guide, but it should NEVER be used as a heal when someone is taking serious damage.  Shadow Mend IS YOUR HEAL.  Period.

Fourth:  Mastery is NOT our stat now.   Haste is our primary stat after intellect.  Unless you don't plan to ever use Radiance, but if you aren't, then you should be playing holy.  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NbsDtJLVZqNc87jFzt-6WlPL02JOYmwppS1INtjVQTw/pub This is the guide you should be following.  It has a few errors, but it mostly hits the mark, especially for new players or new disc priests.  

Icy-veins, honestly, you haven't hit disc on the head ever.   You're always way off the mark and your advice goes from cringe-worthy at best to just plain wrong.  I don't expect this comment to be approved by a moderator, and that's okay.  It's mostly for the people who write this stuff.  

Thanks and have a great day

-Someone who knows what they're doing

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Guest Cyran

Okay, so I see some issues and I'll agree with some of the commenters here as well.

1) Schism is a bad talent, it has to be used so often and it takes another bar on a healing class that has too many to focus on anyways. Castigation is really the only talent worthy in this tier and trying to validate schism... eh...

2)yes mindbender is a spell, it does heal, and I've been doing it on my 100 priest and a new priest I've been leveling. It is a HUGE heal while it's out, I just plea as many people as I can on the now 50 priest in one day and the shadow fiend just full heals for me.

3) Mastery is garbage. Look at it this way. It affects atonement only. What does it not effect?
- How fast you can cast plea or if it'll crit.
-How fast you can cast Shadowmend or if it'll crit.
-How fast you can cast Power Word: Radiance, or if it'll crit.
-How fast you can cast damage spells and the chance they'll crit which translates into higher atonement healing anyways. 
-And most importantly, that 'shield damage' component of smite. Does mastery do a thing for it? No. But haste does. (I'm almost positive it's based on the damage the move does, so crit damage looks like it increases the amount it shields on the next attack on whomever it is attacking.)

Do not suggest mastery, in fact, I'd strongly suggest telling people to probably stay at slightly lower IL just to keep away from that garbage stat. there's really no way to balance it out to make mastery good without then making it OP in it's current iteration. at about 1000 rating, the strength of the atonement is only increased by 13%? yet for the same haste/crit you'll see ~11% to something that affects atonement AND everything else? If it maybe gave a higher percentage, it'd be worth it, but then too much and then a high mastery disc priest will see too big of a return on each of those atonement heals.

Shame the mastery wasn't like "increases smite damage" so that it'd work for the atonement, the dps, and for the shield strength on smite. Heck, the talent "grace" pretty much says "get rid of mastery" as well! (if you're thinking of doing that instead of purge of the wicked...which btw is dumb. just take purge.)

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Guest Boots

Ugh, I've been playing a disc priest for years and I am completely disappointed with this Legion patch. Maybe I'm not playing my toon correctly, but I am now consistently lowest heals in raids and barely making dps meters. Forget pvp - which I loved with my disc. I can't heal hardly at all and have no cc abilities to speak of (except the one knock back) and no abilities to break ccs now. What is going on? Should I just stick with it until 110 when the honor talents kick in?

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8 hours ago, Guest Boots said:

Ugh, I've been playing a disc priest for years and I am completely disappointed with this Legion patch. Maybe I'm not playing my toon correctly, but I am now consistently lowest heals in raids and barely making dps meters. Forget pvp - which I loved with my disc. I can't heal hardly at all and have no cc abilities to speak of (except the one knock back) and no abilities to break ccs now. What is going on? Should I just stick with it until 110 when the honor talents kick in?

I can't say anything about PvP, but from some testing of my disc on live on Friday I found it very fun and competitive enough in its new support niche. (I use Totaltotemic's rotation and talent set.)

That's right, disc doesn't top meters anymore just senselessly spamming PW:S (or not spamming, still wouldn't top) but for me it behaves exactly as it was extrapolated in countless discussions: 80-90% hps of a healer, 30-40%dps of a standard damager and not bad raid utility.

But you do have to use all the toolkit properly and it's completely different from how it was during WoD.

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On July 22, 2016 at 6:19 AM, Guest AnActualGoodDisc said:

Ugh.  There is so much wrong with this guide.

First: Never take Schism.  It's not about skill or ability, it's about maintaining atonement.  Schism is a trap.  It looks pretty on paper, but with a 6 second cooldown, it forces you to recast it every. six. seconds.  This almost never lines up with Penance or Solace, and if you're casting Radiance for multiple atonements, you have to time Schism perfectly.  Too perfectly.  Meaning your uptime on BOTH Schism and Atonement are going to suffer.

Second: Speaking of Solace.  Don't.  Take Mindbender.  Coupled with Power Infusion, and assuming you're good at keeping your atonements up, this combo will net you some serious healing during aoe-intense fights.

Third:  Plea is not a heal.  Yes, it "heals" but so did Glyph of Power Word: Shield, and that was an absolute no-no for disc priests.  Plea is an atonement applicator.  That's it.  The math on it is correct in this guide, but it should NEVER be used as a heal when someone is taking serious damage.  Shadow Mend IS YOUR HEAL.  Period.

Fourth:  Mastery is NOT our stat now.   Haste is our primary stat after intellect.  Unless you don't plan to ever use Radiance, but if you aren't, then you should be playing holy.  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NbsDtJLVZqNc87jFzt-6WlPL02JOYmwppS1INtjVQTw/pub This is the guide you should be following.  It has a few errors, but it mostly hits the mark, especially for new players or new disc priests.  

Icy-veins, honestly, you haven't hit disc on the head ever.   You're always way off the mark and your advice goes from cringe-worthy at best to just plain wrong.  I don't expect this comment to be approved by a moderator, and that's okay.  It's mostly for the people who write this stuff.  

Thanks and have a great day

-Someone who knows what they're doing


On July 23, 2016 at 9:49 AM, Guest Cyran said:

Okay, so I see some issues and I'll agree with some of the commenters here as well.

1) Schism is a bad talent, it has to be used so often and it takes another bar on a healing class that has too many to focus on anyways. Castigation is really the only talent worthy in this tier and trying to validate schism... eh...

2)yes mindbender is a spell, it does heal, and I've been doing it on my 100 priest and a new priest I've been leveling. It is a HUGE heal while it's out, I just plea as many people as I can on the now 50 priest in one day and the shadow fiend just full heals for me.

3) Mastery is garbage. Look at it this way. It affects atonement only. What does it not effect?
- How fast you can cast plea or if it'll crit.
-How fast you can cast Shadowmend or if it'll crit.
-How fast you can cast Power Word: Radiance, or if it'll crit.
-How fast you can cast damage spells and the chance they'll crit which translates into higher atonement healing anyways. 
-And most importantly, that 'shield damage' component of smite. Does mastery do a thing for it? No. But haste does. (I'm almost positive it's based on the damage the move does, so crit damage looks like it increases the amount it shields on the next attack on whomever it is attacking.)

Do not suggest mastery, in fact, I'd strongly suggest telling people to probably stay at slightly lower IL just to keep away from that garbage stat. there's really no way to balance it out to make mastery good without then making it OP in it's current iteration. at about 1000 rating, the strength of the atonement is only increased by 13%? yet for the same haste/crit you'll see ~11% to something that affects atonement AND everything else? If it maybe gave a higher percentage, it'd be worth it, but then too much and then a high mastery disc priest will see too big of a return on each of those atonement heals.

Shame the mastery wasn't like "increases smite damage" so that it'd work for the atonement, the dps, and for the shield strength on smite. Heck, the talent "grace" pretty much says "get rid of mastery" as well! (if you're thinking of doing that instead of purge of the wicked...which btw is dumb. just take purge.)


I will make some updates to the guide later today, but I find most of the content of your complaints puzzling. You say Solace is bad and you should take Mindbender. So does the guide. You say Mastery is bad and that we shouldn't recommend it. We don't, we recommend Haste.

Are you sure you are looking at the correct guide?

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On 20.07.2016 at 4:07 PM, Pappagamer said:

Question about Tier 4. 

The guide recommends Mindbender for increased DPS and Atonement healing. However, Atonement says it heals on spell damage and it seems like mindbender is a pet not a spell. I just want to double check that it does, in fact, trigger Atonement.

Yes, Mindbender triggers atonement.


On 20.07.2016 at 8:39 PM, Guest Wbar said:

Another issue I see is stats show Mastery now as lowest priority for Disc however Beerek is stacked prioritizing Mastery.

Could you show me where I prioritize Mastery ?

Stats priority are as I mentioned in guide :

  1. Intellect;
  2. Haste;
  3. Critical Strike;
  4. Versatility;
  5. Mastery.


On 22.07.2016 at 5:19 AM, Guest AnActualGoodDisc said:

First: Never take Schism.  It's not about skill or ability, it's about maintaining atonement.  Schism is a trap.  It looks pretty on paper, but with a 6 second cooldown, it forces you to recast it every. six. seconds.  This almost never lines up with Penance or Solace, and if you're casting Radiance for multiple atonements, you have to time Schism perfectly.  Too perfectly.  Meaning your uptime on BOTH Schism and Atonement are going to suffer.

On 23.07.2016 at 8:49 AM, Guest Cyran said:

1) Schism is a bad talent, it has to be used so often and it takes another bar on a healing class that has too many to focus on anyways. Castigation is really the only talent worthy in this tier and trying to validate schism... eh...

That's not true. Disc has the highest skill cap from all the healers right now. One of the reason is beacuse of things like Schism.

As guide say - Schism is the BEST pick. However it is definitely more tricky to play with it but in the end it will give you better results than Castigation. If you do not know how to play with it right / use efficient or you are aware of "another bar on a healing class" then you should go for Castigation :)


On 22.07.2016 at 5:19 AM, Guest AnActualGoodDisc said:

Third:  Plea is not a heal.  Yes, it "heals" but so did Glyph of Power Word: Shield, and that was an absolute no-no for disc priests.  Plea is an atonement applicator.  That's it.  The math on it is correct in this guide, but it should NEVER be used as a heal when someone is taking serious damage.  Shadow Mend IS YOUR HEAL.  Period.

I assume you are referring to single-target healing because that is the only usage of Shadow Mend. As it is mentioned in guide :


When single target damage is high, Atonement healing will no longer suffice. In addition to it, you will have to use Power Word: Shield on cooldown, and if the damage amounts are truly high, you should also spam Shadow Mend IconShadow Mend on the tank.


On 22.07.2016 at 5:19 AM, Guest AnActualGoodDisc said:

Fourth:  Mastery is NOT our stat now.   Haste is our primary stat after intellect.  Unless you don't plan to ever use Radiance, but if you aren't, then you should be playing holy.  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NbsDtJLVZqNc87jFzt-6WlPL02JOYmwppS1INtjVQTw/pub This is the guide you should be following.  It has a few errors, but it mostly hits the mark, especially for new players or new disc priests.  

Once again - where does the guide say to use mastery as a primary stat ?

I really appreciate all of the feedback. However i completely do not see your points if you actually read the guide.


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Guest Cyran

First, to Vlad-
Neither of us said a thing about solace being good. I think he just wanted to affirm that there's not really a situation where Solace is a good idea by saying that shadowfiend is pretty superior for damage and healing (and since you can pop it during an AoE cooldown, it becomes highly effective where Solace does not). However, while you say it is the best in the guide, you also list Solace as a strong option and I think that was his problem. You should have said it's not competitive, but it's the second best or something. The wording makes it look like there'll be some instance it will be better, and the only time THAT'S true is if you just flatout refuse to use Mindbender.

And him stating the mastery is because I think the priest who you guys advertised as doing it was using mastery in his build, rather than doing everything in his ability to get rid of it.

To Berrek-
There is many other reasons that this is wrong. The damage it gives is not comparable.

*It's a cast ( can't move with it like you can with castigation)
*It's high mana cost (where we still need to see how we'll manage mana, putting an option that makes us spend MORE mana is bad.)
*It's bonus extends only to a single target fight. (If there's more, then schism sees far less value as you should be trying to keep atonement and PotW up
*because of artifact weapon, Penance's damage will be increased by  15%, breaking the damage difference between the two a bit more and still providing the usability, low mana cost and ability to be kept useful single target and AoE. Schism might be almost twice as powerful than the one extra penance cost CURRENTLY. but again, factor in instant vs channel and mana cost and ease of use. There's no real good way to use schism's extra damage while healing. I mean, you can set up your atonements, and then schism, penance, etc. but that 6 seconds is too short for it to be done using anything except proactive and lacks a good reactive measure. Or if it is a single target fight and all you're doing is damage, and you're just relying on smite shield to be your 'heals'. I can't see people allowing their healing role to a disc priest doing that.

And the guide needs to say currently, mastery is a trash stat because it really is. I can't think of another class that has had such a bad mastery.

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Guest jaikenbacon

Something to note about Rapture and Body and Soul: You can use rapture and every bubble (up to 8) you cast will speed people up too, so you could use this to spread around speed for group movement, or for a specific mechanic that requires you to give it to the same person for a 13-sec long movement speed boost. Since individual speed boost lasts 3 secs, the ideal would to be give 3 targets in rotation the boost, since you'd be wasting it all on one player and overlapping the duration, which doesn't stack or prolong the duration of the boost.

It might not be the most ideal use of it, but it's worth considering.

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19 hours ago, Guest Cyran said:

First, to Vlad-
Neither of us said a thing about solace being good. I think he just wanted to affirm that there's not really a situation where Solace is a good idea by saying that shadowfiend is pretty superior for damage and healing (and since you can pop it during an AoE cooldown, it becomes highly effective where Solace does not). However, while you say it is the best in the guide, you also list Solace as a strong option and I think that was his problem. You should have said it's not competitive, but it's the second best or something. The wording makes it look like there'll be some instance it will be better, and the only time THAT'S true is if you just flatout refuse to use Mindbender.

And him stating the mastery is because I think the priest who you guys advertised as doing it was using mastery in his build, rather than doing everything in his ability to get rid of it.

To Berrek-
There is many other reasons that this is wrong. The damage it gives is not comparable.

*It's a cast ( can't move with it like you can with castigation)
*It's high mana cost (where we still need to see how we'll manage mana, putting an option that makes us spend MORE mana is bad.)
*It's bonus extends only to a single target fight. (If there's more, then schism sees far less value as you should be trying to keep atonement and PotW up
*because of artifact weapon, Penance's damage will be increased by  15%, breaking the damage difference between the two a bit more and still providing the usability, low mana cost and ability to be kept useful single target and AoE. Schism might be almost twice as powerful than the one extra penance cost CURRENTLY. but again, factor in instant vs channel and mana cost and ease of use. There's no real good way to use schism's extra damage while healing. I mean, you can set up your atonements, and then schism, penance, etc. but that 6 seconds is too short for it to be done using anything except proactive and lacks a good reactive measure. Or if it is a single target fight and all you're doing is damage, and you're just relying on smite shield to be your 'heals'. I can't see people allowing their healing role to a disc priest doing that.

And the guide needs to say currently, mastery is a trash stat because it really is. I can't think of another class that has had such a bad mastery.


I think that placing Mastery as last in the stat priority is clear enough that it is not a desirable whatsoever. I can't say I really see a point in telling people that Disc Mastery is worst than the Mastery of other specs.

Regarding Mana management, artifact weapon, etc, I'd just point out that the current version of the guide targets strictly the pre-patch. I say this because a fair amount of comments have assumed that this is a Legion / level 110 guide.

For de-emphasizing Solace, Schism issues, I will see what the best way to fix the guide is.

I really appreciate all your feedback. These guides are really iterative in nature, and we couldn't really improve them without all your comments.

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Guest Brent

FYI, ElvUI, which you recommend in the addons section, does not currently track Atonement on party/raid frames. You can add it though, the spell effect is 194384.

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Uncommon Patron

put together holy spec yesterday and trying out disc priest tonight for timewalking weekly- will respond back with comments when i have them

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Uncommon Patron

ok, feedback time.

I have my disc priest talents set up as this guide suggests> I took halo over divine star. I am a new player to wow, been playing over a week now. Not a n00b to MMO's just wow. 

I attempted to play disc in timewalking dungeons, my guild and I were trying to do the weekly. But we quit after a few attempts because I couldn't keep anyone alive. So here are some questions, I went through the guide again to make sure I wasnt missing something but I indeed could not find what I was looking for.

In the other game I play whenever I am in tank heal spec I have a single target buff to apply to my main target so that when I dps, my heals go to my one main target. It's my understanding that "atonement" is what is used for this class- which is fine, but it creates another question. 

Before our pulls I would press the "Power word: radiance" i think its called to quickly apply atonement to everyone in our dungeon- and as soon as our tank went in I would shield him and then start my dps rotation on trash. This in no way appeared to heal anyone as I DPS'd. I used Halo for aoe heals, tried to shield the hell out of the tank using my rapture CD spamming shield and using shadow mend.

If I didnt die first, my tank did. And if he didnt die first, either myself or another player did. You can imagine how annoying this got after 5-6 pulls. 

There is a class that has a similar spec like this in my other game, but remember I mentioned I had a ST buff I could apply to the tank? well if the the other members of the dungeon or raid were taking heavy damage we could switch to our AOE buff and it healed the party, not just the tank. Am i missing something or can disc priest heal properly for dungeons? I tried switching to holy spec and I kept us all up slightly longer but even then I didnt have good enough ST heals to keep the tank up. 


***Mana also.. at the start of the pull JUST FOR TRASH I was at full mana and by the time we are done with trash I was completely empty. And we are talking about just shielding, and doing dps rotation. Maybe its my gear, as a new player my gear lvl is at 665. no gems no glyphs just the haste enchants on the gear mentioned in this guide.

Also: How do you practice your disc priest? I usually pvp to practice keeping someone up but here in wow I just went LFR.


Edited by Sugartits

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1 hour ago, Sugartits said:

ok, feedback time.

.................skipping to avoid a wall of text..........

Hello again :)

Well, unfortunately you started to play not in the best time - all classes in game were pretty much revamped 2 weeks ago, stats/talents/spells - everything was changed more or less for all the classes but two specs were revamped completely and they are disc and holy priest. So, grats with your choice ^^ Both specs are great but the changes were built around Artifact weapon that we don't have now (but will have with the Legion start). Right now everything is pretty much clunky and I heard many new/returning/low geared players complain that after the pre-patch it's very hard to run dungeons. There is no difference for high geared players - I've run 8 Mythic dungeons a couple of days ago on two healing toons just to check the changes - everything was fine and even faster then before.

I really would advice you to practice in Normal Draenor Dungeons and LFR - it's so less stressful and you'll be able to focus on what you are doing rather then hit hectically all the buttons trying to heal unhealable damage. Don't forget that half of the work of keeping a tank alive lies on tank and if both of you are new undergeared players, well... this is an additional problem.

One more thing, the guides on Icy Veins are focused on the raid environment rather than on solo- or 5-man so I'm even not sure that you used the best talents and rotation for dungeons.

I looked at your Disc talents now and well, I will try to write how I play it in 5-man:

Tier 1: Castigation not Schism. Castigation makes your Penance 33% stronger-> more healing. Schism costs you a lot of mana while fights in 5-man are too short for you to benefit from its dps buff vs specific target.

Tier 2-3: doesn't matter

Tier 4: I saw you took Mindbender but did you use it? Mindbender provides some nice healing to your Atonement targets during 12 sec it's up - you must cast it on CD preferably when your tank starts to take damage.

Tier 5: in 5-man it's Power Infusion - it reduces mana cost of your spells by 20% and increase your Haste every 2 minutes. You don't need additional 2 sec on Atonement in dungeons.

Tier 6: in 5-man it's Divine Star, not Halo. For Halo you need a specific positioning preferably with you in the middle and it has a long CD. Divine Star flies forward and then back to you - it's much easier to aim when you are behind the group (and you should be behind).

Tier 7: in 5-man it's Grace because you do use pretty much non-Atonement healing here (which shouldn't happen in raids).


Now the 'rotation':

NEVER start your rotation in 5-man with PW: Radiance just... never. Actually you shouldn't use it in 5-man at all. You go-to Atonement applying spells are PW: Shield and Plea. Plea is not a healing spell (well, it is technically but we are not using it to heal) but an Atonement applier. Why I'm saying 'never': PW: Shield costs 3200 mana and is instant, Plea cost 576 mana (literally nothing) and is instant, PW: Radiance costs 10400 mana and have a long cast time. You are draining yourself of mana right on the start of every fight.

You should start with PW: Shield on tank and may apply a Plea to melee if needed, ranged shouldn't take any damage on trash fights - if they do, your group is doing something wrong. After applying PW:S on tank, you start your dps rotation - SW: Pain, Penance, Divine Star, Smite as a filler. If other people in your group start to take damage, apply a Plea and continue your dps rotation. Keep PW:Shield on tank, add Mindbender if he takes more damage, add Shadow Mend if the previous wasn't enough.

Use Power Infusion and Rapture when all your group takes damage from AoE abilities. But still, even here it's PW:S and Plea to apply Atonement.

I hope this wall of text will help in your future adventures :)

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Uncommon Patron
On 7/28/2016 at 0:56 PM, Guest Brent said:

FYI, ElvUI, which you recommend in the addons section, does not currently track Atonement on party/raid frames. You can add it though, the spell effect is 194384.

how do you track this? i just tried LFR with the elvUI and it was difficult to see who even needed healing let alone who i had atonement on which should have only been the 2 tanks

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5 hours ago, Sugartits said:

how do you track this? i just tried LFR with the elvUI and it was difficult to see who even needed healing let alone who i had atonement on which should have only been the 2 tanks

I would really recommend you to use VuhDo or other special healing frames (and I can just send you my priest profiles). Otherwise as a new WoW player you will end with "how do you..." like 10 times a day. ElvUI is a great thing and there is a big enough amount of people that uses it for healing but you will unnecessary complicate your life.

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