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Elemental Shaman 7.3

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Guest Colanasou

on the lightning rod, you listed it as taking extra damage from lightning bolt, but i believe the wording on it means they take damage when you hit other things. like if you make the boss from EN in mulgore (spiderbird boss) the lightning rod, then when you aoe the spiderlings down, she would take some of the damage you did to them.


unless of course im interpreting it wrong

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  On 10/16/2016 at 11:45 PM, Guest Colanasou said:

on the lightning rod, you listed it as taking extra damage from lightning bolt, but i believe the wording on it means they take damage when you hit other things. like if you make the boss from EN in mulgore (spiderbird boss) the lightning rod, then when you aoe the spiderlings down, she would take some of the damage you did to them.


unless of course im interpreting it wrong


I believe the bonus damage does trigger when you hit the same target, since it says "all" damage.

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  On 10/16/2016 at 8:21 AM, Guest ultraroy1 said:

I think the only thing that needs to be looked at is the viability of lightning rod due to the 20% or so buff on lightning bolt and chain lightning. Also I can't confirm this next thing but I hear that having high haste makes earthquake X2 deal more damage than your average earth shock on single targets so it would be nice to see someone take a look at that.


This has been noted and will be looked into, thanks :)

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Guest guest

Bough is not bis trinket... in fact I have a 875 Bough and it's a 9k DPS loss over a 845 Oakheart's according to sims...

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  On 10/17/2016 at 3:47 PM, Guest guest said:

Bough is not bis trinket... in fact I have a 875 Bough and it's a 9k DPS loss over a 845 Oakheart's according to sims...


I believe that, as with all our other lists, the BiS list is tailored towards Emerald Nightmare drops.

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Guest Grishnek

Would it be possible to pull some relative stat weights from Simulationcraft for this guide? Things like stat weights for ascendance vs lightning rod, ancestral swiftness vs echo of the elements, and primal elementalist vs ice fury would be incredibly helpful for a newer player to tailor their gear to the spec they favor. Thank you very much!

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Guest BiggieMcHugeLarge

Question regarding trinket stat priority.  I'm currently item level 850, and I'm having trouble letting go of some 835 trinkets that have +1,000 intellect. I have some 840 & 850 trinkets, but they have zero intellect, +a secondary stat, and some kind of cleve/aoe proc damage.  Am I making the right call to hang onto my primary stat trinkets in lieu of a higher item-level with no primary stat gain?


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  On 10/26/2016 at 7:31 PM, Guest BiggieMcHugeLarge said:

Question regarding trinket stat priority.  I'm currently item level 850, and I'm having trouble letting go of some 835 trinkets that have +1,000 intellect. I have some 840 & 850 trinkets, but they have zero intellect, +a secondary stat, and some kind of cleve/aoe proc damage.  Am I making the right call to hang onto my primary stat trinkets in lieu of a higher item-level with no primary stat gain?



It's probably better to ask this question in the Shaman forums. This thread is mostly about criticizing the guide and giving feedback :p

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  On 10/22/2016 at 2:46 PM, Guest Grishnek said:

Would it be possible to pull some relative stat weights from Simulationcraft for this guide? Things like stat weights for ascendance vs lightning rod, ancestral swiftness vs echo of the elements, and primal elementalist vs ice fury would be incredibly helpful for a newer player to tailor their gear to the spec they favor. Thank you very much!


Stat weights, even when using the same talent build, can vary for every single item level, as well as the amount of each stat a character has. When you throw in different talent builds too, there are thousands upon thousands of different combinations of weights. The best thing to do is pick your preferred talent build if you wish to vary from ours, then simulate your current character's gear level. I'm going to introduce a guide to simming your own character in the very near future that should help with this.

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Guest Bodhi

Eye of the Twisting Nether Icon Eye of the Twisting Nether causes damage from an element to increase damage from that element by 2% for 8 seconds. Not a bad legendary for single target, but overall a marginal gain.

This is wrong it increases overall damage.

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  On 10/31/2016 at 3:22 PM, Guest Bodhi said:

Eye of the Twisting Nether Icon Eye of the Twisting Nether causes damage from an element to increase damage from that element by 2% for 8 seconds. Not a bad legendary for single target, but overall a marginal gain.

This is wrong it increases overall damage.


Will let Furty know, thanks!

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Guest Mike

Hi, I'm not sure if anyone else mentioned it, but you cannot pre cast Lava Burst. Flameshock must be on the target before you cast Lavaburst to get the guaranteed crit.

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  On 11/19/2016 at 1:02 AM, Guest Mike said:

Hi, I'm not sure if anyone else mentioned it, but you cannot pre cast Lava Burst. Flameshock must be on the target before you cast Lavaburst to get the guaranteed crit.


I'll ask Furty to double check, but can't you FS while LB is in the air?

Edit: It doesn't even matter. You would still pre-cast LB, because it is a free cast of the spell, crit or not.

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Guest Upstream
  On 11/24/2016 at 9:58 PM, Blainie said:

I'll ask Furty to double check, but can't you FS while LB is in the air?

Edit: It doesn't even matter. You would still pre-cast LB, because it is a free cast of the spell, crit or not.


I am not sure this is the optimal way. Could you clarify what you mean by free cast?Precasting Lightning bolt into flame shock(pull) followed by your LvB is preferable to the LvB precast. This way you guarantee elemental focus for your stormkeeper.



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Guest Upstream
  On 11/24/2016 at 9:58 PM, Blainie said:

I'll ask Furty to double check, but can't you FS while LB is in the air?

Edit: It doesn't even matter. You would still pre-cast LB, because it is a free cast of the spell, crit or not.


+possible lightning rod proc. Happens rarely but huge opener if it does. I also thought you could  FS mid-air as of Legion launch but you cannot.

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  On 11/26/2016 at 6:56 PM, Guest Upstream said:

I am not sure this is the optimal way. Could you clarify what you mean by free cast?Precasting Lightning bolt into flame shock(pull) followed by your LvB is preferable to the LvB precast. This way you guarantee elemental focus for your stormkeeper.


Bit late, but wanted to follow up :) You were indeed correct and the opening rotation has been altered to now use LB rather than Lava Burst.

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The guides are currently being updated for 7.1.5! I just wanted to leave a few notes for all of our users that might be getting ready to leave a comment:

  • Some pages do not require updates. The "Last Updated" stat does not mean the page is out of date, it might just not have needed any changes. If you feel that it does, leave a comment telling us what needs changing and why.
  • The process will not happen immediately - some guides will be updated faster than others simply due to the number of resources available. Be patient, they'll be ready when you need them!
  • There might be some continuity errors when making small adjustments to large guide pages. If you do find one of these, just let us know in the comments and we'll get it fixed ASAP.
  • "Why have you not taken into account X buff to X ability?" - remember, just because something got buffed, it doesn't mean it is now automatically better than the other options!

As always, we want to thank you all for being patient while we get things updated and I'm always available to help you all if you need it :)

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Guest Sixish

So now that mastery is an important stat again, should we be shifting gems towards mastery, or still use crit gems? Guide says crit gems still, but wanted to be sure since it's a fresh update.

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  On 1/11/2017 at 3:07 AM, Guest Sixish said:

So now that mastery is an important stat again, should we be shifting gems towards mastery, or still use crit gems? Guide says crit gems still, but wanted to be sure since it's a fresh update.


You can use either. You want to keep a close balance; whatever you have less of, I'd say.

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Guest NewEle

Hi there,
First of all many thanks for the guide and the updates! You guys are doing a great job for the community :)

I have 3 questions/remarks :
1) Talent page, tier 7: " Note. If you have both Eye of the Twisting Nether IconEye of the Twisting Nether and Ascendance IconAscendance, then we advise to use the Ascendance build ". In my understanding, you want to say that if we have both Eye of the Twisting Nether and Pristine Proto-Scale Girdle, then we should go for the Ascendance build.  If I'm right, a small correction is needed there :)

2) Rotation page - multiple target rotation: " If you have BOTH The Deceiver's Blood Pact IconThe Deceiver's Blood Pact and Echoes of the Great Sundering IconEchoes of the Great Sundering, you   should instead spend Maelstrom on Earth Shock IconEarth Shock." 


Legendary description page: Echoes of the Great Sundering : Always cast Earth Shock IconEarth Shock over Earthquake IconEarthquake even on 3 targets.

It seems contradictory to me. I have the shoulders and ring  legendaries. On 3 target should I then prefer Earth shock or Earthquake ?

3) On 3 targets in addition of maintaining Flame Shock and spending maelstrom on Earthquake (or Earth shock in my case regarding your answer above), should I keep using Elemental Blast / Icefury  ? Or just go for Chain lightning between maelstrom spender as I understand we should do for 4 targets?

Again, many thanks for you work, appreciate it


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Guest Tony

To all the Ele players:

I played Enhancer for a while but wanted to try Ele. My legendaries are neck and ring(CC, not the BiSthingy) and I obviously got 35 traits in the ele weapon.

Only thing I cannot really decide on is: Specc. From the start, the Ascendance specc seemed easiest. Most of my stuff was mastery crit / Mastery Haste (was unlucky, cause enhancer main is mastery haste), so I had the right stats. I saw one of the Eles in the mainraid at a Xavius myth reclear playing lightning rod I believe. The stats for that are obviously different.


What is your personal experience? What specc produces highest ST-damage? What are you specced in raids? And what are you specced in if you do for example a +15 NL or something like that?



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  On 1/12/2017 at 8:37 AM, Guest NewEle said:

Hi there,
First of all many thanks for the guide and the updates! You guys are doing a great job for the community :)

I have 3 questions/remarks :
1) Talent page, tier 7: " Note. If you have both Eye of the Twisting Nether IconEye of the Twisting Nether and Ascendance IconAscendance, then we advise to use the Ascendance build ". In my understanding, you want to say that if we have both Eye of the Twisting Nether and Pristine Proto-Scale Girdle, then we should go for the Ascendance build.  If I'm right, a small correction is needed there :)

2) Rotation page - multiple target rotation: " If you have BOTH The Deceiver's Blood Pact IconThe Deceiver's Blood Pact and Echoes of the Great Sundering IconEchoes of the Great Sundering, you   should instead spend Maelstrom on Earth Shock IconEarth Shock." 


Legendary description page: Echoes of the Great Sundering : Always cast Earth Shock IconEarth Shock over Earthquake IconEarthquake even on 3 targets.

It seems contradictory to me. I have the shoulders and ring  legendaries. On 3 target should I then prefer Earth shock or Earthquake ?

3) On 3 targets in addition of maintaining Flame Shock and spending maelstrom on Earthquake (or Earth shock in my case regarding your answer above), should I keep using Elemental Blast / Icefury  ? Or just go for Chain lightning between maelstrom spender as I understand we should do for 4 targets?

Again, many thanks for you work, appreciate it



With both legendaries it's a definite gain, with only Echoes it will depend on the livelihood of the adds (obviously shorter lived adds will have more RNG involved). Personally I would still cast Earth Shock even with only Echoes equipped since there is nearly always a priority to the damage (this needs to die first) and it will often result in a damage gain (through Echoes).

  On 1/12/2017 at 9:54 AM, Guest Tony said:

To all the Ele players:

I played Enhancer for a while but wanted to try Ele. My legendaries are neck and ring(CC, not the BiSthingy) and I obviously got 35 traits in the ele weapon.

Only thing I cannot really decide on is: Specc. From the start, the Ascendance specc seemed easiest. Most of my stuff was mastery crit / Mastery Haste (was unlucky, cause enhancer main is mastery haste), so I had the right stats. I saw one of the Eles in the mainraid at a Xavius myth reclear playing lightning rod I believe. The stats for that are obviously different.


What is your personal experience? What specc produces highest ST-damage? What are you specced in raids? And what are you specced in if you do for example a +15 NL or something like that?




Ascendance is easiest to play, though you will have higher damage with the Icefury build with your legendaries if played correctly. It is a more involved build, however, and you might have better results with Ascendance if you're totally new. On Xavius specifically I'd say any of the end tier talents are viable in 7.1.5 (though favoring Ascendance).

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Guest Grane

On the 7.1.5 version of 3 target rotation: do you go with single target rotation but ignore lava burst unless you have a lavasurge proc? It seems to imply this but it's not as clear as with 2 targets.



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  On 1/12/2017 at 3:35 PM, Guest Grane said:

On the 7.1.5 version of 3 target rotation: do you go with single target rotation but ignore lava burst unless you have a lavasurge proc? It seems to imply this but it's not as clear as with 2 targets.




From the guide:


Only cast Lava Burst when Lava Surge is available.


You are in correct in what you said.

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