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    • By Endyxion
      Greetings everyone, so I've been using this site for guides for quite a long time now and I was wondering if it'd be possible to access 7.3.5 guides again, and if it is, how to get to them. I have moved to a Legion private server after quitting BfA on retail around a month ago, and I'd like to be able to view the guides again. I'm especially interested in the Feral and Guardian Druid ones. I also don't know if this is under the correct category, since I can't post under Guide Comments.
    • By Ser3nity
      Safety not Guaranteed is an English speaking Alliance raiding guild on Emerald Dream. We raid 3 times a week and are mainly focused on mythic raiding.
      Current Progress:
      10/11M Antorus
      We are currently recruiting for BfA, and open to most classes:
      Melee DPS: All classes Ranged DPS: All classes Healer (1): Shaman, Druid, Priest, Monk We are currently on a raid break until BfA, only doing minimal content until then
      Our raiding schedule is:
      - Thursday: 20.00 - 23.00 (server time)
      - Monday: 20.00 - 23.00 (server time)
      - Tuesday: 20.00 - 23.00 (server time)
      Apply here: http://safetynotguaranteed.guildlaunch.com/
      Even if we are not actively recruiting your class, we will consider any exceptional applications.
      About us:
      Safety not Guaranteed (SnG) was initially formed on horde side by a small group of friends in early MoP, raiding 10man heroic. Later during the expansion we faction changed to Alliance and expanded our roster to a 20man mythic team, where we cleared SoO mythic as a guild. Many of us have been playing together since as early as WotLK, and have friendships with each other that extend outside the game as well.
      Our goal ever since the guild was formed has been to progress through content at a steady pace, without hardcore hours, while having a good time together. We aim to clear each tier before the next one is released. We cleared all mythic content in WoD, and have cleared each tier so far in Legion obtaining most mythic cutting edge achievements, and plan to continue doing so.
      What we offer:
      A structured mythic raiding team and raiding times. We start invites 19:45 and begin to clear trash so we can have the first pulls at 20:00 A fair rotation and loot distribution via loot council. We keep spreadsheets! A steady guild with a good community and good guild atmosphere. You may encounter some trolling during your stay. A focused attitude during progression, and relaxed attitude during farm content. We like to chat and have fun, but focus during difficult content. A desire to raid. We often run an extra raid day on the 1st week of a new raid tier. This is 100% optional, but most people are excited to get into a new instance. Additionally we often run some sort of alt raids on fridays (100% optional), and do a lot of mythic+ content within the guild.
      What we want from you:
      High attendance. We expect a minimum of 80% attendance, though most of our raiders have near to 100%. We run a small roster to minimize rotation, and want to be able to rely on you. Commitment. We don't want someone who is looking to join, get geared and then leave. We have a 2-3 week trial period during which we will control gearing while we get to know you. Honesty. If you're having problems within the guild, or have real life issues, we'd like to hear rather than you just disappearing. Talk to us. Be prepared! This means reading up on new fights, having consumables (flask, pots, food, runes), gemming and enchanting properly, and being on time! Communication. We want you to know how to communicate both verbally and in writing. We have a guild Discord we use for our raids and other games! Raiding awareness. We want you to not stand in fire, unless it's required... Progression oriented attitude. Everyone makes mistakes, but learning is part of progression, so we value people who continue to improve over time. Understanding. Sometimes, things don't always go smoothly. We may hit a wall on a specific boss for a while, or you may have to sit for someone else during a progression raid. This is part of mythic raiding. We try to treat everyone fairly, and are open to feedback.
      For more information you can add an officer to chat: Menetherin#2691, Joana#2806, Kitty#2896, Noxxus#2229
      Or visit our website: http://safetynotguaranteed.guildlaunch.com/
    • By Sajakain
      ► Introduction:
      <Hand of Fate> is a group of adults who enjoy raiding on a light schedule and still see content cleared. Details of our raid team and atmosphere can be found below. We're looking for like minded individuals to join us in Antorus and for Battle For Azeroth!
      ► The Details:
      Here are some of the direct details you are probably looking for concerning our team:
      Raid Days: Tuesday and Wednesday Raid Time: 9:00 PM - 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time (EST) Invites: 8:30 PM - 8:45 PM EST Current Progression: 10/10(H), 9/9(H), 11/11(H), 1/11(M)  
      ► What We're Looking For:
      Above all else, we're looking for the person that simply enjoys to raid. We have a couple of different ranks; one that permits the casual raider who can only show up once or twice a month and one that is made for the more dedicated - the "serious" raider, if you will. Regardless of rank, however, we expect you to enjoy raiding and have fun playing the game. More details on the differences between these ranks, and their expectations, can e found on our website.
      As far as specific class needs go, we are looking for the following:
      Holy Paladin Shadow Priest
      ► Mythic+ Dungeons:
      We are also recruiting folks that are interested in farming Mythic+ dungeons in addition to our raiding.
      ► Contact Information:
      Below you will find the information you need to get in contact with us should you have any questions or concerns. Additionally, you will find the link to our website so that you can read more about us.
      Thank you for taking the time to read this and we look forward to finding like-minded individuals to take on Legion with us!
      Website: http://www.hof-gaming.net/join
      BattleTag Contacts:
      Sajakain (Guild Master): Sajakain#1683 Hatched (Guild Officer): Hatch#1820 Cerïse (Guild Officer): Satonaka#1280 Kissyfer (Guild Officer): Azilee#1343  
      ► Join Our Discord!:
      Join our Discord server! Please be sure to introduce yourself in the #general channel and let someone know you're interested about the raid team!
    • By Jablee
      Hey all
      As the title says im having issues with low dps atm, when i sim myself on raidbots im supposed to do 1.3mil dps ish (iknow its perfect conditions) but atm im roughly doing hardly 1mil unless its execute phase. Any tips or suggestions i can do to improve my performence.
      Here's a log for examination pretty much represent my overall performence for single target bosses: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/TdhwyZKXq2rtjbxF/#fight=last&type=damage-done&source=14
      Armory: https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/character/auchindoun/slamlee
    • By Casdon
      [US] Stormreaver — Skunkworks
      Tuesdays & Thursdays: 7:00 P.M. to 11:00 P.M. (pst) || 9-1 (cst) || 10-2 (est)
      10/11M Antorus
      9/9M ToS
      10/10M Nighthold
      3/3M Trial of Valor
      7/7M Emerald Nightmare
      About Us
      Skunkworks is a guild for players who can not or do not want to commit to the time-intensive raid schedules of traditional "hardcore" guilds.
      However, we still maintain a high caliber player environment and make an efficient use of our raiding time.
      We raid Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:00 - 11:00 PST, just 8 hours a week and never more.
      We are very protective of our guild environment and selective in recruitment. We are looking for solid players mechanically as well as intellectually.
      We all get paid to deal with idiots, why should we pay to spend our leisure time with them as well?
      Skunkworks has been around for multiple expansions and has historically always been at the top of the 2-night raiding guild scene.
      Past Raiding Achievements
      #US 199 Mythic KJ #US 186 Mythic Archimonde #131 US Heroic Garrosh #68 US Heroic Ra-den #77 US Heroic Lei Shen #86 US Heroic Sha of Fear #106 US Heroic Madness of Deathwing #99 US Heroic Ragnaros #147 US Sinestra #91 US Heroic The Twilight Destroyer (Halion) #71 US Heroic Fall of the Lich King #247 US Tribute to Insanity #160 US Alone in the Darkness Current Guild Needs
      Amazing Range DPS ---Exceptional Candidates always considered regardless of recruiting needs.
      How to Apply
      Apply with Google Forms
      All applications are kept private.
      Please include at least the following.
          Prominent links to relevant armory pages ]A guild history with reasons for departure
          The reason(s) you have chosen to apply to this guild
          Warcraft Logs
          UI screenshots or fraps/Stream footage
      Contact Information
      Shadaka (GM)
      Real ID:Shadak#1881
      Aerivore (Recruitment Officers)
      Real ID:  Aerivore#1581
      Real ID: Sov#1192
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