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Unholy Death Knight 7.3

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Guest Skørn @ Kael'thas

Hey there Skørn here, 

To answer the questions about Darby and the possible addition of Necrosis: The Darby build is a Dark Arbiter build, it relies on the leggo shoulders to keep it viable since they make DT increase the damage of DA and army ghouls by 40% (including apocalypse ghouls). The golden ticket in this is the burst that DA can provide through the spendature of runic power. There are multiple synergies which can render this build to be superior to almost anything else you can find as well (Death March helm, Convergence of Fates trinket, ToS 2 & 4 piece bonus, etc). If you'd like to check me out on WoWprogress, I run with this build and have the highest DK sim on my connected servers.

About Darby+Necrosis:

In theory it is a good idea, as it would help to smooth out dps during your burst CD downtime. However, with the nerf to the proc rate of sudden doom it becomes much more difficult to justify. In order to make it be on par with a build containing Shadow Infusion, you would need to increase the proc rate of Sudden Doom through haste for Death Coil weaving, as well as increase the overall damage of Scourge Strike somehow.  

Hope this gives some insight.



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15 hours ago, MrBrettimus said:

What is the darby build? Its not a name im familiar with. The issue with necrosis is that you want to be building rp for when dark arbiter pops so you can boost her dps even more on top of shoulders. So you cant get max use out of necrosis.


Im not an expert. Just like bouncing ideas to hopefully create the ultimate deathknight army to rampage across azeroth.

ok so the darby build is the dark arbiter build- basically its a 3-2-1-1-x-1-1 build for talent tree. typically people run shadow infusion for it, but the problem is that during the downtime your dps drops a good bit.

if you go necrosis, you do indeed want to pool your rp for when you drop the burst, but the reason for necrosis is for AFTER your burst is done and are wanting to not drop significantly in dps. you are correct for not getting the absolute most out of necrosis, but during the downtime, its the highest dps talent in that tree, whereas shadow infusion is only really good for aoe heavy fights, or during the burst.

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On 7/2/2017 at 9:44 AM, Guest Skørn @ Kael'thas said:

Hey there Skørn here, 

To answer the questions about Darby and the possible addition of Necrosis: The Darby build is a Dark Arbiter build, it relies on the leggo shoulders to keep it viable since they make DT increase the damage of DA and army ghouls by 40% (including apocalypse ghouls). The golden ticket in this is the burst that DA can provide through the spendature of runic power. There are multiple synergies which can render this build to be superior to almost anything else you can find as well (Death March helm, Convergence of Fates trinket, ToS 2 & 4 piece bonus, etc). If you'd like to check me out on WoWprogress, I run with this build and have the highest DK sim on my connected servers.

About Darby+Necrosis:

In theory it is a good idea, as it would help to smooth out dps during your burst CD downtime. However, with the nerf to the proc rate of sudden doom it becomes much more difficult to justify. In order to make it be on par with a build containing Shadow Infusion, you would need to increase the proc rate of Sudden Doom through haste for Death Coil weaving, as well as increase the overall damage of Scourge Strike somehow.  

Hope this gives some insight.



from what i have played with using necrosis, true they did nerf the proc of SD, however, if you're running unholy frenzy, it smooths that part out enough for being able to run necrosis. as of current, i have not had any problems with the downtime of darby using necrosis, because of the fact that runic power is still by far more consistent in a higher dps than running shadow infusion. All in all, it also comes down to playstyle and what YOU want to run. personally i run it, skorn doesn't, but we aren't playing to your playstyle.

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On 01/07/2017 at 3:32 PM, Guest Nick said:

why does this guide get an update every month or so? (if we are lucky). Please do something about it

It is normally updated as patches release and things need to be changed - if you do feel things need to be changed, such as with the DA discussion happening, then I can relay this on to the writer and we can review, but otherwise we work as the patches release essentially.

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As for the DA discussion above, passing on to the writer, will see if we can get things added/changed to include a DA build too :)

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On 7/1/2017 at 10:32 AM, Guest Nick said:

why does this guide get an update every month or so? (if we are lucky). Please do something about it

even worse

"This guide has been reviewed and approved by Tain, a long-time Unholy Death Knight player who raids in Dead Weight, a top 50 guild in the US."

he's a 908 FROST DK who hasn't been active since at most April when he got 8/9 mythic NH...ummm might want to rethink that.

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4 hours ago, TheSabi said:

even worse

"This guide has been reviewed and approved by Tain, a long-time Unholy Death Knight player who raids in Dead Weight, a top 50 guild in the US."

he's a 908 FROST DK who hasn't been active since at most April when he got 8/9 mythic NH...ummm might want to rethink that.

This might just be caused by a character swap or so - looking into this. Sorry!

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Guest Zatdied
On 7/18/2016 at 10:45 PM, Damien said:

This thread is for comments about our Unholy Death Knight guide for Legion.

Your easy mode page is giving conflicting information, you're saying you recomend Clawing Shadows and later say talent choice Unholy Frenzy.

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2 hours ago, Guest Zatdied said:

Your easy mode page is giving conflicting information, you're saying you recomend Clawing Shadows and later say talent choice Unholy Frenzy.

It's missing a section to say SS if you don't have CS. I'll report it to the writer.

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Guest Faelosia

Hey guys.

I've got a new question (it's been a while).

I'm trying to understand why the Tak'theritrix's Shoulderpads are totally BiS at the moment.

So it seems clear that every additional damage to the ValKyr is pretty OP, but then : How does that work ?

I mean, the buff gives 40% damage to all your pets, assuming you use DT after the pets have been summoned.

For Apocalypse & AoD it's pretty straightforward, 40% increase, point made.

For the Valkyr, as her damages are also increased by every RP we use, do those buff multiply or do they just add ?

Lemme be clear : 

Summoning the valkyr --> Damages = 100%

DT --> Damages = 140%

DC --> Damages = 185 % or 196% ?

The first solution would seem "logical" to me, while the second one seems totally OP (after all, I regularily use about 450RP when the valkyr is there. It would mean in the end. It would mean 590% vs 770%.)

Can't find the anwser to that question anywhere :(. 

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Guest Vol

Hey, I'd just like to point out that on your "easy mode" build page, you have Unholy frenzy as lv 58 talent, but make reference to clawing shadows in the rotation section.

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6 hours ago, Guest Vol said:

Hey, I'd just like to point out that on your "easy mode" build page, you have Unholy frenzy as lv 58 talent, but make reference to clawing shadows in the rotation section.

Thanks for pointing this out! This should be fixed soon.

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On 8/22/2017 at 8:37 AM, Guest Faelosia said:

Can't find the anwser to that question anywhere :(. 

You'll need to test this manually, tbh. It's not released anywhere as actual information, so we're a bit screwed on that front. You can test it with DA as an additive/multiplicative test. The shoulders are BiS only for DA, not for any other build, so that's worth keeping in mind.

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We are currently in the process of updating all guides as required for the 7.3 release. Please be patient as we make the necessary changes. You can keep an eye on the changelog to know if the guide has been updated or not. 

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This guide has now been updated for the 7.3 patch. If you have any questions or comments, you can always ask them here. If you find any errors in the new changes to the guide, let me know and I'll get the writers to update it ASAP.

Good luck in the Shadows of Argus!

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Guest Déka

Hi, i just got Cold Heart, but i'm wondering at how many stacks i have to use ice chain?

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2 hours ago, Guest Déka said:

Hi, i just got Cold Heart, but i'm wondering at how many stacks i have to use ice chain?

Cast it whenever you can at 20. There's no special system as with Frost and managing it with Pillar of Frost.

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On 8/29/2017 at 5:00 AM, Blainie said:

This guide has now been updated for the 7.3 patch. If you have any questions or comments, you can always ask them here. If you find any errors in the new changes to the guide, let me know and I'll get the writers to update it ASAP.

Good luck in the Shadows of Argus!

In the easy mode page in the subsection for basic rotation, I see this is mentioned "Regarding Dark Transformation, if you are using Convergence of Fates and Shadow Infusion, then you should use Dark Transformation only after Apocalypse and Dark Arbiter have been used, so that all pets are buffed by it. Once you have used it, you can use it freely while Dark Arbiter is on cooldown, but just make sure to save it in preparation for your next Dark Arbiter cast." As far as I know, dark transform has only ever affected the controllable ghoul you summon and nothing else, so was there an update to dark transform that now affects all summoned pets? Or is it that they're all affected by the combo of convergence of fates and shadow infusion? Very confusing!

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34 minutes ago, Razor64 said:

In the easy mode page in the subsection for basic rotation, I see this is mentioned "Regarding Dark Transformation, if you are using Convergence of Fates and Shadow Infusion, then you should use Dark Transformation only after Apocalypse and Dark Arbiter have been used, so that all pets are buffed by it. Once you have used it, you can use it freely while Dark Arbiter is on cooldown, but just make sure to save it in preparation for your next Dark Arbiter cast." As far as I know, dark transform has only ever affected the controllable ghoul you summon and nothing else, so was there an update to dark transform that now affects all summoned pets? Or is it that they're all affected by the combo of convergence of fates and shadow infusion? Very confusing!

Legendary shoulders for unholy buff all active pets when dark transformation is cast this includes Dark Arbiter and the Ghouls summoned by apocalypse and army of the dead. Thus, the most appropriate use of the shoulders is to have all pets summoned before casting dark transformation, if summoned afterwards they do not benefit from said buff. The reason CoF is so valuable is it reduces the cooldown of Dark Arbiter. This is why shadow infusion is paired with CoF. It (shadow infusion) guarantees that the next time DA is available to cast you will be able to buff her with dark transformation. 

To that end the section might be clarified by saying if you have legendary shoulders and are using cof and shadow infusion

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On 9/8/2017 at 4:49 PM, Tri said:

To that end the section might be clarified by saying if you have legendary shoulders and are using cof and shadow infusion

I'll get it added.

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Guest Unholy Guest

Can someone go over the nether crucible section for unholy. There is another relic choice option in tier 3 called Lash of Shadows. It's not a conventional relic trait. This trait appears in the special circle icon around the concordance of legionfall. Should revise your nether crucible tier list before people start going down the wrong path with incomplete information.

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13 hours ago, Guest Unholy Guest said:

Can someone go over the nether crucible section for unholy. There is another relic choice option in tier 3 called Lash of Shadows. It's not a conventional relic trait. This trait appears in the special circle icon around the concordance of legionfall. Should revise your nether crucible tier list before people start going down the wrong path with incomplete information.

Passing this on.

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Guest Jürgen

Regarding Dark Transformation Icon Dark Transformation, if you are using Convergence of Fates Icon Convergence of Fates and Shadow Infusion Icon Shadow Infusion, then you should use Dark Transformation only after Icon Apocalypse and Dark Arbiter Icon Dark Arbiter have been used, so that all pets are buffed by it. Once you have used it, you can use it freely while Dark Arbiter is on cooldown, but just make sure to save it in preparation for your next Dark Arbiter cast.

Is this not only the case, when you have the legendary shoulders? I dont see that Dark Transformation buffs, or what does  "..so that all pets are buffed by it"  exactly mean?

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