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    • By liverbiird
      i struggle with Markedshot procs:( in general, so i know something is wrong with my rotation(cant be that unlucky)

      at start of a fight iam allways top 3...but then i fall like a rock in water:(
      so iam wondering if you can actually do too many aimedshot, wich will prevent you from getting proccs more often?
      i actually get 3 AiS into a 5sec vuln...

      compared to other hunters in my guild iam up to par when it comes to AiS but on barrage and marked iam way behind:(
      i know i gotta be better at Barrage use, but the markedshot proccs really bug me:( I just cant seem to get em

      any suggestions?
    • By Kharth
      I know the Vulnerable debuff increases damage of Marked Shot and Aimed Shot 150%. I'm using Pantient Sniper? talent. What I am wondering is when I cast Aimed/Marked Shot does the buff have to be active on target when the shot is fired or hits the target to do the increased damage? I can get 2 shots off in time but if I am at a farther range it doesn't always land with the debuff up. I tried to check it during invasions and dungeons but can't reliably tell.
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