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Enh shaman: Which racial is best in legion?
drwienerful, in Shaman
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Okay so between Nelf and Human rogue my questions are this
Doesn't the weapon skill see a diminishing return?
Is the dps difference actually there?
Also shadowmeld vs perception: I don't understand why shadowmeld isn't considered to be the better choice?
Reasoning being that a nelf should get the jump on another rogue first regardless, because of the better stealth..that is a passive.
I understand that perception is active for 20 seconds but it has a cool down, and is also on the same faction?
By Casdon
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Skunkworks has been around for multiple expansions and has historically always been at the top of the 2-night raiding guild scene.
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By Xzylion
So, lately I have been looking around the web for someone to explain how I can insert an icon/bar that displays the "buff" Feral Spirit. I am mainly using the Tell Me When addon, but I had to go through Weak Auras this time to get it right. I also want to mention that I would not have been able to get it right had I not imported the Weak Auras string from Wordup (author of the enhancement shaman guide). The reason for this being so complicated is because contrary to what you might think, Feral Spirit does not work as a buff. Therefore you will have to manually work around this problem to get it to work. I have added some pictures that will hopefully make the process easier.
PS. I am in no way an expert on either Tell Me When or Weak Auras, so be gentle...
1) Tell Me When:
This is the general layout. If you dont want an icon, but a bar. You can go into the "group" tab (bottom right of tell me when) and select bar (on the very top)
This is how the layout inside Tell Me When should look after completion. Feral Spirit is no longer a "buff", so you will have to make a Combat Event where you manually enter the amount of seconds the combat event (Feral Spirit) should be active, in this case 15 seconds
This is important: Events to check --> Casts --> Spell Cast Success
After all that you should be ready to go!
2) Weak Auras:
Feral Spirit is no longer a "buff", so you will have to make a Combat Log where you manually enter the amount of seconds the combat event (Feral Spirit) should be active, in this case 15 seconds
Just scrolling down
All the way at the bottom you have to enter the Spell Name and the amount of seconds that the Combat Event (Feral Spirit) should be active.
Now you should be all ready to go!
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Hi all,
First of all, sorry for my bad English, is not my native language :)
So I'm searching since some days, Enh shaman stat weight for sim. I looked on Simulation Craft, but it's look weird that mastery is so close to haste.
I think it is ok when you don't have gloves legendary. But with them, haste is way so far than mastery?
Thanks in advance for your help !
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this is me.
sorry, I haven't done this before so I don't have any data to link or know how to use stuff like Warcraft logs or sims. I've also haven't done many runs of tombs yet so don't have any tier pieces.
looking at the icy veins guides I've talented for dire frenzy but didn't realise how much mastery I ended up with. Have I gone too crazy with mastery, should I be adjusting my stat prio better? Thinking I should probably gem for more haste. Most of my enchants/ gems I'm using are just ones I had the highest rank for and cheapest to make so my necklace is probably enchanted wrong.
i probably specced for mostly single target and think I've been doing fairly poorly for AoE damage compared to other people around my ilvl. Although I know to use multi-shot to refresh beast cleave I probably spam multi-shot more than the 4 secs needed, don't really use dire frenzy effectively, use titan's thunder basically whenever it's off cooldown, don't really know when I'm meant to be using aspect of the wild or whether I should be using beastial wrath in AoE fights. Should I be using murder of crows in AoE fights as well or is it just a waste of focus?
For single target I think I'm doing alright so far (only recently got the legendary boots so not sure how much the kill command cooldown should affect my rotation). Still don't really know when the best time is to be using aspect of the wild but I was basically doing the same as the icy veins guide. My opening sequence is usually something like Murder of crows, beastial wrath, titans thunder, then just kill command, cobra shot, kill command cobra shot etc.
Looking at icy veins guide I think I'm meant to be doing murder of the crows, beastial wrath, dire frenzy, titans thunder, then another dire frenzy straight away, aspect of the wild then normal rotation. After that it's just kill command/cobra shot I guess. While beastiality wrath is in effect should I only be spamming kill command/cobra shot for the quick cooldowns or should I still be using dire frenzy during this time? I use titan thunder when it's off cooldown and dire frenzy whenever it has 2 stacks. I usually just used murder of the crows when it was off cooldown but the guide seems to indicate that I should wait the extra 30 seconds and time it with my next bestial wrath. As for aspect of the wild I usually forget I even have this move and don't use it effectively, do I wait and combined it with bestial wrath? Wait and use it when I'm low on focus? Or use it as soon as it's off cooldown?
Thanks for listening to my rambling and hopefully thanks for your reply.
P.S. It's probably more of a personally choice or situational choice I guess but should I be talenting myself more for AoE for mythics. Example, one with the pack, volley, aspect of the beast?