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Updated again!!! Legion Raid - DK DPS Style

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Place holder for eventual post. Tips and tricks for the first two legion raids from DK DPS perspective. Could post things from beta here, might actually, however, until we see raid tuning and ability changes many things could be altered. So, I don't want to waste a lot of time.

Emerald Nightmare General Help:

*General Note Here: Emerald Dream is a movement heavy raid. There is tons of positioning requirements and a lot of exploding debuffs. Heavy use of Wraith Walk will be necessary for all three specs. * 


Rot must be moved to corner, Wraith Walk mandatory use to get it there fast enough.

Pop AMS to move through infested ground faster.

Hang on corner of your stack group so you have more time to move out of infested breath. Wraith Walk if you derp but you want to save it mostly for Rot. 

Elerethe Renferal-

When you get venom, wraith walk to quickly move out of group to designated stack point. At that point pop AMS to reduce damage while you wait for debuff to pop off. For frost volatile shielding talent is recommended, for unholy spell eater is recommended. 

Il'gynoth, Heart of Corruption-

Corruptor tentacles spawn on opposite side of room as dominator (typically) use wraith walk to quickly move to them. 


When targeted by ursocs charge wraith walk is mandatory to position yourself properly and run away.

Dragons of Nightmare-


Wraith walk is exceedingly useful for breaking the roots you may get. As unholy lingering apparitions is highly recommended talent.


If corrupted enough the giant monstrosity will appear and do a huge aoe attack. Save Wraith Walk to immediately get out of it. 

When targeted by meteor use wraith walk to move faster to appropriate drop spot, AMS may help reduce damage. 

This is a fun one: When entering the dream aka falling asleep all your cooldowns are reset upon exiting. So, as unholy you can pop army twice in the fight no problem because the CD gets reset. Same for frost you can summon sindragosa an additional time by using her in the dream. 

Emerald Nightmare Specific Help:

This entire section is thanks to community member Drtain, the king of unholy logs :D. Most of this section is more for unholy than anything, however, Drtains advice is far too valuable to ignore. 


Potion of prolonged power is the superior potion in all fights and should be used in lieu of what the below sections have listed. (i'll go in and hard edit them all later)

Nythendra: Applies to both Mythic and Heroic. Talents: 1,2,2,1,3,1,3. Do not use Wraith Walk to get out of the raid faster, you have 10 seconds to get to the wall. If you move as soon as you get the debuff you will not apply more than the original 1 stack too the other melee that is unavoidable because of the mechanic instantly ticking upon application. So then you can use wraith walk to get back too the boss, while you are standing out there waiting for rot to fall off re-apply dots, use D&D use up what runic possible so you can maximize dps while out there you will generally be rune capped by the time you get back to the boss. AMS can block the application of the debuff (applied when ever you touch the poop on the ground) so if you ever need to walk over it, for what ever reason ams so applications of it are not gained, extremely important in mythic. Use potion of the old war in both Heroic, and mythic.

Il'gynoth, Heart of Corruption: Heroic and mythic Talents: 2,2,2,1,1,1,3 Use ams when ever spew corruption is on you and or any other mechanics that'll cause you to take damage. Bursting sores is used here for it's a good cleave damage and good heart damage, ebon fever can prove to have more raw output but is nothing but useless padding, same with epidemic. Save Army for once inside heart for combined lust and extra single target burst. There is some note for this that your pet as unholy does have another deathgrip, if you keybind this you can grip more ichors onto the eye in case your guild is slow with it or one is outside of the range. To do the pet grip just set your pets target to the eye outside so it always pulls it on top of the eye, this is overall a dps less but dps on the outside is very low requirement and shouldn't really be a problem, compared to if your guild is struggling to get ichors onto the boss. This fight is pretty similar in both heroic and mythic with the gripping strats and just listening to your RL. Use prolonged power as your pre-pot, and Old war in the heart phase in heroic, in mythic Same deal unless you guys lust coming out of heart then I suggest you use another prolonged power when you lust.

Elerethe Renferal: Mythic and Heroic. Talents: 1,2,2,1,3,1,3. Save Army for when ever lust is being popped, if you want some extra numbers with the slight added benefit of "helping" killing the little spiderlings with your D&D and Outbreak can prove to be a slight dps increase. In Mythic and generally speaking heroic you really should be saving wraith walk for feeding time, in Mythic you have to move extra far as dks are slow as a potato you really need to move it with wraith walk. When ever you get neurotic venom on you stand where ever your raid leader has you standing and AMS once it starts falling off stand still you can generally withstand 3-4 ticks of the pools with AMS which allows your raid group to have more room since it's not as spread out. Opening potion I suggest Prolonged power, and old war upon your second cast, because in the opener she is always going to waste around 10 seconds of old war which is painful x.x This is for both mythic and heroic.

Ursoc: Heroic and Mythic. Talents: 1,2,2,1,2,1,3 Pretty straight forward fight. Do max DPS, Army when ever your group is popping lust, do not use it on the pull unless your group intends to lust on pull. Late into the fight having Corpse sheild can very very easily save your life, and you should use it if a couple people are dead and you are going to be having to soak an extra large charge. There is some thought to bursting sores in mythic, I would most likely suggest it if you're group is struggling with clearing the add, if not and your some what lacking on boss dps I suggest All will Serve being it'll offer you slightly higher boss damage but less add dmg. For both heroic and mythic use old war.

Dragons of Nightmare: Heroic and mythic. Talents: 2,2,2,1,1,1,3. Over all this fight is rather straight forward do mechanics, and try and save a couple bursting sores as well as D&D for when ever the dragons spawn their shadow versions and it'll prove to be good amounts of cleave as well as good extra dps! Generally speaking there isn't a whole lot to say for Mythic other than if you are staying outside the portals I suggest making a hook macro for your pet so you can grip the adds that you need to when they are attacking people, or the spirits when they are getting further away from you, Talent suggestions stay the same. Old war for both mythic and heroic, unless you are set to go inside portals in mythic, then prolonged power for both.

Cenarius: Heroic. Talents: (this fight can vary raid group to raid group but generally) 2,2,2,1,3,1,3 Again fairly straight forward use army when ever lust is popped, make sure you use D&D to cleave down the forces of nature he summon periodically. You can soak brambles with AMS (AMS then walk into it) you can soak between 1 or 2 depending just watch for when it falls off. I generally say hold onto Wraith walk incase you accidentally step on one or someone brings it on top of you, or for when ever you drag the boss off. If you raid leader wants you helping to clear brambles though more often run into them wraith walk (don't soak extra it doesn't work only when you first press it does it actually remove the root effect) Old war for heroic, don't have enough experiance in mythic.

Xavius: Heroic. Talents: 2,2,2,1,3,1,3 Basically pop all cds (except army) on pull ASAP. When ever you enter the dream use army, for it will come off CD as soon as you leave, generally try and use your CDs right before your leave it's normally like fractions of a second that you can use them so if you can squeeze them in it helps a ton trust me. Then leave army up until you enter last phase use army burn boss extra. Do mechanics as raid leader/fight calls. and D&D add in phase 1 for cleave damage. Old war again only for heroic, i don't have experience in mythic yet.

The Nighthold:


Chronomatic Anomaly-


Spellblade Aluriel-



High Botanist Tel'arn-

Star Augur Etraeus-

Grand Magistrix Elisandre-


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(All mechanics and talents may be subject to change but work and are currently the best for the fights as of 11/19/2016)

I will be listing talent set ups too use via 1,2, or 3 for each row going left to right, i.e All will Serve is 1 Bursting sores is 2 and Ebon fever is 3.

IF you have The instructors Fourth Lesson always take bursting sores.

Also started using prolonged power on all fights it seems to be better overall since the static dmg change to oldwar.

If I do not have experience in Mythic for this fight, Mythic tips will not be added until I have experience with that boss.

  • Nythendra: Applies to both Mythic and Heroic. Talents: 1,2,2,1,3,1,3. Do not use Wraith Walk to get out of the raid faster, you have 10 seconds to get to the wall. If you move as soon as you get the debuff you will not apply more than the original 1 stack too the other melee that is unavoidable because of the mechanic instantly ticking upon application. So then you can use wraith walk to get back too the boss, while you are standing out there waiting for rot to fall off re-apply dots, use D&D use up what runic possible so you can maximize dps while out there you will generally be rune capped by the time you get back to the boss. AMS can block the application of the debuff (applied when ever you touch the poop on the ground) so if you ever need to walk over it, for what ever reason ams so applications of it are not gained, extremely important in mythic.


  • Il'gynoth, Heart of Corruption: Heroic and mythic Talents: 2,2,2,1,1,1,3 Use ams when ever spew corruption is on you and or any other mechanics that'll cause you to take damage. Bursting sores is used here for it's a good cleave damage and good heart damage, ebon fever can prove to have more raw output but is nothing but useless padding, same with epidemic. Save Army for once inside heart for combined lust and extra single target burst. There is some note for this that your pet as unholy does have another deathgrip, if you keybind this you can grip more ichors onto the eye in case your guild is slow with it or one is outside of the range. To do the pet grip just set your pets target to the eye outside so it always pulls it on top of the eye, this is overall a dps less but dps on the outside is very low requirement and shouldn't really be a problem, compared to if your guild is struggling to get ichors onto the boss. This fight is pretty similar in both heroic and mythic with the gripping strats and just listening to your RL.
  • Elerethe Renferal: Mythic and Heroic. Talents: 1,2,2,1,3,1,3. Save Army for when ever lust is being popped, if you want some extra numbers with the slight added benefit of "helping" killing the little spiderlings with your D&D and Outbreak can prove to be a slight dps increase. In Mythic and generally speaking heroic you really should be saving wraith walk for feeding time, in Mythic you have to move extra far as dks are slow as a potato you really need to move it with wraith walk. When ever you get neurotic venom on you stand where ever your raid leader has you standing and AMS once it starts falling off stand still you can generally withstand 3-4 ticks of the pools with AMS which allows your raid group to have more room since it's not as spread out.                                          
  • Ursoc: Heroic and Mythic. Talents: 1,2,2,1,2,1,3 Pretty straight forward fight. Do max DPS, Army when ever your group is popping lust, do not use it on the pull unless your group intends to lust on pull. Late into the fight having Corpse sheild can very very easily save your life, and you should use it if a couple people are dead and you are going to be having to soak an extra large charge. There is some thought to bursting sores in mythic, I would most likely suggest it if you're group is struggling with clearing the add, if not and your some what lacking on boss dps I suggest All will Serve being it'll offer you slightly higher boss damage but less add dmg.


  • Dragons of Nightmare: Heroic and mythic. Talents: 2,2,2,1,1,1,3. Over all this fight is rather straight forward do mechanics, and try and save a couple bursting sores as well as D&D for when ever the dragons spawn their shadow versions and it'll prove to be good amounts of cleave as well as good extra dps! Generally speaking there isn't a whole lot to say for Mythic other than if you are staying outside the portals I suggest making a hook macro for your pet so you can grip the adds that you need to when they are attacking people, or the spirits when they are getting further away from you, Talent suggestions stay the same. 


  • Cenarius: Heroic, and mythic. Talents: (this fight can vary raid group to raid group but generally) 2,2,2,1,3,1,3 Again fairly straight forward use army when ever lust is popped, make sure you use D&D to cleave down the forces of nature he summon periodically. You can soak brambles with AMS (AMS then walk into it) you can soak between 1 or 2 depending just watch for when it falls off. I generally say hold onto Wraith walk incase you accidentally step on one or someone brings it on top of you, or for when ever you drag the boss off. If you raid leader wants you helping to clear brambles though more often run into them wraith walk (don't soak extra it doesn't work only when you first press it does it actually remove the root effect). Honestly this fight doesn't change for DKs in mythic just listen to your raid leader. Heroic and mythic are  pretty similar, for melee just do what RL says.


  • Xavius: Heroic. Talents: 2,2,2,1,3,1,3 Basically pop all cds (except army) on pull ASAP. When ever you enter the dream use army, for it will come off CD as soon as you leave, generally try and use your CDs right before your leave it's normally like fractions of a second that you can use them so if you can squeeze them in it helps a ton trust me. Then leave army up until you enter last phase use army burn boss extra. Do mechanics as raid leader/fight calls. and D&D add in phase 1 for cleave damage. Mechanics aren't different from heroic just do heroic but get in dream. 


  • Trials of Valor. 
  • Odyn. Heroic there really aren't many tricks to this fight other than if you are going to get hit from a ball AMS and it won't stun you, or icebound to undo the stun.                                                                                  
  • Guarm: Heroic Again not many tips for this guy. Fight is pretty straight forward, if you are careful you can hit the boss while he's charging around, though i have died for this reason.                                                            
  • Helya: Heroic there is a good amount of spots you can get a lot of cleaving off on both phases. Phase 1: When the vile breathe goes out you can D&D and cleave onto 2 slimes at the same time pretty easily. Phase 2: Dotting all the adds and bursting millions of wounds, or sending the dragon out to unleash havoc is all fine and found it's pretty obvious. But there are many spots where you can hit multiple tentacles at once and even the big adds depending where they are tanked allowing for some good Cleave on the fight. Frost can use Glacial advance, Frozen Pulse, and remorseless Winter for free cleave as far as mechanics go they're pretty straight forward Orbs run straight back or as your raid leader requests. Don't stand in stuff. You can attempt to absorb some ticks of the orb but it does decent amount of damage probably not the best to do?


  • Talents: For ToV use your best single target talent setups, There isn't much cleave to do here at least consistent so yeah/

Last updated: 11/19/2016 Added heroic ToV, and mythic Cenarius/xavius.



Edited by Drtain

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Just throwing it out there i can make a frost guide to compliment it but personally it's just going to be able when to save sindragosa's breathe, being talents for frost are so one dimensional currently, and potions stay the same for unholy and frost.

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Alright i'll work on it, Also @demonardvark just been doing some of my own testing i've found prolonged power to be the best on all fights if you don't mind changing that in your reiteration of what i posted.

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  On 11/5/2016 at 8:15 PM, Drtain said:

Alright i'll work on it, Also @demonardvark just been doing some of my own testing i've found prolonged power to be the best on all fights if you don't mind changing that in your reiteration of what i posted.


I added a note at the beginning to use prolonged power on all fights, will hard edit each paragraph later, thats a comfy chair project :)

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Frost guide.

Please also look at unholy guide I wrote it also covers when to save and use wraithwalk, ams and other useful abilities/utilities that'll apply to both frost and unholy, I do not really feel like rewriting the same thing multiple times.

Default talent: 2,2,1,1,1 or 2, 2,3 This being said The different between Avalanche and Icecap is very similar and most top parses as well as personal experimenting finds that Icecap pulls out ahead, regardless of this please use what you think will pull ahead for your self unless what is mentioned below applies to you.

There really isn't a huge amount to talk about here really. Most talents for frost are pretty static and generally don't change. Toravon's Wrists will force you to always be using Icecap. But other wise I suggest you follow the default talent set up I provide, unless noted otherwise.


Consumables: Haste food, and prolonged power for all fights.

Abbreviations: SF= Sindragosa's fury, Frostscythe = FSY, Remorseless winter = RW, Glacial Advance= GA.

  • Nythendra: On Heroic just use SF off CD no reason to save it. Continue rotation as per usual. On mythic I suggest you Save SF for the first set of MCs that go out, to break them out quickly depending on the HP of the boss and how long it will take to kill you will want to use your second one off CD or on the next MCs. If the fight will last less than 5 minutes just save your SF until you guess the biggest wave of MCs will be. Aswell I suggest you delay your GA/RW a couple seconds if MCs are about to come out.
  • Il'gynoth: In mythic I suggest you play unholy just because of the utility of unholy with double grips. In Heroic just use SF on the biggest set of Ichors the dmg really doesn't matter to much on the heart really. If for what ever reason you are playing frost in Mythic if your Guild is killing the first 8 ichors all at the same time use SF then, even if they are only killing 4 use it then just becareful. If you aren't killing any large groups of ichors I suggest you use after the first Horror comes out and there are some corruptors and deathglares out that are stacked. Then use your second SF on the second heart phase and try and hit additional Eye stocks with it to kill them as fast as possible, while also hitting the heart with it.
  • Elerethe Renferal: There is no tips for this fight that aren't padding, but if you want to,try and hit the boss and the first set of spiders that come out. Then use your second one on boss + as many spiders as possible on the second platform in Heroic, if it lasts that long. On mythic use it on the 3rd platform if you guys are still getting there, and not killing it on the second platform.
  • Ursoc: SF off CD if the fight is going to last 5 minutes+ (this is unlikely because the enrage insta kill raid is 5 mins and 10 seconds. So I suggest you use it on the first add that comes out to cleave onto the add. (Add is only in mythic if heroic ignore the add comment and use it off CD.)
  • Dragons of Nightmare: Use FSY regardless cleave as much as possible onto adds. Use SF on the rip to hit both bosses you can normally do this. Then use it on the next set of Shade spirits if you can. That's about it also depends whether you get to stay out or if you are on portal duty. (Portals only apply to mythic)
  • Cenarius: Nothing much you can do in this fight. Just rotation as normal for both mythic and Heroic.
  • Xavius: Save SF until you find out if you are first dream or second, if you are first dream save it until the first add comes out. If you are second Dream use it instantly upon entering dream try and hit as many as possible. (Heroic no experience on mythic yet, though from what i understand about the fight the same applies.)

Sorry if a little ugly, and maybe not too comprehensive but there really isn't a whole lot to frost that you can do to drastically increase your dps unless you use SF to pad. Will be coming out with a ToV guide sometime this week, for Heroic at least. For both specs.

Edited by Drtain
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@Drtain hey! Right now I really enjoy the Machingun Frost build. Is Runic Attenuation viable to all bosses except Dragons? (since on Dragons you need good aoe/cleave for adds so FSY better). Or should I ALWAYS take FSY?

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  On 11/8/2016 at 2:51 PM, Daxter said:

@Drtain hey! Right now I really enjoy the Machingun Frost build. Is Runic Attenuation viable to all bosses except Dragons? (since on Dragons you need good aoe/cleave for adds so FSY better). Or should I ALWAYS take FSY?


Technically you'll do just as much as you normally would, but I would advise FSY for better cleave, and for shade spirits if you group is specially good at killing adds cleaving and kill the spirits by all means but for the best performance I would suggest FSY.

Edited by Drtain

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Just throwing it out there added mythic cenarius/xavius and heroic ToV, should be expecting mythic odyn soon.

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