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Question for the Shaman Experts

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Hi, I am a gamer and I have been so for years.

Recently I returned to WOW after being away for a long time and have been busy leveling characters to get ready for Legion. As I got to experience all of WOD for the first time the last two months have kept me very busy as I tried out some classes and geared 6 toons up enough to run mythics.

I have realised though that I am going to have to really focus down in Legion as I cant play 6 alts and I need to make some choices.

I have always played an elemental shaman, but after reading icy-veins guides it seemed that enhancement would be the far superior choice to go with. So I started to change specs when the pre patch hit and just want to be sure that this is the right path to be on.


TLDR : The question... I want to be as viable as I can to both dungeon groups and raids, icy viens guides indicate that elemental is sub par in legion and that at least with the data they are working from enhancement will offer better synergy to others and is the spec to take if playing a dps shaman.

Is this the case?

I really dont want to put a ton of time and effort into an artifact weapon and spec only to realise it was a bad call, so as in life, if you can ask an expert do so if one is available.


Thank you the community for your time.

Edited by ulic3190

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There are no not viable specs and classes if you are not doing Bleeding Edge raiding or compete for the World/ Server best CM times.

But in this case there is a fat chance you will be told by your Raid Leader what class/spec to play and it may be even not shaman at all.

The only answer that you can actually get from any 'experts' is to play whatever class/spec you like. It's a game and you are supposed to have fun from playing it rather than to feel like it's your not paid second job.

Blizzards are not tuning certain specs to do 50% less damage than others, pure dps classes always do more damage than hybrids but we are talking here about single percents, not 20-30%. There are specs that are better in AoE, single target, burst and so on...

A good player can be the best playing any spec, bad player can't be the best even with the OP classes.

Just enjoy the game and don't worry about somebody saying something (don't forget about 'vocal minorities' issue)  :)

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On 7/28/2016 at 9:57 PM, Pandacho said:

A good player can be the best playing any spec, bad player can't be the best even with the OP classes.

Just enjoy the game and don't worry about somebody saying something (don't forget about 'vocal minorities' issue)  :)


Definitely true. Try playing both specs, then get really, REALLY good at playing the one YOU like best. You'll bring far more to any dungeon/raid group playing a spec you enjoy playing than one you pick because you (or someone else) thinks it will fill a niche the group lacks.

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