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[Stormreaver] [H] <Medicated> Recruiting for Mythic Legion

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Guild: Medicated | http://wow-medicated.enjin.com/

Faction: Horde | Server: Stormreaver (PvP)

Many brand new guilds are forming for legion as mythic raiding guilds. While we wish them the best, perhaps some underestimate the effort and dedication necessary to bring a guild to that level. The founders of Medicated understand the daunting task it is to create a mythic progression level guild and are committed to doing just that.

While we look to create this guild we are just as (if not more) concerned with the social aspect of our players than simply their ability to play this game. We are committed to a guild with a lack of egostim, douchebaggery, asshattery, or anything else that would be unpleasant to be around.


Medicated's philosophy is not a new or uncommon one. Creating a guild that will balance hardcore raiding and enjoying each other’s company. We will take our raids seriously, but don't expect that to stop us from joking around with one another.


Our planned raid days are Tuesdays Thursdays at 9-12PM EST with a yet to be decided weekend raid.


This is not a guild interested in benching people because some class has been over-tuned and is currently flavor of the month. Raiders should not feel they are constantly looking over their shoulder worrying that someone with better gear will take there spot.

We hope to be able to pride ourselves as a low turnover guild. We hope our raiders stick by us as we plan to stick by them.


While we don’t have a specific age requirement to join most of us are in our mid 20s. Some of our founders are even married with children. The goal is to experience the content of this game while it is relevant while still being able to live our adult lives outside of it.


Punctuality, humility, independence. (90%+ raid attendance). 



When applying please show us you took the time to read this by using the Key Phrase: That rug really tied the room together. 


Contact Information:

Raincaller (GM) Lazarus#12637

(Officer) deadvibes#1618



Edited by Lazarus

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