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Legion Fury Warrior Weak Aura's

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Thank you for the quick response Palles. I got everything imported without any issues. Just one more quick question if you don't mind. After importing the three strings, on the /wa screen, it shows them all as "not loaded". Is there something that I am missing in order to get them loaded? Or will all three load when I enter combat?

Edited by Kronos5000

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They are only loaded if you are a warrior, fury, and in combat. If for some reason they are still no loading with all those things checked then there might be a bug.

1 hour ago, Kronos5000 said:

Thank you for the quick response Palles. I got everything imported without any issues. Just one more quick question if you don't mind. After importing the three strings, on the /wa screen, it shows them all as "not loaded". Is there something that I am missing in order to get them loaded? Or will all three load when I enter combat?


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Hello! :D
The two conditions you said are given , and still is not activated. [It's OK, I changed language of Hability and aura, and solved it]
Edited by Tols
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I assume that means that you won't be posting anymore weak auras for it? I was wondering if you had created one for Arms spec. I usually play fury and use the weak auras from your previous posts, however would really like the same setup with Arms.

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On 9/20/2016 at 1:42 PM, Levythian said:

I assume that means that you won't be posting anymore weak auras for it? I was wondering if you had created one for Arms spec. I usually play fury and use the weak auras from your previous posts, however would really like the same setup with Arms.

If you're struggling for Fury WAs and palles isn't updating anymore, perhaps try wago.io - it's a site for WAs

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Uncommon Patron

I'm now getting this error in the helper after updating WeakAuras. Anyone have an idea on how to fix this?

Date: 2016-10-17 22:00:30
ID: 1
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ...erface\AddOns\WeakAuras\RegionTypes\dynamicgroup.lua line 172:
   attempt to index local 'region' (a nil value)
   [C]: sort()
   ...erface\AddOns\WeakAuras\RegionTypes\dynamicgroup.lua:209: EnsureControlledRegions()
   ...erface\AddOns\WeakAuras\RegionTypes\dynamicgroup.lua:265: EnsureTrays()
   WeakAuras\WeakAuras.lua:1995: Expand()
   WeakAuras\WeakAuras.lua:3377: UpdatedTriggerState()
   WeakAuras\GenericTrigger.lua:536: ScanEvents()
   WeakAuras\GenericTrigger.lua:556: ScanAll()
region = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to index local 'region' (a nil value)"

  Swatter, v7.0.1 (<%codename%>)
  AddOnSkins, v3.39
  Archy, v7.0.3.17
  AskMrRobot, v45
  Babylonian, v5.1.DEV.332(/embedded)
  BagBrother, v
  Configator, v5.1.DEV.406(/embedded)
  DBMCore, v
  DBMDefaultSkin, v
  DBMStatusBarTimers, v
  DebugLib, v5.1.DEV.337(/embedded)
  ElvUI, v10.21
  ElvUIExtraActionBars, v2.29
  ElvUILocLite, v1.28
  FBOutfitDisplayFrame, v1.7.8
  FBTrackingFrame, v1.7
  FishingBuddy, v1.7.9
  GarrisonMissionManager, vv49
  Gatherer, v7.0.1
  HandyNotes, vv1.4.9
  HandyNotesLegionRaresTreasures, v1.01a
  HandyNotesSuramarLeylines, v1
  HandyNotesSuramarTelemancy, v1
  LibSharedMedia30, v3.0-95
  MoveAnything, v16.1.0
  NPCScan, v7.0.3.25
  Pawn, v2.1.1
  Skada, v1.5-11
  SkadaGraph, v
  SlideBar, v7.0.1 (<%codename%>)
  Stubby, v7.1.5675 (TasmanianThylacine)
  TomTom, vv70000-1.1.0
  WeakAuras, v2.2.1.7
  WeakAurasOptions, v2.2.1.7
  WIM, v3.7.9
  BlizRuntimeLib_enUS v7.0.3.70000 <none>


Edited by Pythlyt

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