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"Heroic bosses are extremely difficult."
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By lawura
[H][Draenor][Healer problem] was founded at the end of BFA and reinforced recently with a a group of old friends experienced in mythic raiding. We are bound by ambition to build a strong core of focused players for mythic progression while valuing players over the progress itself. We offer a mature, fun and caring, yet focused environment, with respect to real life responsibilities.
At the moment we are looking for a couple friendly but committed players to complete our mythic team.
Raid hours:
Wednesday: 20.00 - 23.00 (3h)
Thursday : 20.00 - 23.00 (3h)
More info:
For current progress, info on current roster, and opened class spots please check our GoW Page: Healer Problem on GoW
Requirements for raiding
- Good performance & positive attitude
- Know your class and spec, or be ready to receive constructive criticism, to learn and to improve quickly
- Working discord voice communication (mic is not mandatory, but you are required to hear and respond)
- Be organized & prepared - research boss fights, have consumables to last through the raid, be up-to-date on power progression and gearing opportunities outside of raids
Other activities:
On Sundays we have social raids at 20.00-23.00ST
We have a good number of highly ranked and active mythic-plus players, who will be glad to see more joining them in their adventure.
In-Game Community
Our guild has an in-game community. We welcome and encourage our members interacting with players from other guilds and on other realms. Come, join us. meet our people, see if our atmosphere fits you before you decide to dedicate yourself to our raid team.
Community Invitation
If you have any questions, please contact us, we will be happy to answer any of your questions about our guild.
Guild Leader: Beygir#6257 (Discord)
Recruitment Officer: Cheyanna#5202 (Discord), Lawura#2369 (Battletag)
By Babblet
About us:
Looking for a new raiding home? <Concordant> on Turalyon is recruiting! We are a progression oriented guild consisting of working adults (18+). We work to conquer as much raid content as possible during our set schedule, as well as Mythic 10+ keys every week. We are a long-running guild that values high attendance, positive raiding attitude, personal effort, and a friendly, team focused raid environment.
Raid Times: Tuesday and Thursday 8:30 - 11:30 PM EST
Recruitment Needs:
Melee DPS Ranged DPS
Battle Tags: Novasolan#1621 (Guild Master), Died#1748 (Officer)
See you in Shadowlands!
Contact on or Discord only, do not respond or send PMs on Icy-Veins.
By TSLNight
Who we are:
The Shadow Legion is an early evening raiding guild. Our goal is to try and clear the current content (Cutting Edge) as fast as we can and maintain a friendly and positive atmosphere.
We are a group of friends who enjoy playing together no matter what the content is. Our guys come from a hardcore raiding background dating all the way to TBC days. We know we can push the hardest content if we set our minds to it.
After a long hiatus from mythic raiding we are rebuilding our mythic roster to effectively start clearing mythic Ny'alotha. We currently have a very solid core group of players who have been together for a few years now. We are looking to fill our ranks with other like minded players with a background in mythic raiding and the attitude of improving themselves and the group as a whole.
We are currently 12/12HC and 5/12M looking to continue mythic progress.
Raiding times:
Wednesday: 17:30 - 20:00
Sunday: 17:30 - 20:00
Monday 17:30 - 20:00
All times are Server time.
Times may be extended or an extra raid added during early progression if the group is willing to push harder.
We are currently trying to recruit mages as prio, but slots are open for anyone if they wish to apply.
What we expect from our raiders:
Attendance: We have a very chill raiding schedule, which is why we expect our raiders to have as close to a 100% attendance ratio as possible. We understand emergencies but if you cannot maintain close to perfect attendance then it will quickly become an issue due to time constraints.
Proficiency: We expect our raiders to be proficient with their classes and are always trying to improve. Whether it be by working on gear or going through your logs to find ways to improve, we will try our best to help where we can.
Communication: Headsets and a working mic are a must. You do not have to be talking all the time but being able to provide information quickly during a pull is a huge benefit.
Dedication: You need to have a positive attitude towards raiding and progressing. Understand that sometimes it takes time and effort to get some bosses down. We need players who are dedicated to achieve our common goal and maintain that competitive spark to push further where we can.
Feel free to get in touch with us if you have any more questions or wish to join us.
Night - Night#23645 (Guild Master)
Kaymer - Kaymer#2407 (Officer)
Blaster - Blaster#21232 (Recruitment Officer)
By Skaboy
<Fun is for Casuals> is a serious but casual horde guild on US-Hyjal. We are serious about raiding without the intense hours. Even when recruitment status is none, we will accept exceptional applications for all classes. For a full list of what we're looking for check out .
Our raid times are Tuesday and Thursday from 5:00PM to 8:00PM server (PST) with raid invitations sent out a few minutes prior to that.
We're interested in you if you fit the following criteria:
Raid attendance is essential. We don't want people sitting on the bench but we also want to make sure we're raiding 6 hours per week. We expect you to be available for at least 90% of our raids. Be on time and prepared for raids. This includes flasks and other consumables. Discord is mandatory and a working mic is desired. You're appropriately geared for our current content. Effort and thought have been put into your gear/gem/enchant choices. You wouldn't show up for a job interview looking like a scrub, why would you apply to a guild with improper gems or some insane spec? You're up to date with your class. We expect our raiders to perform to the best of their abilities. You have a computer that's not run with hamster power or requires a hand crank. Some encounters are taxing on a computer's resources so if your toon can't even handle Orgrimmar it's not likely to do well with 20+ whelps that need AOE'ing.
You may be interested in us because:
<Fun is for Casuals> uses the personal loot system. There is no loot council, or DKP. We won't eat your babies the first time you stand in something you have no business being in. Repeatedly do it and we'll break out the bibs and BBQ sauce. We provide a limited amount of consumables and flasks on hard mode raid nights. Discord isn't a circus during raids. We're focused on the job at hand and you should be too. We don't want someone to miss a an interrupt because they were distracted by fart jokes. We are not interested in you if you fit the following criteria:
You roll on BoE items then sell them. Unwilling/unable to spend an entire evening on one boss during progression. While this is rare, it can happen. Drama queens. If you have a problem bring it up to E. This is his job. Don't announce it in guild chat or during a raid. Your issue will have nothing to do with 99% of the guild. You are 17 or younger. We try to keep guild and discord chat PG-13 but occasionally a few four letter words appear out of nowhere. Additionally, we don't want someone's mom interrupting their raiding to get homework or the dishes done. Follow the instructions at under the Recruitment tab if you would like to apply.
If you have any question, feel free to contact E. at DbD#1309
By Ketanjal
Region : Europe
Server : Tarren-Mill
Faction : Horde
Raid Schedule : Monday and Wednesday 20:00-23:00 (Server Time) (19:45 invites)
Raid Progression : 2/8M EP, 3/9M BoD, 2/2HC CoS and 2/8M Uldir
We are looking for:
For 1 Ranged DPS:
Boomkin, Mage or Shadow Priest
For 1 Healer:
Holy Paladin, Mistweaver Monk or any exceptional other class.
Currently our raid team exists of friends that have been playing for more than a year together and want to keep playing together. Our team currently is a roster of 24 and we are looking to get the number high enough so we can maintain a constant roster of 20 man. Once we are over the 20 man we will start using a schedule where we will rotate our raiders so everybody gets a spot and gets used to the fights.
Since we got curved we would love to get to at least half the bosses in mythic and just have fun whilst going for the challenges.
Raid Days (Server Time) :
Monday : 20:00 - 23:00
Wednesday: 20:00 - 23:00
Invites start at 19:45
What we can offer and want :
A guild with a fun and alive raid environment
Dedicated guildies with a focused mind-set
Helpful guildies on classes, M+, tips
What we expect :
A friendly player
A dedicated player
Knowledge of your class or showing a willingness to learn
We want to play to the best of our abilities and know as much as we can about our classes and current/upcoming raids so we are ahead of the curve.
From this we hope to learn from others and meet new friendly faces to add to our growing team.
Should you have any questions please feel free to contact us on Discord or Battlenet. Even if your class is not mentioned above but are ranged
Keta#9560 / Ketanjal#2240