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[Dalaran][A] -=U N D E R G O D S=- Raid Recruitment

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-=U N D E R G O D S=- DALARAN(US) Alliance Guild Raid Recruitment

About The Guild:

Our guild is a new guild, formed by experienced veteran raiders. We have moved from a lower population server, Shadowmoon(US), in order to have a wider base to recruit from. Since we are newly formed, and forming our raiding atmosphere, any newly joining members will have more of a say in the rules, and format of the guild going forward. We are not a dictatorship, and wish to be inclusive, and fun. We take Raiding seriously, but wish to have fun as well.  We have been playing mmos, since before they had graphics, including UO, EQ, AC, and others including Beta Testing WoW.

Raid Times:

Tuesday/Wed EST, with exact times to be decided before Legion Raiding opens up. Currently 7-10PM. This is flexible based upon Raids needs, before Legion Raiding Starts.

Recruitment Needs:

We are currently recruiting all class/specs, we have several people that can fulfill multiple roles, however we are flexible since we are newly formed. We expect a certain level of skill, to match or exceed our current team, also including the ability to show up, show up on time, prepared with all nec. Items, and information.

Battle tag contact:




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