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Secrets Midrange Hunter Standard

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3 hours ago, TheEviscerator said:

Any thoughts of running more secrets?Im just curious because i saw other decklists that run like 6-7,such as thjis's

Thijs uses face secret. This deck is midrange secret, so I would not recommend running more secrets in this deck, but we do have a face secret that has 7 secrets.

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51 minutes ago, TheEviscerator said:

After a bit of playing i cut the toads for snipe,what do you think?

Even though Snipe has better synergy with the deck, it is not powerful enough and does not help you establish a strong early-game board, and is useless against a lot of aggressive decks because of cards like Argent Squire and Possessed Villager.

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Guest ThisRandomGuy

So I am playing this at rank 14 and it is doing 1 win 1 loss consistently. You cannot possible move up with that kind of win ratio. I am wondering if I am doing this wrong or something. the main issue is that as soon as warrior throws on armor using cthun cards (which is every warrior noone is creative with warriors anymore) or some taunts are thrown in my way as any deck I may have the clear spells to get rid of them but that instantly makes my deck useless in terms of huge damage. Also after I use that spell another taunt on the field ends the game for me. Strangely enough I win against mages and warlocks easy. but everything else is just so rediculous it makes me wonder if hunter is useless this season. Especially against all these dragon decks. There is no set weaknesses for dragon decks. It's not like if I kill these cards the rest of the deck is useless. They are for all intents and purposes God decks. I don't know maybe I am missing something. But if thousands of people can get to legendary every season I don't understand why I can't.

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2 hours ago, Guest ThisRandomGuy said:

So I am playing this at rank 14 and it is doing 1 win 1 loss consistently. You cannot possible move up with that kind of win ratio. I am wondering if I am doing this wrong or something. the main issue is that as soon as warrior throws on armor using cthun cards (which is every warrior noone is creative with warriors anymore) or some taunts are thrown in my way as any deck I may have the clear spells to get rid of them but that instantly makes my deck useless in terms of huge damage. Also after I use that spell another taunt on the field ends the game for me. Strangely enough I win against mages and warlocks easy. but everything else is just so rediculous it makes me wonder if hunter is useless this season. Especially against all these dragon decks. There is no set weaknesses for dragon decks. It's not like if I kill these cards the rest of the deck is useless. They are for all intents and purposes God decks. I don't know maybe I am missing something. But if thousands of people can get to legendary every season I don't understand why I can't.

I was able to get past rank 14 without any losses with this deck earlier this season, so you either have bad luck, which is always possible, especially with lower amount of games, or you might be playing the deck suboptimally, or a combination of the two, of course. Could you please upload a replay?

If it is not a possibility, I could give you a few general tips: let the warrior trade. You are the aggressive deck, you should be pushing damage. Don't overextend though, especially past turn 5. From my experience, this decks plays a bit faster than regular midrange, so you should in general be going face more than with regular midrange hunter. 
Main weakness of dragon decks is inconsistency. If you get good draw, you steamroll almost every deck you face. If you get bad draw, there basically nothing you can do. Having to drop a 1/4 for 2 mana (in case of priests) or 2/6 for 4 mana is really bad.

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Guest ThisRandomGuy

Hello sorry for taking so long to get back to you. I have figured out somewhat of the problem but I still have a few issues. I figured out the warriors by putting in bear trap to account for the weapons. It seems to work just fine and synergize with my other beast cards. But I learned through deck tracker that the main deck I consistently lose to is the shaman deck. I am stuck at 13-12 because of this. I will get 3-4 wins and then hit a patch of 4 or 5 shamans in a row and go back to rank 13. I cannot for the life of me figure out how to counter shamans I always lose to them. Here is a link to my last shaman game maybe you could tell my why this is happening so consistently. Is it me or the deck or does it really boil down to luck? Thanks for taking the time to listen to this by the way. Makes me feel like I am not just shouting at air lol. 



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2 minutes ago, Guest ThisRandomGuy said:

Hello sorry for taking so long to get back to you.

It's always worth quoting the person you are replying to, since you'll grab their attention faster. Tagging @positiv2

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Guest ThisRandomGuy
2 minutes ago, Blainie said:

It's always worth quoting the person you are replying to, since you'll grab their attention faster. Tagging @positiv2

Thanks for pointing that out I am sorry I spaced it I will try to remember this from now on. 


On 11/14/2016 at 1:40 PM, positiv2 said:

I was able to get past rank 14 without any losses with this deck earlier this season, so you either have bad luck, which is always possible, especially with lower amount of games, or you might be playing the deck suboptimally, or a combination of the two, of course. Could you please upload a replay?

If it is not a possibility, I could give you a few general tips: let the warrior trade. You are the aggressive deck, you should be pushing damage. Don't overextend though, especially past turn 5. From my experience, this decks plays a bit faster than regular midrange, so you should in general be going face more than with regular midrange hunter. 
Main weakness of dragon decks is inconsistency. If you get good draw, you steamroll almost every deck you face. If you get bad draw, there basically nothing you can do. Having to drop a 1/4 for 2 mana (in case of priests) or 2/6 for 4 mana is really bad.

One thing about asking for help is politeness and manners go alot farther than rage.

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2 minutes ago, Guest ThisRandomGuy said:

Thanks for pointing that out I am sorry I spaced it I will try to remember this from now on. 

No problem. Just a few points on your replay from me:

  • Coining Bear Trap was the wrong move. You should have waited until Turn 2 and coined your weapon. 
  • You shouldn't have played the Cat Trap, since you had already devalued your Huntress by playing Bear Trap. You then ended up playing a Vanilla 3/4, which gave no extra value when it was played.
  • You also lost the value of 2 secrets that would buff your Bow for 2 more charges.
  • You misplayed by using the Kill Command before the Grandmother, which then meant your 3/4 died for nothing to the 4/1 Drake.

You had a very good starting hand here, you just didn't capitalise on it.

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Guest ThisRandomGuy
47 minutes ago, Blainie said:

No problem. Just a few points on your replay from me:

  • Coining Bear Trap was the wrong move. You should have waited until Turn 2 and coined your weapon. 
  • You shouldn't have played the Cat Trap, since you had already devalued your Huntress by playing Bear Trap. You then ended up playing a Vanilla 3/4, which gave no extra value when it was played.
  • You also lost the value of 2 secrets that would buff your Bow for 2 more charges.
  • You misplayed by using the Kill Command before the Grandmother, which then meant your 3/4 died for nothing to the 4/1 Drake.

You had a very good starting hand here, you just didn't capitalise on it.

Yeah I noticed the kill command before grandmother after the play honestly. That was a literal facepalm moment. I didn't think about coining out the weapon turn two in fact I don't think I have ever thought of that. Kinda sad actually. I have noticed that huntress was more often than not being played without secrets in hand before. Seems like I need some more practice on capitalizing on my synergies. Thanks for the advice. 


47 minutes ago, Blainie said:


You had a very good starting hand here, you just didn't capitalise on it.

So I am a little confused at the moment. I built the deck exactly the way it shows and I am making (at least I think I am) better plays and synergising moves but I have now gone 0-4. 3 shamans and 1 warrior. The main issue is unless you get unleash the hounds turn 1 you have zero field clear. you have nothing.  One of the shamans beat me because he threw out two things from below turn 5 and unless I had a beast on the field and 2 kill commands in hand the hunter deck has no way to deal with that. Also anything I throw out every shaman has an answer to. They always have all there damage spells and spell damage adding cards in hand at all times and they always get the spell damage weapon turn 1. Is shaman just a better hero or am I just using this deck wrong? Sorry to talk so much lol just want to do what I can to improve how I play. 

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To add to the info Blainie gave you:

Reason that coining out Bear Trap was a wrong move was because you had a double 3-drop (Eaglehorn Bow + Cloaked Huntress) and you would be able to play the secrets for free thanks to the aforementioned Cloaked Huntress.
You should have played Infested Wolf in place of Cloaked Huntress on turn 4 because of mana efficiency. 

45 minutes ago, Guest ThisRandomGuy said:

So I am a little confused at the moment. I built the deck exactly the way it shows and I am making (at least I think I am) better plays and synergising moves but I have now gone 0-4. 3 shamans and 1 warrior.

Of course, more replays will help us more. General rule against warrior, as said previously - don't overextend after or on turn 5 without knowing that the warrior does not have Brawl.

45 minutes ago, Guest ThisRandomGuy said:

Is shaman just a better hero or am I just using this deck wrong? Sorry to talk so much lol just want to do what I can to improve how I play. 

Midrange shaman is a superior and the most oppressive deck in current meta. Still, you should be able to win against it. 
No need to apologize - we are glad that you want to improve.

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1 minute ago, Guest ThisRandomGuy said:



This is exactly what I am talking about. This brings it up to 0-5 now. 4 shamans and 1 warrior. 

Misplays: On turn 3 you should have played Cloaked Huntress, even though you did not have any secrets. You would have used your mana more efficiently. Additionally, you would be left with a 3/2 on the board after Maelstrom Portal.
Again, turn 4, inefficient mana usage.
You arguably should have attacked with your weapon on turn 6 to clear the Stoneclaw Totem before it gained 2 attack.
On turn 7 you should not have used hero power, but rather should have equipped another Eaglehorn Bow. You had a secret in play and you would have used your mana more efficiently.

So, your most common misplay is inefficient mana usage, which is a very big issue when playing hunter. You should check how much mana you have and what is the highest amount of mana you can use.

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Guest ThisRandomGuy
3 minutes ago, positiv2 said:

So, your most common misplay is inefficient mana usage, which is a very big issue when playing hunter. You should check how much mana you have and what is the highest amount of mana you can use.

So mainly I need to become more efficient with mana usage. Good to know. Was there anything I could have done against that shaman or once he was given a chance to put thunder bluff valient on the field was it all over? I couldn't see anything to be done but maybe you can. I thought about killing that stone totem but even if I did he would have probably gotten it again by that point and I never would have gotten 6 damage on the thunder bluff valient. 

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7 minutes ago, Guest ThisRandomGuy said:

So mainly I need to become more efficient with mana usage. Good to know. Was there anything I could have done against that shaman or once he was given a chance to put thunder bluff valient on the field was it all over? I couldn't see anything to be done but maybe you can. I thought about killing that stone totem but even if I did he would have probably gotten it again by that point and I never would have gotten 6 damage on the thunder bluff valient. 

I have seen only the mana usage issue in the latter replay. It is possible that I missed something though. Still, mana usage is a huge problem when playing hunters (and most midrange decks in general) and I believe that once you improve it, your winrate will go up by a significant margin.

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Guest ThisRandomGuy
20 minutes ago, positiv2 said:

So, your most common misplay is inefficient mana usage.


Is this a good example of efficient mana usage or is this an example of I got lucky that he didn't have anything to play that wasn't high cost? Also did I make any misplays on this?

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22 minutes ago, Guest ThisRandomGuy said:


Is this a good example of efficient mana usage or is this an example of I got lucky that he didn't have anything to play that wasn't high cost? Also did I make any misplays on this?

Keeping Unleash the Hounds against priest is not recommended, as priest will rarely flood the board. 
Using the second charge of Eaglehorn Bow might not have been optimal, as you had Cloaked Huntress with Cat Trick to add another charge while building a board. If the priest played a minion, it could have caused some minor problems. Luckily for you, it did not.

Yeah, that was nice and efficient mana usage. GG! If you have any more replays you aren't sure about, feel free to send them to us.

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This deck is similar to one that I play except I run 2 Freezing/ 2 Explosive/ 2 Cat-Trick/ 1 Snake no Call of the Wild/ Huge Toad/ Fiery at. Honestly I only have Highmane for Barnes to pull it out or versus board clear/ kill command activator.


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6 hours ago, peekaboo said:

This deck is similar to one that I play except I run 2 Freezing/ 2 Explosive/ 2 Cat-Trick/ 1 Snake no Call of the Wild/ Huge Toad/ Fiery at. Honestly I only have Highmane for Barnes to pull it out or versus board clear/ kill command activator.

With so many secrets you might want to consider adding Lock and Load to the deck as well. Works great on turn 5 with Cloaked Huntress and a ton of secrets - you might even get more secrets from the Lock and Load.

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1 hour ago, positiv2 said:

With so many secrets you might want to consider adding Lock and Load to the deck as well. Works great on turn 5 with Cloaked Huntress and a ton of secrets - you might even get more secrets from the Lock and Load.

Interesting thought .. If I get one in a TGT pack I might consider using it .. Trying to stay away from crafting TGT cards since it will cycle out ..

I just dislike using random cards, one of the reasons I stopped playing Tempo Mage and now use the more dependable C'Thun mage that you'll guys posted,

I just feel that that meta currently even with the control decks is just too aggressive .. My hunter games barely go beyond turn 8 by which time either I concede or kill the other person .. Cloaked Huntress made hunters a broken class IMO

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