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Armored Bloodwing Giveaway! [UPDATED]

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A few days ago, Blizzard added a new in-game mount to their online store, the Armored Bloodwing, which you can see in action in the video below:

This week-end, we are going to give away 3 such mounts. All you have to do to enter the contest is to post in this thread and tell us what you think of Hearthstone at this stage and how eager you are to play it! We will pick the winners on Monday, at 8pm GMT.

As always, we will watch out for duplicate entries ;)

UPDATE: the winners are RogueTomboy, Clark, and Domnic. They will receive a message from us shortly. Thanks to everyone who participated!

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Never played any of those TCG styles but I am actually looking forward into trying this out. The videos they have shown so far look pretty awesome and I like how its easy to play hard to master. Lets go BETA!

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I'm extremely excited to play hearthstone, and I hope they release it for Android platforms at some point. I haven't heard anything from the beta opt-in yet sadly D:

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I look forward to becoming far too addicted to Hearthstone when it comes out. I really hope it will have in-game pets and mounts that we can unlock for WoW.

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I am eagerly awaiting the game -- watched all livestreams and I already figured out which type of deck I was doing to build (Warrior armor + Death wish for those interested, backed by a lot of taunt minions)

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I am absolutely stoked to play Hearthstone. Anything WoW-related is worth looking forward to in my book. The only problem is that now I'll have to find the time to play ridiculous (and probably worrying) amounts of WoW (as per usual) AND Hearthstone too! Posted Image

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I have always been a huge fan of Blizzards past games, and while Hearthstone looks like it will have an appeal to many, I am currently still unsure how I will like it, but knowing me, I'll try it out anyway and have some fun with it!

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I think hearthstone is going to be amazing as i love tcg games plus i love blizzard games so there is nothing left it will be amazing!!!

Unfortunatley i haven't recived a beta key though Posted Image

Edited by onyxdk

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I am very excited about this game.

I'm hoping to get a Beta key as soon as possible and I will start playing with a hunter, because I love this class... And the Blood Elves... :P

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I am looking forward to Hearthstone, as I just started playing Magic the Gathering and absolutely love it. Never tried a digital TCG before that. :)

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I am so excited to play hearthstone I bought 2 iPads for my family so we now have 3 and won't be bugging each other for time on the game.

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