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[Lightbringer] [A] <Centered> recruiting DPS for Legion

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<Centered> Is an Alliance guild that has been around since the early MC days. We are a friendly group of mature gamers who seek to maintain competitive progression in top-tier raiding while preserving our atmosphere of good-natured banter and camaraderie. We're looking for people who can handle complex mechanics while maintaining solid throughput, know their class and each of its specs well, and enjoy playing with a group of like-minded friends. 

We have a strong core that we are building around for Legion, and we are looking for more exceptional players who are interested in playing on a relatively light schedule to round out our roster. If you are interested, add one of our officers on battletag or visit our website listed at the bottom of the page. 

Raid Times:

Tuesday 7:30pm - 10:30pm server (Pacific Standard Time)
Sunday 7:30pm - 10:30pm server (Pacific Standard Time)
Monday 7:30pm - 10:30pm server (Pacific Standard Time)

Current Recruitment Needs

Heal team:

Resto druid (medium)
Holy pally (low)
Resto shaman (low)

Melee DPS team:

Demon Hunter (High)
Warrior (High)
Rogue (High)
Death Knight (medium)
Enhancement Shaman (medium)

Ranged DPS team:

Shadow Priest (High)
Mage (High)
Warlock (High)
Boomkin (High)

Contact Information:

Holyshockman - Recruitment Officer - Monkeys1500#1853
Kirielle - GM - Capstone#1874
Dartwo - Officer - Dartagnia#1403


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