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[Area 52][H] <wat> 7/7N 6/7H (DPS/Heals)

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<wat> is currently 7/7 EN H. Currently the team is looking for core raiders and players who enjoy Mythic+ content and want to push Mythic Raids. 

<wat> has not only high-end raid experienced members (US TOP 50), but has high-end experienced raid leaders. Being that we are new, we are hoping to acquire players looking to return to WoW or even start playing for the first time.

<wat> is hoping that players who inquire about us are willing and able to be positively criticized and open to improving through guidance. Being able to handle adult language is a must. If you are easily offended, look elsewhere.

<wat> is currently recruiting the following:
Tank: Mythic+ Tanks welcome.
Healers: Shaman / Monk / RDruid
DPS: Rogue / RetPal / Hunter / Lock Mage

What are we looking for in terms of players?
As previously stated, players inquiring about joining <wat> should have thick skin, the drive to play at a progressive level, and can meet ~90% of raid times. Also, we are looking for actively social players. Please don't be afraid to hop in our Discord and contribute to our dank memes.

What are the raid times?
Thursday / Saturday / Sunday(OPTIONAL) - (6:45pm-10pmEST)

What does Sunday(OPTIONAL) mean?
Everyone is busy, if we have the members to do Mythic content logged on, we will raid. If not, there are FLEX/Mythic+ content to do.

Do I have to fill out an application?
God no. This is a game. We just want you to hop in Discord so we can ask you some questions and feel out if your personality will mesh with ours.

How do I get in contact with you?
You may PM myself or add one of the officers on RealID:


Edited by dinglefbaby

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