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[Proudmoore][H] <The Dawnguard>raiders

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Hello, and welcome to The Dawnguard (Proudmoore, Horde). We've gathered you all here today to announce our goals of raid domination! At the impending kickoff of Legion, we intend to toil away, day after day, in hopes of becoming one of the top raiding guilds on the US servers. Our members have been raiders in WoW, and other MMOs, for many years. Some have had the privilege of being successful raid leaders with top guilds. We have not progressed in WoD content, as nearly all of our members took a break. After returning to WoW for this new patch, we've come together to form an offensive against the demon invasion. However, we can't do this alone, and we need your help! The Dawnguard is officially opening its doors to new recruits. While we won't be accepting "anyone and everyone", we've tried to ensure our requests are not overly burdensome.

Requirements to join:
1) Have at least one character at level 100 (Easy)
2) Be focused on reaching endgame content at a rapid pace (Medium)
3) Have the ability to communicate with guildmates via voice chat (Medium) (We currently use Discord)
4) Have a well-rounded knowledge of class/spec roles in raids (Hard)
5) Be awesome (Easy? Medium? Hard?!)
6) Understand that, much like University of Chicago, we don't do "safe spaces" or "trigger warnings" (Mythic+)

If you meet these criteria, we'd love to have you join us. Should you choose to accept this quest, you may contact any of our Officers in-game, or simply visit our brand new guild site to register at Dawnguard.apexmega.com! We look forward to the days ahead and hope to share them with each and every one of you. Guild members will not be required to raid, but we certainly appreciate anyone who is willing. While this is the main focus for the guild as a whole, we understand that some members will simply wish to stop with dungeons and world content, and we respect this decision. There are plenty of ways to contribute to the raid effort, without stepping foot inside of a raid. We are also more than happy to allow players to join our voice chat as a Trial Member, to get a feel for our community. If you would like to do so, please visit our site and follow the directions posted on the front page. You must have a registered Discord account for longer than five (5) minutes in order to join our server. This is simply a security measure on our part.

Note: Req. 6 exists to indicate that, at any time, someone in our guild is likely to say something rude, inappropriate, or downright offensive. As gamers, we have a tendency to go a bit overboard sometimes. It may not be proper, but it's who we are. However, this is no excuse for targeting and abusing particular members. Any untoward actions directed at a guild member will be handled swiftly (harsh warning and temporary loss of permissions, or ban, issued at an Officer's discretion).

Raid schedules will not be finalized until we have more members, but expect late nights, EST.

(Guild Master) Akavari's Characters - Dawnfang, Truthless, Akavari
(Raid Leader) Piff's Characters - Barioth, Adelorna, Celestin
(Human Resources...) Craven's Characters - Arbrau, Schadenfroh, Azeran

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