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[Area52][H] <Origin> (Fresh) LF capable players

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Origin was started on Area 52 as a group of IRL friends that wanted to build a team and raid in Legion. The leader and co-leader have had mythic and past heroic experience in World of Warcraft along with the co-leader having Final Fantasy XIV savage raiding server firsts and seconds. Origin is looking for anyone with past raid experience or a strive to raid and are willing to put in the time and research to become a top player. Tanks and healers are especially a high priority with mythic dungeons and mythic plus dungeons being an important step in the gearing progression. There will be weekly mythic/mythic plus runs within the guild to gear up at a fast rate. We currently are looking for everything and will be trying people out. We do not require logs because we understand that people are coming back to the game that have not played in a long time or raided seriously in a long time. Origin will be giving people a chance to join the guild and show that they are capable players.

Raid Times
Origin plans on raiding Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Raid times would start out being 930pm cst - 1230am cst with the start time being bumped to 830pm cst in the future.

If you are interested or have any questions please post them here or send a message to Chiwillikers, Cannons, or Skybolta on Area 52. Website is under construction at the moment.

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