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I'd love some help with this auto-mount macro.

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Ok so I used to have this macro running that would automatically mount me after mining something. i am fairly sure it worked for hermalism, and normal loot pickup aswell.

I tried running it but it didnt do anything so Im guessing the code is somehow outdated.

Is there any macro king out there gonna help me get this working again?

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While we're on the subject, might aswell look into it not only mounting me on the same mount each time, but summoning mounts through the random favorite mount function.

I am not entirely sure if this post is in the right subforum. (figured its either this or "UI".)


Thx ahead for any advice

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Sky Golems make herbing easy now as it doesn't dismount you (which is why the prices on these have been pretty great lately).


I have no idea on the macros though, I'll try and ask around!

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Looks like blizzard changed the function C_MountJournal.Summon(), which uses the index of the mount in the journal, to C_MountJournal.SummonByID() which uses the mountID instead.

/run local f=AtH or CreateFrame("Frame","AtH") f:SetScript("OnEvent",function() CallCompanion("MOUNT",0) end) f:RegisterEvent("LOOT_CLOSED")

I'm playing around a bit with it atm and I've got this working, it selects a mount based on the index in the mount journal.

Edited by PaasHaaS
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After a little research I was able to get this working as of patch 8.2     This will summon the mount listed after CastSpellByName.  Put whatever mount you like inside the quotes, in this case the X-995 Mechanocat.  Copy the string into a macro, drag it to an action bar (or assign a key bind).  The macro is off by default.  You only need to click it one time unless you reload.  This will summon the specified mount immediately after mining, herbing or looting.  Enjoy!

/run local f=AtH or CreateFrame("Frame","AtH") f:SetScript("OnEvent",function() CastSpellByName("X-995 Mechanocat") end) f:RegisterEvent("LOOT_CLOSED")

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  On 7/6/2019 at 2:25 AM, Tyranis said:

After a little research I was able to get this working as of patch 8.2     This will summon the mount listed after CastSpellByName.  Put whatever mount you like inside the quotes, in this case the X-995 Mechanocat.  Copy the string into a macro, drag it to an action bar (or assign a key bind).  The macro is off by default.  You only need to click it one time unless you reload.  This will summon the specified mount immediately after mining, herbing or looting.  Enjoy!

/run local f=AtH or CreateFrame("Frame","AtH") f:SetScript("OnEvent",function() CastSpellByName("X-995 Mechanocat") end) f:RegisterEvent("LOOT_CLOSED")


Can this be made to only mount up after mining? It keeps demounting me after herbing while using sky golem.

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