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Unholy : Mastery Build

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Hello fellow death knights, 

So after finishing my mythic dungeons for the week, luck wasn't really on my side. All i got was mastery gear, so i decided to go full mastery with clawing shadows as a talent. I've still a few question mark in my talent tree though, and i'd love to ear y'all opinions :

First tier (LVL56) : Bursting Sores vs Ebon Fever. Not finding any intel on how those talents would work with above 65% mastery, considering they're both shadow damage. I've been trying Ebon Fever for the last few days, it switches up the rotation a little bit and i find it nice.

Sixth tier (LVL90) :  Shadow Infusion vs Infected Claws. I feel like while not using castigator, you don't get a lot of wounds up with Festering Strike, so i've been trying Infected Claws, so i can get a few more. I don't really know yet if it helps or not.

I'd love to hear your opinions, or see if someone has the same problem as i do :p.


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Though i am not 100% sure I would say Ebon Fever, with infected claw probably sounds the most sound. I feel like there should be some question on defile/dark arbiter too but i don't know what to think on that one.

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ebon fever for apocalypse synergy, same with infected claws

playing with defile would be interesting, i would imagine you'd want 8 wounds on bad guy, drop defile, and apocalypse right before its last tick when your mastery increase is the highest. difficult to do perfectly though

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Right now i'm still using Dark Arbiter, as fights in Mythic/Heroic/WQ are quite fast. Might give Defile a try on dummies and see what it could do, thanks for the answers btw.

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On 9/5/2016 at 5:13 AM, Harmolulz said:

Right now i'm still using Dark Arbiter, as fights in Mythic/Heroic/WQ are quite fast. Might give Defile a try on dummies and see what it could do, thanks for the answers btw.

yeah that's always the inevitability in theorycrafting. As progression occurs burst is more favored than anything. The icy guides classically are aimed at mythic end content (they've done a nice job of presenting alternate builds now, good job guys :D ) and those typically favor burst damage. So, while a mastery build for unholy sounds good, for later progression, it will fizzle out compared to crit builds right now. 

Really makes one wish that reforging was still a thing :)

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20 hours ago, Harmolulz said:

Yeah it will fall off for sure, just hoping two next resets will give me more haste/crit items so i'll be ready for emerald nightmare :)

i'm sure you will be PREPARED!!!!!!! so many illidan puns and more to come.

again though for at least normal and pushing into some heroic raiding the stat weights are helpful guidelines. dungeon gear even mythic level is always kinda so so compared to the actual raid gear. so pre ED i would focus simple on ilvl gearing and not worry as much about stats, if you check your dungeon journal you'll see the raid gear has some more desired pieces (as to be expected honestly)

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2 hours ago, demonardvark said:

i'm sure you will be PREPARED!!!!!!! so many illidan puns and more to come.

again though for at least normal and pushing into some heroic raiding the stat weights are helpful guidelines. dungeon gear even mythic level is always kinda so so compared to the actual raid gear. so pre ED i would focus simple on ilvl gearing and not worry as much about stats, if you check your dungeon journal you'll see the raid gear has some more desired pieces (as to be expected honestly)

Well, i'm actually 844 equiped (846 total), so ilvl is already quite high (possibly going 850 tonight after mythics). So i'm focusing on what i can on my gear :D ! Yeah raid loots look amazing, also waiting for a freakin legendary (the myth!). Also mythic+ dungeons will be out at the same time as ED, a few good items could come out of there.

For people wondering : http://eu.battle.net/wow/fr/character/ysondre/Harmodk/advanced

Here were my stats when i had to go mastery build (armory finally updated), 22% crit, 72% mastery, 7% haste. I managed to change a few pieces with crafts and WQs, now at 31% crit/41% mastery/16% haste.

The change is huge with the haste, the rotation feels more and more enjoyable, there's less and less waiting for runes to regenerate, and i could go back to castigator/shadow infusion. DPS gain is huge too.


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