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Interview with Escape Cydonia
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By Vasagore
[H] [Tarren Mill] <Gambit> 2 day mythic raid team and social community!
8/11M Sepulcher of the First Ones (AOTC)
Past tiers:
6/10M Castle Nathria (May 27th to June 14th only)
9/10M Sanctum of Domination
"Gambit" was founded in April 2021 under the name "Journey". It was started by a group of old friends wanting to reconnect and create an enjoyable raiding team, where competitive players could work together in building a Cutting Edge team, free of toxicity and on a relaxed 2 day schedule. Everyone in the founding group had proven themselves in Cutting Edge raiding before and wanted to do so again with this team!
In early 2022 we went through a transition in the leadership as we wanted to expand our focus towards building a community and not just running a raid team. The raiding goal remains the same, to accomplish Cutting Edge! But we also want a community where friends can play together, both in- and outside raids, and whether or not they are part of the raid team. A place where we can also play other games when content might be getting a bit old or we just wanna dabble in something else. We therefore opened the guild to socials, who want to be part of a small tight knit community of friends with which they can explore this game as well as others, without having to be part of the raid team and committing to a set schedule. With this expanded focus we decided to also rebrand the guild and involved all our members in deciding a new name which led us to become "Gambit" in late January 2022.
Having fun with friends is key to our community, and despite our high-end raiding goals, we have zero tolerance towards toxic behavior and misplaced egos. We all play the game for enjoyment and to achieve our goals together. We don’t obsess over meta and bench people for being the wrong class, but remain realistic about what is required to beat certain fights and will work with our team to adapt to the content that is thrown our way. That being said, performance obviously matters when pushing for Cutting Edge, and raiders are expected to always strive towards improving and being the best they can be, but we work hard on keeping the atmosphere positive, as having fun while raiding is the key to the longevity of the raid team.
To reach our goals in raiding we are always working to maintain a roster of like-minded players that know how to have fun, but also know how to dig in and grind when needed. People that know their class and play it to a high standard!
We offer:
A community of friends and passionate players A raid team of players working together to achieve their goals A competitive and drama free environment for raiding A home for both raiders and socials wanting to play together both in- and outside World of Warcraft Officer and raid leading team that have accomplished Cutting Edge before, but also value the community and social aspects
Our expectations of raiders:
English speaking and willing to use your mic High attendance Always striving to be the best you can be Able to take constructive criticism Ability to come prepared on tactics and stocked on consumables for your own usage
Our expectations of socials:
English speaking Friendly and interested in being engaged with the community
Raid schedule (server time):
Monday 20:00 - 23:00
Thursday 20:00 - 23:00
Optional non-mythic raid on Sundays same time for as long as HC farm is considered relevant at the beginning of a tier. (Not mandatory)
We will have a break roughly halfway through the night.
Loot system
We use loot council to ensure that upgrades are placed where they benefit the teams progression the most. Raiders always come before trials in loot distribution.
What we are looking for in the raid team:
Dedicated raiders that don't give up when it gets a little hard!
None Healers
None Melee DPS
None Ranged DPS
Spot 1: Mage, Ele shaman or Balance druid We always consider exceptional applicants for the raid team and ask that you fill out our application form on our discord in order to be considered:
If you're only interested in joining as a social, then feel free to reach out to an officer in game for a chat, but note that we do not recruit raiders this way - raid team recruitment is through the application form.
By FoxShine
To apply:
Hello!! This is Starby from Velocity on Sargeras[A]. We're an established guild, that does mythic raiding in the morning/daytime. We're looking to enhance our roster with skilled and reliable players. If you're a mythic raider looking for a fresh start with BFA, and are interested in morning/daytime raiding -- check out Velocity!
The goal of Velocity is to take down mythic bosses and have fun in the process. We’re searching for like-minded players who are interested in playing at a high level in a laid-back environment. If you can joke around, then focus up when you need to; this is the guild for you.
Our main roster is composed of veteran players. Some of us have been playing together for a little over a year. We have a solid core for our dream team – we’re simply looking for a few more to round us out!
[A] <Velocity> 6/9M 9/9H (7/8M)
Raid Times: 10am-1pm CST | Tues/Wed/Thurs
Recruitment Needs
Ranged – Shadow Priest, Warlock, Mage
Melee – *filtered* Rogue
Healer – Disc Priest, Resto Sham
**** Offspecs are a huge plus!!
Some Mythic raiding experienced. Being relatively active outside of raid is preferred. Able to focus while joking around, and vica versa.
We're dedicated and ambitious players, so commitment to our raid times is necessary. We’re interested in consistent players who are realistic about their day-to-day schedule. Raiders have to communicate in the event of tardiness or absences. Schedules change, things come up and real life always comes first. All we ask for is a heads up!
Trial Period
Demonstrate teamwork, attendance and play over 6 consecutive "raid days" (two weeks), after an agreed upon start date.
What you can Expect from us:
Dedicated leadership, communication, well defined goals, and a sense of community. Apart from raiding we also run M+ with each other every week.
What we expect from you:
Players who can survive and react to mechanics, while putting up big numbers. Many players struggle to do one, we are looking for both. Apart from this, just be a friendly. It might also be a good idea to bring a sense of humor.
If we sound like a good fit, let us know! Go ahead and apply online, leave a reply here and/or send us a tell on BNET/Discord. You could also go old school and send in-game mail to Starby-Sargeras or Foxshine-Sargeras!
To apply:
Thanks for checking us out and we hope to see you in gchat soon. ?
Fox#1713 (GM)
By Entiquity
Greetings everyone!
My name is Entiquity and I am with the Shadows Gaming Consortium<SGC>. We are a fairly new clan in Diablo 3, however the SGC has been arounnd and in other games for a number of years now. The SGC offers a low-key environment to just enjoy the game with other players. All of our players are mature, eager to play the game and always willing to help a fellow clan-mate.
The SGC offers a full website, discord server and very active leadership. The SGC Board of Directors is always active and around daily. Our website can be found at and our main discord server can be located at
We are looking for players of all levels, ages and skill levels. We just want active members that want to play the game(s) of their choosing with some friends and create some good times. And being that our Diablo 3 clan is newer, we are looking for active leaders as well, to help us grow and expand. If any of this sounds of interest to you, please send me an in game message, or friend request or pm here.
My bnet tag is Entiquity#1357
The SGC looks forward to hearing from you and hopes to see you in game!
By Datcoopguy
So little context of this video we were having a smooth raid but then we kept wiping to dumb stuff and little things and suddenly our raid leader snapped and suddenly started bursting into song while leading during our progression and get this we started downing things. Some pretty moments in it.
By Oreiya
<Darkness Ascended> a guild who wants to have fun while downing content at a decent pace. Staying super focused during boss pulls but not afraid to have fun while doing so. We are active in and out of guild. Guildies love their mythic plus dungeons and their alt runs for ap/legendary drops. We are extremely helpful and inviting. We also play games outside of WoW such as League of Legends, Overwatch, Diablo III, Path of Exile, Starcraft, Hearthstone and more so there is never a dull moment with us!
About Us
- We reside on Hyjal server(PvE) which is well populated without wait queues
- Very active discord server with Raidbots skip-the-queue feature for all guildies to run sims, top gear, stat weights, etc along with a music bot to share your taste with friends
- Fun guild events held throughout the week including older Legion raid clears for leggos and M+ Fridays (consistent high keys!)
- We maintain a focused and calm atmosphere throughout the raid in order to be effective with the 6 hours a week we are given together
Raid Schedule
- Wed & Sat 7:00pm - 10:00pm (PST)
Raid Progress
- WoW Progress:
- Ascended
- 9/9(N) 9/9(H) ToS
- 11/11(N) 5/11 (H) BT
What we expect
- Mature, dedicated individuals who are able to take jokes, have a great attitude, work well as a team & enjoy playing the game
- Show up prepared with gems/enchants/consumables
- Can dedicate to the raid schedule & give notice when absent
- Have raid awareness. They know not to stand in the fire!
- Those who can be objective and want to learn and grow with us as a team
- People who are not afraid to have constructive criticism, people in this guild have been raiding/have played multiple toons and know what they are talking about.
Recruitment Wishlist
We will make exceptions for the right fit!!
- Druid: Resto, boomy and/or feral
- Priest: Shadow or holy (if you are a swing healer even better)
- Warlock
- Paladin: Retribution
- Death Knight: Frost or Unholy
- Demon Hunter: Havoc
- Rogue
When joining <Darkness Ascended> you should know
- We would like you to be at least the item level of 925+
- We do make exceptions for the right individual*
- We will try to have a conversations/try and get to know you a bit before even jumping into guild stuff, be prepared for this. If you are going to be part of this guild we may as well get familiar.
- As a trial you will be given equal loot priority after attending 2 consecutive raids
*What we mean by the right individual is we want everyone to have fun and enjoy themselves. We do not rude or negative vibes spread around the guild nor do we want the elitist mentality. We are all very capable of finding other guilds that may be farther progressed but we choose to stay for the environment and the people here. The guild contains of a special kind of WoW player, we are not causal but we are not hardcore either. It is a game, we treat it as such. If you are one of these special WoW gamers do not be afraid to contact us despite our needs! We love and want like minded individuals, social or raider.
Thank you for your interest!
Recruiter Contact
Darkness Guild Master:
- Astirrays#1997
- Discord: Oreiya#7838