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sargeras [Sargeras][A] <Argent Legion> LFM Mythic Dungeon & Raid Team!
Peristalith, in US
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By Rainelas
Project X (Heroic) is a one night a week Heroic team located on Sargeras, US and we are an Alliance raiding guild. We are a laid back group of friends that like to have a good time while also downing bosses each week.
We are Currently looking for.
* Death Knight (DPS)
* Hunter Marksmanship, Beast Master
* Mage any spec
* Demon Hunter DPS
* Warrior DPS
* Paladin DPS
* Priest any spec
* Druid Feral, Balance
* Rogue any spec
* Shaman any spec
* Warlock any spec
Must be 385 to Apply.
Raid times: Sunday - 7:30 - 10:30 CST
Apply here: <>
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By Zapowah
<Devious> US-Sargeras-Alliance is currently looking for more exceptional players to round of our team.
\\Raid Times//
Wed and Thursday 9am-12:30pm CST
\\Current Needs//
Strong Holy Paladin.
55+ traits
Good attendance.
Feel free to contact us with any questions!
By furti
Raid times: 3:00PM to 7:00PM EST on Saturday and Sunday afternoons.
Current Progression: 8/10M
Current recruitment needs are the following: ALL CLASSES
VANQUISH is an ancient guild with a long raiding history, both good and bad, all of which can be found on our website @
For the Legion expansion we are utilizing a weekend raid schedule. Our raids begin at 3:00PM EST (invites at 2:30) and end at 7:00PM EST on Saturdays and Sundays each week. Because of our limited raid schedule, we are only interested in recruiting players who excel at understanding boss mechanics, are able to perform efficiently in a raid setting, and whom are able to avoid lethal raid mechanics while playing their character well. New recruits are also expected to have near 100% raid attendance during their trial period.
Each week raiding members are expected to prepare for the upcoming weekend raid by making sure they have enough consumables (food, flasks, and potions) for the 8 hour raid week. Researching and understanding upcoming fights, or current progression encounters, is also expected to take place prior to raid days.
Our guild community and general raid atmosphere is something very valuable to us. If you’re a consistently negative person, or someone with a generally bad attitude, this guild will not be a good fit for you. We do take our raiding time seriously though, and having “thin skin” will not serve you well.
Overall, VANQUISH is a performance-based guild. We expect people to play well and maintain respectable logs of encounters each week. Failure to do so will eventually get new recruits demoted to a non-raiding rank in our guild.
New recruits who are unable to maintain their raid attendance will not pass the trial period. If you have computer issues, internet issues, or outside commitments that would prevent you from making our raid times, this guild will not be a good fit for you.
If you wish to apply, you can do so @