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Best Race for a DK for alliance

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I would like to knw what would be the best race for an alliance dk would be would it be Draenai or worgan can someone help me with this please iam transferring from a dead server to another and going alliance with my dk and he is my tank

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Draenai is pretty much the best all around for dps and tanking as long as you're assuming you reforge that 1% hit out of another piece of gear and into your best stat. Also Gift of The Naru is a pretty decent cooldown for a racial.

Worgen is good for Unholy or 2h frost dps, but won't really help you any for tanking.

Human is as good as Draeni if you happen to have a sword or mace, and every man for himself has saved me more times than i can count.

I wouldn't recommend anything else.

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Night Elf gives you 2% extra dodge, so they are pretty much the default Alliance tanks, but the very idea is kind of ridiculous TBH. Death Knights almost have to be human lore-wise.

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If you are planning to PVP, human is the way to go though - the extra DPS trinket is awesomesauce.

Otherwise I'd go Worgen because of the extra crit and the sprint, both of which are very useful.

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Lore wise, the first death knights that Arthus raised after assuming the mantle of Litch King was fallen Human Paladins. Lore wise this was a recreation of the original death knights which were resurrected Undead and Orcs by Kalthius. If you were going to go with lore I'd play human. Otherwise I would choose the race that appeals the most to you. if you love your toon, you're more then likely to play it, so go with what fits you the most. Humans are beasts in PVP with the extra hit and every man for themselves cooldown in bg's, however I've been reading that druni get extra expertise. Don't take my word for it, I'm just being nice to allies until I kill Garosh...Lok'tar.

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