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By Davidga13
Anybody can help with this? I'm using simcraft to get the stat priority for my MM's gear but it is giving me crazy results, not sure why. Agility=83.13, Ap=80.24, CritRating=0.83, HasteRating=46.84, MasteryRating=1.04, Versatility=217.72, Dps=297.72
According to stat priority lists, such as the icy veins one, mastery should be the predominant stat. Now I understand that it can change depending on gear and other things, but this much???
I've attached a screenshot wit the settings in simcraft, in case it helps.
Can anybody tell me what I'm doing wrong? Sorry if it's a noob question.
By Strobes
EDIT: The characters in question are
Me - http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/fenris/Cygnius/advanced
Friend - http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/fenris/teldrali/advanced
Hey, guys. I downloaded simcraft and ran some patchwerk simulations today to help me decide which pieces of gear I want to be wearing, since I have a number of things that seem like they could be viable for my Demonology Warlock The results don't really match what the article here states, but still show Haste on top for single target, and very close to Int for 2 and 3 targets, which seems to at least somewhat match the guide here. I figured this would be good enough for me to determine which gear choices would be the best for me to equip.
However, I was curious and wanted to see what it said for a friend's character, who is a Fire Mage. From my understanding, Crit is always king for Fire Mages, but the results showed the opposite, which is making me question Simcraft as a whole. Am I doing something wrong? Must something more be done than to import your character, select the type of fight you want, which plots you desire, etc.?
Here is a link to the scaling results, labeled for convenience.
By Hitry
Hi I am working on a sim for prot warrior since simulationcraft doesn't work for it currently, you can check it out here if you like:
It runs pretty slow so scaling will take a lot of time. Have some problems with it still, like where haste will give more or less uptime on shield block depending on the current rating for some reason. If you find any other bugs please let me know. Currently for me it reports armor>haste>mastery>vers>strength>crit, with armor pretty far ahead - could be that darkmoon fair armor trinket is worth a try!
By Xanxos
Hi Guys im new to the Forum and hope maybe to get some help
SOO the thing is im running my Assa Rogue through Simcraft and im not so sure if the Resultes were right so i came here for help
according to Simcraft my Rogue should be doing 149k dps but ingame on the Raiddummy im somwhere between 180k and 200k
so i was wondering am i missing something in the options of Simcraft or am i just that good a player (JK) and the other thing is the
Statprio on simcraft is kinda strange and it just looks wrong according to Simcraft i should be doing this Agi > Crit > Vers > Haste ~= Mastery
but in other forums or guides i keep reading about Agi > Mastery > Crit > Vers > Haste so im not sure whats right and whats wrong can somebody
please push me in the right direction :D
OH and here is my Armory if you guys need it in someway
Thanks for the help in advance
By Debreker
Today I found out about SimCraft in combination with the addon pawn (thanks finalboss for the video!).
But my main question is: What are the "best" options to simulate with my prot warrior and get a proper stat weight and pawn string for a tank?
I currently have the following settings (plots and reforge are disabled):