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Elemental Shaman, Trinkets quastion

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Hi , this is my ele shaman:


as you can see my trinkets are Bottled Wishes and Foul Gift of the Demon Lord

which one should I keep if I got 1 of the DS trinkets ?

I use the CD on that trinket every time its off CD

also is my Reforge good or not ?

thanks Posted Image


also would like to ask which one is better :

Threadlinked Chain or Opal of the Secret Order

Spirit > Hit

Haste > Crit

so I'm confused a bit , which one is better ? IMO I perfer Hit over Crit , therefore Opal of the Secret Order but would love to know your opinion Posted Image

ofc the Petrified Fungal Heart is better , but didn't drop for my ele yet :/

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Hello again Amajed!

I would say that spell_fire_felflamering.jpgFoul Gift of the Demon Lord is superior to inv_potion_109.jpgBottled Wishes. If you compare the two items, you get the following stats,

  • from spell_fire_felflamering.jpgFoul Gift of the Demon Lord: 383 Intellect and an average Mastery Rating gain of between 459 and 510 (some people say the Internal Cooldown for the on-proc effect is 45 seconds, other 50);
  • from inv_potion_109.jpgBottled Wishes: 381 Spell Power (15 second on-use effect on a 90 second cooldown) and 458 Haste Rating.
For your Elemental Shaman (as well as for any caster), Intellect is vastly superior to Spell Power, so this makes spell_fire_felflamering.jpgFoul Gift of the Demon Lord the clear winner (the Mastery and Haste gains are similar in value, so they should not be used to determine the relative values of the trinkets).

Regarding inv_jewelry_necklace_35.jpgThreadlinked Chain and inv_misc_necklace_16.jpgOpal of the Secret Order, you need to understand that, as a DPS caster, you do not get benefits from Spirit in the way healers do (i.e., it does not increase your mana regeneration while in combat). As a DPS caster, your mana regeneration while in combat is equal to 5% of your base mana (about 1171 MP5).

Therefore, you need to consider that Spirit and Hit Rating are exactly the same for your Elemental Shaman. So the only factor on which you are going to base your decision is which of the two items provide the best second stat. As you noted, Haste Rating is better than Critical Strike Rating, meaning that inv_misc_necklace_16.jpgOpal of the Secret Order is the better choice.

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Sorry for stealing your thread Amajed Posted Image

I have also a question about trinkets, at the moment I'm using Foul Gift of the Demon Lord and Figurine - Jeweled Serpent and was wondering if I should replace the figurine with Bottled Wishes

I don't care much about the ilvl, just would like to know which one is better for my dps Posted Image

my shammy: http://eu.battle.net...urette/advanced

thank you Posted Image

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Sorry for stealing your thread Amajed Posted Image

I have also a question about trinkets, at the moment I'm using Foul Gift of the Demon Lord and Figurine - Jeweled Serpent and was wondering if I should replace the figurine with Bottled Wishes

I don't care much about the ilvl, just would like to know which one is better for my dps Posted Image

my shammy: http://eu.battle.net...urette/advanced

thank you Posted Image


Sorry for the late reply, I'm currently moving places, so I quickly glanced at the Shaman forums the other day and I thought you were simply adding a reply to Amajed's question. Therefore, I didn't give it all the attention I should have!

I see that you now have inv_misc_stonetablet_04.jpgWill of Unbinding and spell_fire_felflamering.jpgFoul Gift of the Demon Lord as your trinkets, so answering the question seems a bit pointless now, but I will do it for posterity :)

The answer is that inv_potion_109.jpgBottled Wishes is better than inv_jewelcrafting_jadeserpent.jpgFigurine - Jeweled Serpent. Also, you did right to keep Foul Gift of the Demon Lord with your Will of Unbinding, because it is better than both Bottled Wishes and Figurine - Jeweled Serpent.

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Sorry for the late reply, I'm currently moving places, so I quickly glanced at the Shaman forums the other day and I thought you were simply adding a reply to Amajed's question. Therefore, I didn't give it all the attention I should have!

I see that you now have inv_misc_stonetablet_04.jpgWill of Unbinding and spell_fire_felflamering.jpgFoul Gift of the Demon Lord as your trinkets, so answering the question seems a bit pointless now, but I will do it for posterity Posted Image

The answer is that inv_potion_109.jpgBottled Wishes is better than inv_jewelcrafting_jadeserpent.jpgFigurine - Jeweled Serpent. Also, you did right to keep Foul Gift of the Demon Lord with your Will of Unbinding, because it is better than both Bottled Wishes and Figurine - Jeweled Serpent.

My fault, I should have created a new topic:) Silly girl me ^^

Doesn't matter that now it's a bit late, I do appreciate your reply Posted Image

Thank you Posted Image

PS. I hope moving is/was going well.

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My fault, I should have created a new topic:) Silly girl me ^^

Doesn't matter that now it's a bit late, I do appreciate your reply Posted Image

Thank you Posted Image

PS. I hope moving is/was going well.

Moving went fine, thank you. I'm still waiting on a proper internet connection, which I hope will arrive before MoP ;)

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Hello Everyone

Heres my guy from armory http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/ghostlands/Ronebean/simple

As you can see i got the essenece of brillance in LFR last night replacing the essence of terror trinket i had previosuly from raid finder. this new trinket reduces my spell power by 1000 points and features crit rather than haste. is it really superior to essence of terror?

Thank you

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Thanks for your question Ronebean, I'd recommend moving it to a new thread rather than keeping this necro thread alive (it's from T13). Once you've done that, I'll lock this thread.

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Thread now being locked so we don't necro it again. The new trinkets thread is here.

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