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Heroic Tortos

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Question on how blood shield stacks with shields on h tortos. Does it get hit while crystal shield is up and allows crystal to build or other way around? My guild will be starting the fight soon and just trying to pick up best tank set up. Thanks.

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It will go through your blood shield before it goes through the crystal shield. This means you can use death strike before large hits like stomp and bite to help prevent your crystal shield from dropping. Another implication of this, is that if you successfully do this (which you should strive to do) all your death strikes will be for their minimum 7% HP value, which means stamina will do more for the shield size than mastery. If you can afford it, gemming stamina helps on this fight (as it also increases your max crystal shield size) but you should at least get 2x stamina trinkets.

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Are you certain that taking damage with the shield doesn't contribute to larger death strike heals? I was just checking my log from our Tortos kill last night. My average death strike heal was 86860.0, and I run with about 850k HP buffed. also my uptime for the Crystal Shell buff was 85.8%.

If I was only getting minimum deathstrike heals 85.8% of the time my average DS heal should have been closer to 60k

Also just checked another thing, and my DTPS was 90299.7 which means a 20% DS should have worked out to about 90k.

Edited by Storm

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