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looking for a second opinion on logs.

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I'm Dkdkhunterdk, I'm not fishing for compliments nor do I care if you can't find any problems I'm strictly looking for someone else to look over my logs and help me find any mistakes I made on either the first or second boss. I'm trying to help the guild as much as possible and be the best dps I can which includes finding any mistakes I make and correcting them.




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8 hours ago, Drtain said:

I'm Dkdkhunterdk, I'm not fishing for compliments nor do I care if you can't find any problems I'm strictly looking for someone else to look over my logs and help me find any mistakes I made on either the first or second boss. I'm trying to help the guild as much as possible and be the best dps I can which includes finding any mistakes I make and correcting them.




I can say a lot of nice things to you about good things you are doing honestly I can't find anything you are doing horribly off. Your dps is solid, you change to appropriate talents, you look pretty good brah :)

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6 hours ago, Drtain said:



More logs again if people can look over them I'd appreciate it--- again I only care about mistakes.



There is only one consideration I might be able to give you, and its because I can't see your talents. On the il'gynoth fight you are making super heavy use of virulent plague (understandable, good choice), if you aren't you may want to consider switching your tier 1 talent to ebon fever. It will make those diseases tick faster and allow you to burn the adds much quicker. Even then you may already be using it as your virulent plague damage is very high.

Beyond that I got nothing for ya chief, aside from getting more gear, you rotation is fine. If you are wanting to squeeze out more dps, you may want to focus more on benefiting from scourge of the world procs to empower as many scourge strikes as possible (scourge fishing) but that at best is the only real way to keep more dps up. I mean you are doing great, on many fights you're the top dps of your group. Even then in emerald nightmare right now you are ranked 53rd highest dps IN THE WORLD!!!! on the nythendra fight. You are 25th in the world on the Il'gynoth fight. You are in the highest echelon of DKS here. The only reason others are doing better is really trinkets and gear, their rotations are more or less the same. 

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I've already been scourge fishing on ilgy it's cause of hard though for most of the aids hardly live and yes i was using ebon fever. and yeah our other dk Ty who is a trial in my eye looks like he has a lot of potential I've been getting all the dk gear so far from loot council though because me and Lszei are the main dks in the raid who have been here for a while and have been funneling gear towards me since i've been out dpsing lszei for the most part and Ty hasn't been getting any since he's a trial.

Edited by Drtain

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