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By terence
<Disconnect> [US, Area 52, Horde] (11/11M 9/9M) is a 2-day, late night, weekend Mythic raid. We are looking for progression minded players interested in a friendly yet competitive raiding environment.
We just realm transferred to Area 52 from Stormrage in May 2018. Guild used to be called <Shattering>. Pardon the messed up Wowprogress/Raider.io data.
Recruiting any exceptional Tank, Healer (especially Holy Pally), Ret Pally.
Raid times:
Friday & Saturday
9:45pm-1:45am PST
10:45pm-2:45am MST
11:45pm-3:45am CST
12:45am-4:45am EST (server time)
Apply at:
What you can expect from <Disconnect>:
Strong Guild leadership focused on progression A very easy going and friendly atmosphere not commonly found in most progression guilds Dedicated and skilled core team A group that understands that WoW is a game, and is meant to be fun
What we expect from you:
Consistency Raid awareness Accountable and responsible Experience and knowledge to play and excel at your respective class/spec Desire to progress and push yourself every raid
Apply at:
Discord contact: @char *#7024
Battle.net contact: Lamat#1220
By terence
<Shattering> [US-Stormrage] (10/11M 9/9M) is a 2-day, late night, weekend Mythic raid. We are looking for progression minded players interested in a friendly yet competitive raiding environment.
Recruiting exceptional Healer and DPS.
Raid times:
Friday & Saturday
9:30pm-1:30am PST
10:30pm-2:30am MST
11:30pm-3:30am CST
12:30am-4:30am EST
Apply at:
What you can expect from <Shattering>:
Strong Guild leadership focused on progression Fair loot council with progression in mind A very easy going and friendly atmosphere not commonly found in most progression guilds Dedicated and skilled core team A group that understands that WoW is a game, and is meant to be fun
What we expect from you:
Consistency Raid awareness Accountable and responsible Experience and knowledge to play and excel at your respective class/spec Desire to progress and push yourself every raid
Apply at:
By VampAurora
Hey guys!
I sat down with Jonathan "Kryw" Nobre, a player for Luminosity Gaming, and unofficially Bench Boys. A very interesting suggestion was that Reaper's Wraith Form should work like Mei's Cryo-Freeze, meaning we should be able to interrupt it whenever we want. Find out more!
If you enjoy feel free to comment/like/subscribe on YouTube as well. There are a lot more coming up! Thank you!
By VampAurora
The first interview of 2017 is with Dennis "INTERNETHULK" Hawelka, the team leader of Team EnVyUs. Watch it here!
Hope you enjoy, feel free to comment/like/subscribe on YouTube as well! Thanks for the support!
By VampAurora
Hey everyone!
It's been a while but we're back at Overwatch one again. This time with Jonathan "HarryHook" Tejedor Rua, former support and nowadays a DPS player for Team EnVyUs. Find out more!
Hope you enjoy! Feel free to comment/like/subscribe on YouTube as well! Thank you!