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Class & spec selection - need counsel

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I find myself in the rather embarrassing situation of not being convinced by any class & spec I've tried gameplay-wise in Legion. I'd like to appeal to the collective knowledge to find something that would suit me.

So far, I've tried war fury, prot pal, survival hunter and all 3 demo specs. None of them really please me.

I play PvE, I generally don't like cast times. I like instant cast rotations with lots of procs casts. I like big mobility as well but that's secondary to me. My favourite play was arms warrior during wotlk.

Do you play something that would suit me?


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Things to try:

Arms - Personally, I actually quite enjoy it right now. It's strong, does high damage, and is actually pretty fun to play.

WW Monk - Absolutely love this. My favourite DPS to play. You can make it super easy or super complex, you constantly have things to hit, your damage output is high, great AOE, decent survivability as well. Mobility is, of course, one of the strongest in the game.

Outlaw Rogue - Slightly RNG, but very fun. When your cooldowns go off, watch your DPS skyrocket. Roll 6 buffs? Watch your DPS skyrocket and then go through the stratosphere. 

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Enhancement shaman (and elemental) are both really fun.

Rouge all 3 specs are solid, sub and assassination are more rotational with procs, outlaw is rng proc based.

Shadow priest has mostly instant cast or short cast times, longest is void torrent and you won't complain about it being your hardest hitting spell, plus the weapon gives extra lore bits if you like it.

Druid, balance is starting slow but haste is their best so they will speed up, feral is fun from what I hear.

Demon huntthey are gcd locked from the start, a bit squishy as dps but mobility is great.

Monk windwalker has a very good zen flow to it, brewmaster is worth trying and mistweaver can solo ratherwell they have alot of instant cast hots and a few melee abilities.

Death knight, worth trying they are all rather solid in game play.

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Feral is fun, but it has so much waiting around. You spend 50% of the time just pooling energy and doing nothing. It'd be like driving a sports car, but you have to spend 50% of the time accelerating with the pedal slammed down, the other half slamming the brakes down.

It takes a bit of getting used to.

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Yea I wasn't going to say feral is the fastest but it gets alot better with their artifact and being a druid they are rather versitile. Plus they still have snapshotting so I think the slower play style can be satisfying if you get the right set up and excel at it.

If you do want a really fast paced spec, with lots of procs enhancement shaman is the top choice to try.

Either way I would go check out the finalboss 2nd pass guide for any spec you want to play. Some have changed but you can still get a good feel for the class.

Edited by Blightpaw

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Hi, thanks for your input !

I've tried arms war, it's just super slow. I like the RNG bit of the outlaw rogue, but the cycle is not very interesting.

I also tried pal ret, it's super slow as well.

I feel like the closest to what I'm searching is indeed enhancement chaman... Thanks for your help !

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