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By Pain
Hello guys i would like to share my weakauras for each healing class, hope you like it ?
Any feedback is appreciated
New to Weakauras ?
You can download it here :
Click the link of the weakaura you want which you can find down below (Import string) On the wago.io webpage links you can find a copy string button on the right, colored red.
Like this : When ingame type /wa to open the control panel of weakaura. Select "import" Paste the string from the wago webpage into this. A screen will pop-up and select the import button on it. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Update Log
17-06-18 : Pre-pared all healing tools for patch 8.0 will upload them when patch releases!
20-06-18 : Uploaded the 8.0 release (still in beta will finalize them when patch is live)
23-07-18 : Shaman healing tool had some small tweaks and improvements
Summary :
Shaman Druid Paladin Priest Monk ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Resto Shaman - Healing Tool
Import string : https://wago.io/SJAG4cTub ←
What's making sound :
Riptide - off cooldown
Healing rain - off cooldown
Resto Shaman - Usable cooldowns
Import string : https://wago.io/S1u7HqpdZ ←
Druid - Healing Tool
Import string : https://wago.io/H1ZvS9p_b ←
What's making sound :
Life-Bloom - when its about to expire from target
Paladin - Healing tool
Import string : https://wago.io/BkQJU96dZ ←
What's making sound :
Holyshock - off cooldown
Paladin - Usable cooldowns
Import string : https://wago.io/r1jnNOQ8M ←
Paladin - Light of Dawn info *additional*
Import string : https://wago.io/HyrN6y4YZ ←
Holy Priest - Healing Tool
Import string : https://wago.io/SyghGYcqG ←
Holy Priest - Trail of light Talent Tracker *Additional*
Import string : https://wago.io/EyclhaZuZ ←
Disc Priest - Healing Tool
Import string : https://wago.io/SyCn89TdZ ←
Mistweaver Monk - Healing Tool
Import string : https://wago.io/ryDtJHY5M ←
What's making sound :
Renewing Mist - off cooldown
By Treylawny
<Trust> may be what you're looking for if you enjoy killing internet dragons with a group of like minded players! Currently we are 8/9 Heroic, soon to be stepping into Mythic ToS. We are recruiting to finish rounding out our raid team. <Trust> is located on the [US] Doomhammer/Baelgun pve servers, alliance side! Check us out!
About Us:
<Trust> is a recently formed guild, founded by a group of long time players that have been raiding together for a couple of years now. Founded out of a desire to continue raiding in a casual-progression manner, we work towards defeating mythic bosses. <Trust> is a raiding guild, first and foremost.
Our Raids:
<Trust> maintains a progression-oriented 2-day semi-casual raiding team. That's 'semi' as in we expect our team members to always prioritize life first; but not 'casual' as in we take downing bosses less seriously. We strive to maintain a balance of taking our progression raids seriously while having plenty of laughs along the way.
Raid Schedule:
Tuesday & Thursday: 5p – 8p server (8p – 11p eastern)
Friday(optional): 5p – 8p server (8p – 11p eastern)
<Trust> is looking for full time Resto Druid, Mages, Hunters, and Warlocks for our raid team. We are also open for good people to join as casual players, pvpers, with the option to join farm content or alt raids.
More Info:
Feel free to reach out to us:
Recruitment Officer:
In game - Treylawny
Battletag - Treylawny#1813
Guild Lead:
In game – Oleic
Battletag - Jarg#1591
Website and Application: <Trust> (US)Doomhammer/Baelgun
(The app is quick and painless as its used primarily to get your name to us quickly!)
Discord is our way of communicating during raid; also used for casual chatting!
By Runiix
Hello DKs. (I dunno why it does this annoying thing with the background)
I have been playing around with different WeakAuras for a few weeks now and i finally found something that works really well for me personally in PvP.
Both BGs and arena.
I have a small screen to work with, so i would try to fit as much info in as i could, on as little space as possible, without having any info there that i didnt need.
I also found out... With all the pressure and fast thinking happening in pvp, you dont have time to look all over your screen to see important CDs or hp points or whatever.
So again, i've found a way to track everything i need to know, without moving my eyes to the edges of the screen.
I am by no means any expert on WA and my designs are pretty basic, for some they might look abit cluttered, but everything that i link here, is quite easy to change.
Deletes single groups u dont want, or change colours/sounds anyway u like it.
I really hope you people enjoy what i have made and i hope some of you can use it for yourself.
It's the first time i ever do post stuff like this... Now, i'll explain what the different auras do:
Asphyxiate stun:
Pretty basic. It will show a stun icon, with a small timer underneath.
If you dont like the timer, u can delete the group and u can even change the texture to a progress texture, then the bar would deplete as the stun timer went on.
I do prefer the timer underneath cause of diminishing returns, it often doesnt stun the full 5 sec.
CC and Disruption cooldowns:
Mind freeze (interrupt) and Death grip on the same height
Asphyxiate and Gnaw (ghoul stun) on the same height.
These icon will only if the given ability is on cooldown. It will not if it is ready
Often times there are so many icons on your screen counting down, so i made this to quickly find out what CC is ready.
Apocalypse - Dark Transformation - Soul Reaper cooldowns:
I put these in the same group, cause they are what i use basically everytime they are of CD (if im in range of my target ofc)
They contribute to the very important sustained damage of unholy and it was important for me to track them close to each other.
They will both bounce in and yellow text will appear when an ability is ready - Something i made so i never miss or forget one of these as i am focusing my target.
Festering wound tracker:
Obviously one of the most important things to keep track of for unholy.
I've tried with different icons and progress bars, but fact is that, even though they look prettier and more neath, they aren't as practical.
So i made a simple, yet very effective tracker for it.
A flashing purple wheel appears if you are in combat and no wound is active on your target.
It bounces and turns red if there are 1-2 stack active, cause this is where you should apply more debuff before detonating.
Standard purple colour will appear with 3-5 stacks, cause with this amount you are free to detonate your wounds and not having to reapply new ones or worring about there being to many. (Because you are obvioulsy free to Festering strike if you are at like 3 stacks)
It will flash purple/white when there are 6-8 stacks, cause here you need to detanote and not reapply anymore festering strikes, atleast until it reaches below six.
Offensive burst/go for kill/swap target cooldowns:
I didnt put "Blighted rune weapon" in with the other sustain damage CDs because i feel even though it is good for sustained damage, it does not need to be used of cd.
It works very well if you want to surprise swap to a different targets.
There are stacks for BRW and timer for your gargoyle - Again, a very simple but very effective design, that tells you everything you need to know. These will also disappear when they are ready.
Scourge of worlds proc:
Very, very important debuff to track. Changes your priority alot of times in your rotation for the next 5-6 secs.
Even though it could work with the normal icon and the design is cool, it is again. Not practical for pvp, cause u need ONLY to see useful info.
So i made it very simple with a standard timer, so u never miss the debuff and it doesnt clutter your screen.
Sudden doom proc:
These can ofcourse be changed to any texture you might like better.
1 bar appears with 1 proc - 2 bars appears with 2 procs.
Again for practical use - Minimize the amount of numbers and bars on your screen with this.
Virulent plague:
I sometimes forget to reapply this in stressed situations. I made this aura to make sure it never happens.
A white flashing icon shows when it is not active, a simple sound plays when it runs out and a white bar shows the progress.
Really hope you guys enjoy it and will give me some feedback!
I love playing around with WeakAuras and just as i have had alot of help from others designs i really hope someone can use mine.
By Alaw
Note I have Koralon's Burning Touch Shard of the Exodar Darckli's Dragonfire Diadem
I have the 4-set but they are very low item level version.
I am looking for any suggestions for improvement as I have been out of the game for a lot of legion due to RL and I am trying to prepare for ToS
Here is a list of available gear
mage="Cafeterialaw" level=110 race=undead region=us server=area_52 role=spell professions=tailoring=800/enchanting=800 talents=2121123 spec=fire artifact=54:0:0:0:0:748:1:749:4:750:4:751:4:752:4:753:4:754:4:755:4:756:4:757:3:758:1:759:1:760:1:761:1:762:1:763:1:1340:1:1372:1:1533:4:1534:1:1535:1:1640:1 head=,id=132863,bonus_id=1811/3455 neck=,id=137487,enchant_id=5439,bonus_id=3417/1552/3337 shoulder=,id=140853,enchant_id=5883,bonus_id=3445/1502/3336 back=,id=138365,enchant_id=5436,bonus_id=3518/1808/1502/3528 chest=,id=138318,bonus_id=3514/1472/3528 shirt=,id=18231 wrist=,id=140850,bonus_id=3514/1477/3336 hands=,id=140888,enchant_id=5447,bonus_id=3444/1482/1813 waist=,id=132454,bonus_id=3529/3530/1811 legs=,id=134218,bonus_id=3416/1557/3336 feet=,id=140914,bonus_id=3517/1492/3528 finger1=,id=134532,enchant_id=5427,bonus_id=3418/1552/3336 finger2=,id=140897,enchant_id=5425,bonus_id=3517/1492/3528 trinket1=,id=140804,bonus_id=3516/1487/1813 trinket2=,id=142165,bonus_id=3417/42/1497/3528 main_hand=,id=128820,bonus_id=730,relic_id=3514:1477:3336/3516:1502:3337/3516:1487:3528,gem_id=140837/140810/140837/0 off_hand=,id=133959,relic_id=0/0,gem_id=0/0/0/0 ### Gear from Bags # # Bonespeaker Cowl (890) # head=,id=134216,bonus_id=3413/1808/1552/3337 # # Hood of Everburning Knowledge (875) # head=,id=138312,bonus_id=3514/1472/1813 # # Hood of Indignation (890) # head=,id=137502,bonus_id=3416/1542/3336 # # Chain of the Underking (875) # neck=,id=134495,enchant_id=5439,bonus_id=1727/1527/3337 # # Stormcharged Choker (875) # neck=,id=134497,bonus_id=3510/1527/3336 # # Amulet of the Last Guardian (880) # neck=,id=142207,bonus_id=3415/1492/3528 # # Talisman of True Treasure Tracking (60) # neck=,id=27944 # # Mantle of Everburning Knowledge (865) # shoulder=,id=138321,bonus_id=3520/1462/3336 # # Amice of Cruel Laughter (905) # shoulder=,id=137503,bonus_id=3418/1557/3337 # # Xing-Ho, Breath of Yu'lon (600) # back=,id=102246,enchant_id=5302,upgrade=4,gem_id=115806 # # Tunic of Smoldering Ire (870) # chest=,id=137352,bonus_id=3415/1522/3337 # # Robes of Fluctuating Energy (900) # chest=,id=140848,bonus_id=3445/1497/3528 # # Tuxedo Shirt (1) # shirt=,id=10034 # # Magtheridon's Banished Bracers (940) # wrist=,id=138140,bonus_id=3455/1811 # # Gloves of Everburning Knowledge (860) # hands=,id=138309,bonus_id=3520/1457/3528 # # Cord of the Sea-Caller (890) # waist=,id=134433,bonus_id=3417/1542/3336 # # Ley-Touched Cord of the Fireflash (880) # waist=,id=147253,bonus_id=1693/3574/1672/3337 # # Night Dreamer Leggings (885) # legs=,id=139088,bonus_id=3573/1547/3336 # # Shard of the Exodar (940) # finger1=,id=132410,enchant_id=5427,bonus_id=1811/3530 # # Signet of the Highborne Magi (880) # finger1=,id=134537,bonus_id=3414/1532/3528 # # Sephuz's Secret (940) # finger1=,id=132452,bonus_id=1811/3530 # # Whispers in the Dark (880) # trinket1=,id=140809,bonus_id=3515/1477/3528 # # Erratic Metronome (885) # trinket1=,id=140792,bonus_id=3443/1482/3337 # # Pharamere's Forbidden Grimoire (895) # trinket1=,id=140800,bonus_id=3516/1492/3336 # # Time-Lost Artifact (496) # trinket1=,id=103678 # # Icon of Rot (885) # trinket1=,id=140798,bonus_id=3514/1482/3336 # # Corrupted Starlight (885) # trinket1=,id=137301,bonus_id=3510/1537/3337 # # Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa's Rest (397) # main_hand=,id=71086,enchant_id=5331,gem_id=32221/32221/32221 # # Mastercraft Kalu'ak Fishing Pole (200) # main_hand=,id=44050 #
By Xathran
Hey guys!
just thought i'd share my frost dk weakauras ive been working on.
check them out and feedback is always welcome!
Main HUD: https://wago.io/NyYklZ2wf
Runes: https://wago.io/EymNg-2vG
Thanks and enjoy!