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Fire Mage Trinkets

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I recently got lucky with trinket drops and ended up with 4 new trinkets that are all higher ilevels than the ones I currently have equipped.

However, while my current trinkets have a flat amount of int and crit on them, the new ones have a proc and either int/crit/haste/mastery on them. Because of this, I can't just plug them into the formula from the fire mage guide and was hoping I could get some advice on which combination of the 6 trinkets to use.

My current trinkets and stats: http://imgur.com/0miv4Qb

Available new trinkets: http://imgur.com/lOk3svx

I tried out the Mr.Robot sim which recommended I use the Bough of Corruption and Swarming Plaguehive. However, doing so would mean that I lose 5% crit and 2146 int. The site also warned that the sims on trinkets aren't fully functional so I don't know how good those suggestions are.

Is there a way or formula I could use to do the math on proc trinkets? Are those procs really worth losing that much flat int and crit?

Also on a side note, would +3 ilevels on the artifact be worth replacing 4% ignite damage with 5% flamestrike damage. I don't think it's worth it but would like some input.

I look forward to your comments. Thank you for reading!


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Oh man, that's a lot of crit you are going to lose. Before, during and after whatever change you make, try using Simulationcraft as well (not just AMR).

From data I saw in Altered Time, you should wear the Plaguehive for sure. Now, for the second choice, it should be between Writ and Horrorslime but you should probably check that on Simcraft or Ask Mr Robot. You should also try to get your hands on a high ilevel Dino Shock Baton, but this requires a lot of luck.

As far as Bough is concerned, it hasn't been added in Simulationcraft yet, but from various reports it doesn't appear to be that good. If I am not mistaken, the reason it's not good is that the proc has a very long ICD. It might be worth taking it in heavy aoe fights but in general it's not that good.

Overall, from what theorycrafters have determined so far, raid trinkets for Fire Mages are a bit meh for this raiding tier. The best chance you have is to do Mythic+ and get some high ilvl trinkets from there.

Lastly, for your second question, you are correct in thinking ignite damage is way more valuable that flamestrike damage. ;)


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Oh thanks a lot for the link Zadina, was looking for some fire mage theorycraft and didn't really find one. Altered Time is very interesting !

Also i was in the same situation of KvetZ about trinket, you confirmed my though.

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Thank you so much for your help and also the link. If I ran simcraft correctly then it looks like the Writ is a pretty big upgrade over the Horrorslime when paired with the Plaguehive so I'm going to go with that.

Is that pairwise trinket list on Altered Time including the ones from EN? I would never have guessed that the Baton+SpikedTongue was BiS. I'm going to keep an eye out for both now.

Thanks again!

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Nope, only pre-raid gear for now. Simming stuff is very hard with titanforged, different item levels, mythic+ and raid gear.

No worries, guys! If you have any questions about Fire Mage, we are always here to help :)

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