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[Draenor][H] <Vadé Enim (7/7 N 7/7 HC) R>All DPS

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Váde Enim is a friendly guild on Draenor EU 

We are currently 7/7 normal and 7/7 heroic
We are looking to expand to a 20+ man team and tackle mythic content. 

We cover a number of events in guild including alt raids, mythic dungeons and mythic + content.

Raiding days are Wednesday and Thursday 1945 - 2300 (server time) 
We run Mythic + groups on throughout the week 

We're looking for the following; (But all may be considered)
Shadow Priests
Feral and Balance Druids 
Demon Hunters (Havoc)
Arms Warrior

We're mainly looking for Melee DPS on top of the classes we already have just to spread out our Melee / Ranged ratio.

If you'd like to join and trial please contact Dereek, Rentend, Pettz, Vaior in game or add my bnet tag Villain #2997


Many thanks



Edited by Dereek

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