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[Bleeding Hollow][H] - <Renowned> 7/7N 4/7H Experienced Group LF Raiders
blastizzle, in US
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By clover
Imperium, on Bleeding Hollow, is a Horde guild whose members have been raiding together in some way, shape or form since Vanilla. We have now gone casual and are looking to field a full 30 heroic raid for Tomb of Sargeras.
Qualified candidates should have the following: a solid history of raiding (even in the past), know how to play their class to the best of their ability, know how to do mechanics, enjoy the game and have a good time.
Currently recruiting the following:
Healers DPS with tank os Ranged DPS
All exceptional recruits are encouraged to apply regardless of class/spec.
Current Legion Progression
7/7M EN 3/3H TOV 3/10M NH
Other activities on off nights including m+, pvp, achievements, and alt runs.
Raids: Tue/Wed 9pm-midnight EST
Faction: Horde
Realm: Bleeding Hollow-US
Battle tag: clover#11874
Discord: sephorae #7200
By Sappora
Methodical is in search of dedicated players that are looking to push content in a semi-hardcore environment. All of our raiders try to be on a first-name basis with each other. Our raids are very fun when it comes to farm and carries, however, we do clean up when it's time for progression. When it comes to raiding we do provide benefits, paid for by selling carries.
All-in-all we are looking for players willing to: consistently improve their performance, take responsibility, and synergize with a group of players. If this interests you, all of our info is below.
Guild: Methodical
Creation: 2013
Server: Bleeding Hollow
Faction: Horde
VoIP: Discord
Raid Progression: 7/7M EN (Cutting Edge) 3/3H ToV 2/10M NH
Raid Dates: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday.
Raid Times: 9:30P-12:30A EST (Be online by 9:15P)
Spirit Cauldrons
Extensive Raid Repairs
Recruitment: We are currently looking for any good players, however, we are primarily focused on the list below. If you are not on the list but are a skilled player please still reach out to us.
demon (hunter) high
druid (restoration) low
mage medium
paladin (holy) high
paladin (protection) high
paladin (retribution) high
priest (dd) high
rogue medium
warlock medium
warrior (dd) medium
If interested please contact one of the players listed below we can give information about: Bleeding Hollow, Methodical, and our raids.
Contact Info:
Merkshow#1993 (GM)
Sappora#1724 (Raid Leader)
Fim#1139 (Recruitment)
Franny#1457 (Officer)
Borlax#1380 (Officer)
By Touji
<Coup De Boo>
Server - Bleeding Hollow
Raid Days - Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday
Raid Times - 9 p.m. - 12 a.m. EST
*With a short 3 hours of raid time each night we strive to utilize all 3 hours to progress*
Voice Communication - Curse
*Make sure you have it downloaded*
Current Progression
N Nighthold (10/10)
H Nighthold (10/10)
We're a guild formed in WoD by a few friends who have been raiding together since Vanilla. We strive to keep the pace that we are in between hardcore progression and casual. We also pride ourselves on pushing ourselves to make the most of our class, as we want our raiders to do the same! We're looking to push the group to 20 man and start working on Mythics.
What we need
This is a list of players we are currently recruiting for and are in high demand.
Holy Pally
These classes listed are in higher need and possibly core spots. But if you dont see your class dont be afraid to apply. We will take any exceptional raider.
What We Expect
What we expect from our raiders and possible raiders:
-Working Mic/headset
-Listen to directions (CRITICAL!)
-Able to take criticism and not cry about it (MAJOR!)
-Research fights and your class
-Be laid back and have fun
-Contribute to the guild ( i.e. Mythic+, Farm Mats, Etc)
-Min/Max as much as possible.
How Our Guild Operates
Loot Distribution
Loot is awarded through a Loot Council made up of the Raid Leader and 4 other raiders. We look at past performances, current performances, attendance, current gear, and attitude. All of those factors are looked at then the loot will be handed out to those the council decided on. Our current goal is progression and to push into Mythic content, so loot is going to be distributed where the council sees it being the most useful.
We're pretty laid back, as long as you give Any of the officers a heads up that you'll be late or out for a night. We won't kick you or anything like that. With that being said, don't make it a habit.
We want to keep a fun raiding environment and part of that comes from what raiders we bring into the guild and on the raid team. We all have a mentality of being better and being competitive on our server and in the US/World. If you want a new place to call home and to push cutting edge progression we are a good fit for you.
Feel free to contact us In game or through B-Net.
Touji - Guild Leader - BattleTag Moosewang#11781
Minilol - Recruiting Officer - BattleTag Sully#1525
By Darkmograine
Undaunted Gaming League is a family based guild, that means most of us have families and careers and are unable to play WoW at all times, that is recruiting players to band together for core teams. We would like to form teams for arena, RBG's, Daily Mythic dungeons, raid progression, gold making, and even battle pets. Even if you are a casual player that is looking to socialize, or want a team to work together on professions, we would like to help you help us. is our guild site, feel free to stop by to fill out an application and email a guild member for an invite. If you would like additional information, please message a player in game or myself directly darkmograine#1675
By Phizzeledout
Elephant in the Room
Hello and thank you for visiting my page. My name is Phizzeledout and am currently recruiting PvP players for my guild "Elephant in the Room"
The guild is level 3 and interested in any PvP players.
- Online AT LEAST four days of the week (it does not matter which)
- Skype account
- Clear voice while talking (Typically due to not having a mic)
- Gemmed/Enchanted Gear
- Minimum of Tyrannical Gear
Who to Contact?
There are several ways to do this.
- Respond to this thread
- Send me a private message on Icy Veins
- Message Phizzeledout while you are online
-- If I am not online type ( /who Elephant in the Room ) and message anyone that is online
Thanks for reading! I hope you join!