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Maelstrom generating Problems

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Hi Guys!


I just want to ask why I sometimes have ressource problems.

I maintain my buffs and refresh them at 0,5-1 sec

I use stormstrike on CD and use the proccs on CD (refreshing Hailstorm and the other Buffs if they are about to run out.)

Crashing Storm on CD

Lava Lash over 110 Maelstorm

Boulderfist 1 time as filler I never consume both of them. I always try to have 1 charge left.

My Problems:

Out of my Wolf CD or Burstphase Im low on Maelstrom.

Nothing to use when everything on CD. What should I do?





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A few notes:

  • Crashing Storm should NOT be used on CD - Unless there's MORE than 3 enemies in front of you. (and even then, only use it when the 10 sec buff it gives runs out)
  • You can refresh Flametongue and Frostbrand when they have ~4 seconds remaining, as the remaining duration will be added onto the new duration from your refreshed buff.
  • ALWAYS spam Boulderfist.


Never having problems with my Maelstrom, I basically follow the general rule of:

Stormstrike > Boulderfist > Crash Lightning (If enough enemies) > Lava Lash


Hope this helps a bit!

Edited by Daelorh

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if you have crashing storm you should be using crash lighting on CD even on single target it even says so in the guide and ive had no trouble keeping it on CD and still having enough maelstrom to do everything else


but back to the point


Theres no reason why you should be saving boulderfist stacks just use them all the time to generate maelstrom

Edited by Tuskamoo

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You shouldn't use Crash Ligtning on cd, but you should use it whenever stormstrike is on cd, as it has a chance to proc stormbringer.

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Use Boulderfist liberally, since this is your primary source of Maelstrom and one of your hardest hitting abilities.

"Lava Lash over 110 Maelstrom" only if you have literally nothing else to press. It is better to use any other damaging ability, except for refreshing Frostbrand before the pandemic "magic number." Even if I have managed to cap out Maelstrom because of Bloodlust and troll racial, I will use Stormstrike over Lava Lash because it does substantially more damage. Chances are good that if I use one of those other buttons, I'll get a proc and be able to use Stormstrike another 3 times, and I'll be glad I didn't spend Maelstrom on the wet noodle Lava Lash.

Haste helps the rotation as well. In dungeons, I use Ancestral Swiftness because the extra 10% Haste makes a huge difference in being able to use Crash Lightning and Stormstrike liberally - not to mention the weight of having to maintain Frostbrand to keep the numbers decent. It does this even though the amount of Haste on my gear is not very high. I have about 5K Haste rating compared to over 10K Mastery, but the Ancestral Swiftness talent makes it like playing in fast forward.

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On 10/10/2016 at 9:31 AM, Caas said:

You shouldn't use Crash Ligtning on cd, but you should use it whenever stormstrike is on cd, as it has a chance to proc stormbringer.

right i was saying on CD but still going by the priority. I didnt think i had to say that

Edited by Tuskamoo

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What some people have failed to mention is that you should use crashing storm (crash lightning talent) whenever you dont have the aoe effect on the ground and most importantly before every storm strike (because you get increased damage from artifact talent). So you wont always be using it when its off CD but most of the time you will be. Also boulderfist is one of your higher damage abilities as well as how you get most of your maelstorm so always use this when you arent stormstriking. Also just an fyi sometimes you get maelstrom starved due to no procs for stormbringer and no windfury procs. It happens and there isnt anything you can do about it unfortunately.

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Thats not right...you dont want to be using it before every stormstrike...you want to be using it when stormstrike is on CD...because like the previous guy said...it has a chance to reset stormstrike wich would cause you to lose dps. Stormstrike always takes priority over crash lightning on < 3 targets...3 or more crash lightning actually starts pulling ahead

Edited by Tuskamoo

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On 10/19/2016 at 6:21 PM, Seije said:

What if u keep getting procs? Keep spamming ? And only stop to re apply buff? If so, do I cast crash lightning too?

  1. buffs (minus Flametongue)
  2. spam Stormstrike until on CD
  3. Crash Lightning (only if Crashing Storm is talented)
  4. Flametongue

Do note this is for single target only

Edited by Tuskamoo

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