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Old raids

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Just got a skinning quest in Suramar that wants me to go back and skin raid bosses...i can handle Karazhan and others   but i cant solo Heart of Fear....whats the point Blizzard in making us go back to old raids  just to learn another rank in Stormscale skinning..or at least make it raids that can actually be soloed!!!!!

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  On 10/2/2016 at 1:00 AM, Rambunxious said:

Just got a skinning quest in Suramar that wants me to go back and skin raid bosses...i can handle Karazhan and others   but i cant solo Heart of Fear....whats the point Blizzard in making us go back to old raids  just to learn another rank in Stormscale skinning..or at least make it raids that can actually be soloed!!!!!


Heart of Fear should be a rather easy instance to solo, up until Amber Shaper Un'Goro (spelling?).  If you gave us your class and spec we can give you specific advice on soloing.  Otherwise just make sure you have flasks, pots (Draenor ones work fine, and are a LOT cheaper), and Drums (heroism buff).  The general goal of soloing* is to burst down bosses before they do too much damage to you or mechanics overwhelm you.  


* Unless you're going for more hardcore soloing, such as 25 Heroic MoP raids and WoD raids (both of which are doable depending on class/spec and boss).  I know some Highmaul and Blackrock Foundry bosses were solo'd at level 100 (both before and after the Legion Pre-Patch), and a number more have been at level 110.

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If you're having difficulties soloing content, simply create a pre-made group for Heart of Fear. A lot of people join xmog runs.

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