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What healer class to take, please?

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I want to start playing on a new server so I can play together with a friend.
I still have my 100 boost, so I do not need to transfer any of my existing characters.

My friend is playing a druid tank, so I was thinking of taking a healing class. 
I have played some healer as paladin as well as shaman and druid, but this was before Legion, and never in raid situations, only in dungeons.

I also do not really plan on raid healing, so my main objective is healing in dungeons.

Could you please suggest which healer is best for healing in dungeons?
Also, if I want to heal in Legion, does that mean I should go straight for that heal spec and artifact? Does that make it too difficult to quest and level up? 
Or should I just take another spec, and save the big Artifact Power items for my heal artifact when I reach 110?


Thank you!


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So my thought is to play a Druid with what you said.  That way you can swap items with your friend in a dungeon.

@ 102 you can get another Artifact / Spec (Then you can dump points into it).  If you do Balance you are collecting Int Trinkets and such.  Most of the other equipment swaps from Agility to Int when you change specs.  I have no problem healing a dungeon with a druid.  

You can do whatever you want too.  I would suggest focusing on one weapon for the time being.  I think after the 6th unlock it starts to slow down and get expensive.  So you can go into it somewhat then focus on your healing weapon.  Up to you. 

Running a normal dungeon gives you like 35 points a Heroic starts at like 400 points.  Spend your Artifact Power however you see fit.  To help you level or to do whatever you need.



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26 minutes ago, forsettii said:

So my thought is to play a Druid with what you said.  That way you can swap items with your friend in a dungeon.


That's also a downside though: if you're both druid you could both want the same items.

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Is loot not personal? So if he gets it, he takes it. If I get it, I take it? And then if I already have it, I can trade it to him?

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Yes you can trade.  One Guild only runs 5 mans with like Armor Wearers. Plate / Leather works the best.

Sooner or later you will have gear and 5 iLevels doesn't make much of a difference.  

At some point in a 5 man your gear is going to be maxed out.  

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I sugges to watch the following video; which will give you perfect insight in the playstyle and numbers related to all healer classes.


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personally I've found holy priest and resto druid very enjoyable this expansion, the play style is very different between those two though so it'd largely be personal preference.

as noted already you can save the items that boost artifact power to use on your healing spec, but if you do that you may find yourself better off at some point to just kill things in healing spec with the high ilvl artifact rather than trying to dps them off spec

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I am currently level 102 with my druid.

He is only 102 as I save him for playing with a friend. I have been using Balance with Resto affinity as it was enough healing for now, and more DPS for our combination. 

I am having a blast, and will switch to resto when we start doing dungeons.


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I've been meaning to ask the same question.  I've dabbled in heals over the various xpacs and have only healed with Resto Druid and Holy Pally.  I want to continue healing with questing and dungeons but not raids and the group would vary widely with alts so need something good enough to handle a mixed group.  I have to admit that the artifact weapon progression is intimidating for casual dual-specers 

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For questing and dungeons (up to very high Mythics+) both Resto Druid and Holy Pala are a very decent choice. Speaking in general, druid is more of HoTs and CD healer, while a paladin has extremely powerful single target healing toolkit. You can definitely pick one of those depending on your preferred playstile.

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On 10/18/2016 at 9:06 AM, Weltenfeind said:

Oh. I was about to suggest Disc Priest. It's the most fun I've had on a healing class EVER. Not sure about viability, though.

Disc is definitely viable, yeah. There are some incredibly well-performing Discs currently, you just need to embrace the playstyle.

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On 10/19/2016 at 1:39 AM, Horderly said:

I've been meaning to ask the same question.  I've dabbled in heals over the various xpacs and have only healed with Resto Druid and Holy Pally.  I want to continue healing with questing and dungeons but not raids and the group would vary widely with alts so need something good enough to handle a mixed group.  I have to admit that the artifact weapon progression is intimidating for casual dual-specers 

It's also worth noting that Holy Paladin can quest surprisingly efficiently while levelling and at 110. 

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On 10/23/2016 at 1:39 AM, Blainie said:

It's also worth noting that Holy Paladin can quest surprisingly efficiently while levelling and at 110. 

How do you feel about leveling and solo with Resto Druid?  My Druid is only 102 and mostly does Balance.

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58 minutes ago, Horderly said:

How do you feel about leveling and solo with Resto Druid?  My Druid is only 102 and mostly does Balance.

I felt pain :) 

Guardian is our to-go for leveling and solo content in my opinion. Pull all the area, trash them in 10 sec - quest done.

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On 10/28/2016 at 4:46 AM, Horderly said:

How do you feel about leveling and solo with Resto Druid?  My Druid is only 102 and mostly does Balance.

I'd have to agree with Panda. If you're going to level with an OS, do it as tank. It's so much simpler and so much more forgiving. 

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On 10/27/2016 at 10:46 PM, Horderly said:

How do you feel about leveling and solo with Resto Druid?  My Druid is only 102 and mostly does Balance.

Personally, I like healing on my Drop. The thing you must remember however, is that they depend mostly on HoTs. Dungies with areas of heavy damage to the tank, or areas where clustering is not viable(Serpentix comes to mind), you can be taxed. I have healed on my Shammy, but have much more fun as Enhancement. Not to say that they are bad per se. Just different mechanics. Bear in mind that ultimately, play what you have most fun with.

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On 11/2/2016 at 7:00 AM, Kayng said:

Personally, I like healing on my Drop. The thing you must remember however, is that they depend mostly on HoTs. Dungies with areas of heavy damage to the tank, or areas where clustering is not viable(Serpentix comes to mind), you can be taxed. I have healed on my Shammy, but have much more fun as Enhancement. Not to say that they are bad per se. Just different mechanics. Bear in mind that ultimately, play what you have most fun with.

Definitely can become a bit stressful having to throw up HoTs when everyone is super spread!

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I absolutely love my holy priest.  As far as questing with her, It's not an issue at all.  I do okay DPS now and I take basically no damage.  When I do, I just heal up.  ezpz.


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