Damien 1,514 Report post Posted June 21, 2013 This thread is for comments about our Midsummer Fire Festival guide. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Oltier 471 Report post Posted June 21, 2013 Alliance Bonfire: on the right at the top of the stairs leading up to Mogu'shan Vaults, Vale of Eternal BlossomsDid you mean Mogu'shan Palace? There's the same mistake for the Horde bonfire as well, but it's still understandable. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Tora Report post Posted June 22, 2013 Un'Goro is now required for the Kalimdor achievement. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Damien 1,514 Report post Posted June 22, 2013 On 6/21/2013 at 11:17 AM, 'Oltier said: Alliance Bonfire: on the right at the top of the stairs leading up to Mogu'shan Vaults, Vale of Eternal BlossomsDid you mean Mogu'shan Palace? There's the same mistake for the Horde bonfire as well, but it's still understandable. Fixed it :P On 6/22/2013 at 7:39 AM, 'Tora said: Un'Goro is now required for the Kalimdor achievement. I'll fix that later tonight, thanks! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest GuestUndirge Report post Posted June 22, 2013 Badlands (alliance) and WPL (horde) are required for achievement now. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Damien 1,514 Report post Posted June 22, 2013 On 6/22/2013 at 12:28 PM, 'GuestUndirge said: Badlands (alliance) and WPL (horde) are required for achievement now. On 6/22/2013 at 7:39 AM, 'Tora said: Un'Goro is now required for the Kalimdor achievement. After checking carefully, all bonfires are now required for the achievements, so I have updated the guide to reflect that. Thank you for notifying me, guys! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
specialk 3 Report post Posted June 26, 2013 Anyone know the chance% Frostscythe of Lord Ahune will appear in your chilled bag? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Oltier 471 Report post Posted June 26, 2013 I cannot tell you for sure, but I am assuming, that the satchel can drop it at almost the same percentage as the pet drops. This means it's about 4-5% in my opinion. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Archimage 98 Report post Posted June 21, 2014 (edited) Credit goes to Psyberomega, post on wowhead Use Paste and TomTom Eastern Kingdoms: /way Elwynn Forest 43.47 62.63 Goldshire /way Westfall 44.77 62.06 Moonbrook /way Northern Stranglethorn 52.05 63.55 Fort Livingston /way Northern Stranglethorn 40.72 51.85 Grom'gol /way The Cape of Stranglethorn 50.52 70.63 Wild Shore /way The Cape of Stranglethorn 51.97 67.64 Wild Shore /way Blasted Lands 55.53 14.88 Nethergarde Keep /way Blasted Lands 46.25 14.22 Dreadmaul Hold /way Swamp of Sorrows 70.25 15.75 Bogpaddle /way Swamp of Sorrows 76.62 14.12 Bogpaddle /way Duskwood 73.69 54.61 Darkshire /way Redridge Mountains 24.9 53.38 Lakeshire /way Burning Steppes 68.34 60.64 Valley of Ashes /way Burning Steppes 51.49 29.23 Flame Crest /way Shimmering Expanse 49.32 41.95 Silver Tide Hollow /way Dun Morogh 53.8 45.23 Kharanos /way Loch Modan 32.57 40.95 Theslmar /way Badlands 19.01 56.19 Dragon's Mouth /way Badlands 24.1 36.92 New Kargath /way Wetlands 13.46 47.07 Menethil Harbor /way Arathi Highlands 44.3 46.05 Refuge Pointe /way Arathi Highlands 69.06 42.85 Hammerfall /way Twilight Highlands 47.26 28.96 Thundermar /way Twilight Highlands 53.27 46.45 Bloodgulch /way Hillsbrad Foothills 54.51 49.89 Tarren Mill /way The Hinterlands 14.34 50.07 Aerie Peak /way The Hinterlands 76.6 74.55 Raventusk Village /way Western Plaguelands 43.46 82.33 Chillwind Camp /way Tirisfal Glades 56.98 51.78 Brill /way Silverpine Forest 49.63 38.65 The Sepulcher /way Ghostlands 47.08 25.96 Tranquillien /way Eversong Woods 46.36 50.39 North Sanctum /way Tirisfal Glades 62.34 66.8 Ruins of Lordaeron /way Silvermoon City 69.33 42.78 Court of the Sun /way Deepholm 49.4 51.35 Temple of Earth Kalimdor: /way Teldrassil 54.88 52.78 Dolanaar /way Azuremyst Isle 44.48 52.51 Azure Watch /way Bloodmyst Isle 55.82 67.88 Blood Watch /way Darkshore 48.73 22.65 Lor'danel /way Mount Hyjal 62.81 22.78 Nordrassil /way Winterspring 58.15 47.27 Everlook /way Winterspring 61.24 47.25 Everlook /way Azshara 60.38 53.44 Bilgewater Harbor /way Orgrimmar 46.09 37.43 Valley of Wisdom /way Durotar 52.06 47.1 Razor Hill /way Ashenvale 86.94 41.86 Forest Song /way Ashenvale 51.55 66.59 Silverwind Refuge /way Stonetalon Mountains 49.3 51.32 Mirkfallon Lake /way Stonetalon Mountains 53 62.34 Sun Rock Retreat /way Desolace 66.12 17.09 Nijel's Point /way Desolace 26.11 77.21 Shadowprey Village /way Thunder Bluff 21.51 27.22 Spirit Rise /way Mulgore 51.95 59.4 Bloodhoof Village /way Northern Barrens 49.91 54.38 The Crossroads /way Dustwallow Marsh 61.82 40.45 Theramore Isle /way Dustwallow Marsh 33.26 30.69 Brackenwall Village /way Southern Barrens 48.33 72.23 Fort Triumph /way Southern Barrens 40.67 67.38 Desolation Hold /way Feralas 72.41 47.57 Camp Mojache /way Feralas 46.82 43.7 Feathermoon Stronghold /way Silithus 50.8 41.75 Cenarion Hold /way Silithus 60.31 33.5 Cenarion Hold /way Un'Goro Crater 56.44 65.98 Marshal's Stand /way Un'Goro Crater 59.86 63.24 Marshal's Stand /way Uldum 53.6 31.85 Ramkahen /way Uldum 52.97 34.51 Ramkahen /way Tanaris 49.79 28.08 Gadgetzan /way Tanaris 52.64 30.26 Gadgetzan Outland: /way Hellfire Peninsula 57.21 41.85 Thrallmar /way Hellfire Peninsula 62.17 58.29 Honor Hold /way Netherstorm 32.29 68.36 Area 52 /way Netherstorm 31.21 62.66 Area 52 /way Blade's Edge Mountains 49.94 59 Thunderlord Stronghold /way Blade's Edge Mountains 41.57 65.9 Sylvanaar /way Zangarmarsh 68.79 51.96 Telredor /way Zangarmarsh 35.6 51.81 Zabra'Jin /way Nagrand 51.12 34.01 Garadar /way Nagrand 49.61 69.47 Telaar /way Terokkar Forest 51.98 43.22 Stonebreaker Hold /way Terokkar Forest 54.06 55.53 Allerian Stronghold /way Shadowmoon Valley 33.54 30.33 Shadowmoon Village /way Shadowmoon Valley 39.62 54.63 Wildhammer Stronghold Northrend: /way Sholazar Basin 47.37 61.48 River's Heart /way Sholazar Basin 48.09 66.37 River's Heart /way Borean Tundra 51.09 11.8 Bor'gorok Outpost /way Borean Tundra 55.1 19.94 Fizzcrank Airstrip /way Dragonblight 38.52 48.21 Agmar's Hammer /way Dragonblight 75.29 43.8 Wintergarde Keep /way Crystalsong 78.18 74.96 Windrunner's Outlook /way Crystalsong 80.45 52.77 Sunreaver's Command /way The Storm Peaks 40.37 85.65 K3 /way The Storm Peaks 41.44 86.69 K3 /way Zul'Drak 40.38 61.3 Argent Stand /way Zul'Drak 43.27 71.28 Argent Stand /way Grizzly Hills 19.08 61.5 Conquest Hold /way Grizzly Hills 33.9 60.45 Amberpine Lodge /way Howling Fjord 48.38 13.42 Camp Winterhoof /way Howling Fjord 57.81 16.11 Fort Wildevar Edited June 21, 2014 by Archimage Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Marajade Report post Posted June 21, 2014 480 gear... come on Blizz Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Avedavit Report post Posted June 18, 2015 Uh, the date says 21th, rather than 21st Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Smurf Report post Posted June 27, 2015 Am I doing something wrong in Stormwind (as Horde)? Each time I fly down directly into the flame or res my character at the flame a guard spawns and instantly kills me. Is this doable this year? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Damien 1,514 Report post Posted June 27, 2015 It is definitely doable this year. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Katie Report post Posted July 4, 2015 In section 2.2 of your guide, you state that the Burning Defender's Medallion costs 350 Burning Blossoms, however, the vendor and Wowhead (and even your own tool tip, if you hover the cursor over your link to the item) all state the Medallion costs 500 Burning Blossoms. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Damien 1,514 Report post Posted July 20, 2015 On 7/4/2015 at 6:42 AM, Katie said: In section 2.2 of your guide, you state that the Burning Defender's Medallion costs 350 Burning Blossoms, however, the vendor and Wowhead (and even your own tool tip, if you hover the cursor over your link to the item) all state the Medallion costs 500 Burning Blossoms. Thank you, I fixed it (sorry for being late). Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest hihi Report post Posted July 1, 2016 Why can I not find the fires i blasted land?!?!? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zadina 923 Report post Posted July 1, 2016 You need to talk to this NPC (she is located exactly at the entrance of Blasted Lands from Swamp of Sorrows) to get the pre-Iron Horde invasion version of the map. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Moriarty Report post Posted June 23, 2017 Small note for 2017 Fire Festival: I struggled mightily to get the torch juggling achievement done in Legion Dalaran. On a hunch I went to Northrend Dalaran... and unlocked it on my first attempt. It appears that the torch juggling MUST be done there, not the newly moved Dalaran. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Medasin Report post Posted June 23, 2017 D: I am having a heck of a time finding the alliance fire in broken shore. Ive flown around that place about 10 times? any suggestions where I can find it? Ive been up and down all the paths. idk if Im just derping out and missing it or what Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest thanks for the maps Report post Posted June 23, 2017 but the alliance bonfire in Broken Lands is incorrect. the map shows it too far to the east. Should be at Suramar south of the Horde at 22.80 x 58.20. or Alliance Fire at /way 22.80, 58.20 Horde Fire at /way 30.40, 45.35 thank you. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Valks 2,375 Report post Posted July 18, 2017 On 6/23/2017 at 9:16 PM, Guest thanks for the maps said: thank you. Expand Thanks for sharing! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Magni Report post Posted June 22, 2019 Guide shall mention that you can sell back to the vendor items needed for Burning Hot Pole Dance. You will get your 400 Burning Blossoms back and you will keep achievement. Obviously you will lost the items ? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
prettyreckless69 0 Report post Posted June 23, 2019 Can you use multiple characters to get the bonfires and still get the achievement, or does it have to be done with one character? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Magni Report post Posted June 23, 2019 ...and for Torch Juggler achi you don't need to left click anymore - just create [@player] macro, bind it to some easy key (like "f' or something) and spam it in OLD Dala until you get the achi. Macro just for lazies ? #showtooltip Juggling Torch /use [@player] Juggling Torch Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Valks 2,375 Report post Posted June 23, 2019 On 6/23/2019 at 2:27 AM, prettyreckless69 said: Can you use multiple characters to get the bonfires and still get the achievement, or does it have to be done with one character? Expand You can complete the individual achievements on different characters, but you can't do half of Outland's bonfires on one character and the other half on another. The achievements themselves are tracked per-character. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites