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To those people who ask, "Why does Mr. Robot do X and Y"
Krazyito, in General Discussion
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By Covahz
Hello, it is my first time posting to this site and I hope I have found the right place to post regarding Hunter simulations.
I have been running simulations with both Ask Mr. Robot and Simcraft, with very different results, specifically when it comes to Fury of the Eagle damage. All other damage done is generally very close from sim, to sim, to my experience with live, but according to simcraft my fury of the eagle should be doing nearly twice as much as it does in the ask mr robot sim and what my fury of the eagle tends to do on live. On live and in the ask mr robot sim Fury of the Eagle tends to be roughly 8-10% of my damage on a patchwerk style boss over 360 seconds. Simcraft has the same ability doing 17% of my damage consistently.
Due to the stacking nature of Mongoose Fury buff I fear that an incorrect damage output for Fury of the Eagle in the sim could lead to inaccurate stat scaling calculations, and I would very much appreciate it if someone with more knowledge on this subject could help shine some light on why I am getting such different numbers from two sims which are generally well regarded as being accurate.
Edit: I went ahead and cut the sims to the bare minimum in both Simcraft and Ask Mr Robot so that the entire sim is just using Fury of the Eagle with no other buffs or abilities used for 360 seconds, and Simcraft still shows Fury of the Eagle as being massively more powerful than is shown in Ask Mr Robot sims. I'm not sure if this is helpful or not, but I figured I would share. The Ask Mr Robot sim of only Fury of the Eagle is the same as my in game values.
By kika
Hi all,
So I've been messing around with AMR a little bit and I got to these weights, finding them pretty useful for all-around BrM tanking. I tried to focus on a balance build, not too much Mastery nor Critical.
Please give it a try and let me know if they worked for you and what you think.
Of course on "Haste Soft Cap" put whatever you feel comfortable with. Also, I tried to do a 1.5xSta > Agi ratio.
If it helped and you are using it, you are welcome. If not, let me know why, just trying to help here.
edit: I just saw the typo on the topic of this post. If there is any mod out there please change "Balanca" for "Balance" (or tell me how I can change it xP)
By Drain
Always visited your website for good info and now I have a question.
Why does Ask Mr. Robot suggest to reforge into crit for a demo lock? I Always thought crit=shit.
I didn't follow their advise, because I don't understand it. At the moment I have gemmed/enchanted for Int>Hit>Haste(capped at 9211)>Mastery. And try to get the items in raids with Haste and Mastery.
Mr Robot suggests: Hit>Crit>Haste>=Mastery.
Anyone an idea why this is?
My Armory is:
By Stoove
The Guide to Optimizing Healing Rain in Adverse Situations
Why does it always Healing Rain on me?
The aim of this thread is to discuss the situations in which Healing Rain is very difficult to optimize. Here, I'm thinking specifically of 10-man raiding (because seriously 25-man is HR heaven!). We have a list of fights/phases in the Seige of Orgrimmar for which Healing Rain is difficult to use well. What we need is suggestions on how to target the Healing Rain to get the benefit out of it.
We also keep previous tiers' tips for posterity.
Bosses and Phases
Seige of Orgrimmar
We currently need tips for the following fights;
Immerseus Fallen Protectors Norushen Sha of Pride Galakras Iron Juggernaut Kor'kron Dark Shaman General Nazgrim Malkorok Spoils of Pandaria Thok the Bloodthirsty Siegecrafter Blackfuse Paragons of the Klaxxi Garrosh Hellscream
Throne of Thunder
We asked for tips for the following fights;
Horridon (all phases) Council of Elders (before Sul is killed) Tortos Megaera (outside of Rampage) Ji-Kun (on the main platform) Durumu the Forgotten (in the Beam Phase) Dark Animus Iron Qon (Lightning and Ice phases) The Twin Consorts Lei Shen Requirements for Posting Tips
If you want to submit a tip, please start your reply saying which fight and which phase you're talking about. This will make it easier to collate the responses. Bear in mind that the minimum expected targets is 3, and we usually like to have 4+ in Healing Rain. Please be as explicit as possible as to how many people you manage to get in using your tip. If you can, please note the raid composition you generally work with (X tanks, Y healers, A melee DPS and B ranged DPS will suffice) and what your attitude is like (hardcore/casual/casualcore will do). This will help us to assess whether the tip is really useful generally. Other discussion
Please discuss and pick apart any tips you see. Discussion is really useful here so that we can judge what tips are useful!
Tips Compilation
[Door Phases]
Dropping Healing Rain with its borders on the add tank so that the tank and DPS walk through it on the rotation around the arena. Expect the n.o. targets to vary with group, but you can get up to 6 at once.
[War God phase]
Use it near the edge of War God's hitbox. This allows everybody to stack in the shiny while War god is burned down.
Council of Elders
[before Sul is killed]
If your tanks keep Sul and Malak on top of each other, you should be able to keep Healing Rain down on them and the melee for ~4 targets most of the time. Varies with group comp and tactics, obviously best with 2+ Melee.
[Outside of Rampage]
If your raid is particularly switched on, you can get up to 4 people comfortably spread out inside the healing rain. Aim to have the area free of fire if possible and target it on the ranged. How easy this is will highly depend upon your kill order.
Durumu the Forgotten
[shiny Colour Beams Phase]
This will vary depending on your tactics. If you keep one healer and your tanks in the Blue Beam (which should be stationary) then target it on them. Note that HR can be difficult to see over the shiny blue effect of the Beam. Expect 3-4 targets with a good uptime, dependent on composition.
[Death Beam Phase]
In the Death Beam phase, you can expect everyone will be stacked up. Cast the Healing Rain as far ahead of the group as possible - you tend to move around quite fast so maximise the time people can stay in it. You can get up to 10 targets like this.
Lei Shen
[Transition Phases]
Using Healing Rain when your platform gets an Overcharged or a Static Shock might help, but in 10-man you will only get 2-3 people in.
[Phase 1]
Thunderstruck is a very predictable move, so you can cast Healing Rain on your tanks and melee before it hits. Only really worth doing when you have over 2 melee players.
[Phase 2]
Your raid will prefer to stack up in Phase 2, so casting Healing Rain on the boss around the time Ball Lightning lands is a good idea. It should heal everyone very efficiently and prevent you having to cast additional heals in this part of the phase.
[Phase 3]
The raid has to deal with spreading out and stacking up a lot. Casting Healing Rain on/near your tanks will probably be the best bet. Using it just before Thunderstruck will get the best efficiency out of it.