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Am i to stupid for Balance?

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Hi together,

first of all, I want to excuse my Language, English is not my native Language, so please be gentle :)
I wasn't playing my Druid since TBC, but this Expansion i wanted my Dangerchicken back.


I've read so many times the Guide for the Balance Druid but for now i think i dont understand something correctly.

This will be an essay for sure, sorry about this:
I will point some Facts for u Guys in Hope you can understand my current situation.

1. I have finished my Class-Campaign and get the 3rd Socket for Relics on my Weapon
2. I try to stack up as many Haste as i can, i dont care really on the other Stats, i get what i get but it must be Haste.
3. My Artefact-Weapon (865 ilvl) is now on Level 18 and i choosed the Path which one is given here on Icy Veins.
4. I watched the Streams from Gapezilla and tried to understand the Rotation correctly, but he changes his Playstyle from now to then given by the Encounter/Bosses.

I'm doing some training on Raid-Dummys in Class-Hall every Evening for several Minutes, goes up to hours. But i cant figure out where my Problem is to do some Competive DPS.
The last Days i've done some Mythic Dungeons and wasn't really a great Competition for other DPS-Classes, Singletarget or Multitarget.

I'm doing the Rotation from Icy Veins on Single Target at the Raid-Dummy for 10Minutes and i end up on average ~190k DPS on Item Level 842.
I'm confused about that other Classes pull some highly more DPS and hold them constantly far over 200k DPS.

For better understanding my Rotation:

1. Applying Dots
2. Roll all Charges of New Moon (on Cooldown)
3. Consume Starsurge to get the Empowerment (Even 2 Starsurges a row when it's possible and I dont cap the Stacks)
4. Spamming Solar Wrath untill all Proccs are gone
4.1 Spamming Lunar Strike to not overcap the Empowerment and let them rolling until i have Zero Charges,
except i will overcap the Astral Power then i'll spam the Starsurge und Consume the Empowered Solar Wrath before continuing with Lunar Strikes.

For the CD's im using Incarnation before im casting Fullmoon and following the Rotation.

Here is the Armorylink to Check if u want/need it.

I hope u amazing Guys can help me out with this "Problem?" :)
And again, sorry for my grammar or language.

Thank you in advance and kind regards

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My ilvl is 850 and I cant do more than 180k dps, it is getting more and more frustrating to a point that i am thinking of changing classes. i wanna raid but i really dont wanna end up with shitty dps

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Almost the same by me, when i take my alt (Ele-Sham) with 829ilvl with Artefactweapon ilvl 825 i'm doing nearly the same DPS with Faceroll over the Keyboard.

That's ugly, but i want to go with my Dangerchicken -.-

Maybe i have to take more practise on Dummys..

Edited by Driora

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How much dps are you expecting ? It's not clear to me. 

Our 850 balance druid is our top dps in our raid most of the time, around 220 k. He's range, meaning taking less damage, he can innervate, battle rez, one of the best support as dps in a raid.

I'm resto but often play dps in mythic donjons, I took a lot of advice from him and believe me, any slight mistake you make in your talent build will lower your dps significantly.

My dps got from 160k to 190-200ish by just tweaking some talents.

The main weakness of the balance druid is its insane cast length. You need to work around this issue by:

1/ getting as must haste as you can 

2/ anticipate any movement, and always have one starsurge available in case you really need to move. This is sometimes very tricky to do in a complex boss fight.

Imo balance is more difficult than most other dps, but it can pull off big numbers. It's just difficult.

Edited by bobifle

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3 minutes ago, bobifle said:

He's range, meaning taking less damage, he can innervate, battle rez, one of the best support as dps in a raid.

Nothing new for me, thanks anyway :)


4 minutes ago, bobifle said:

The main weakness of the balance druid is its insane cast length. You need to work around this issue by:

As i said, i took everything on haste i could get so far, others stat doesn't matter for me.


5 minutes ago, bobifle said:

any slight mistake you make in your talent build will lower your dps significantly.

I choose forall the time the talentset which is given here on Icy-Veins.


7 minutes ago, bobifle said:

How much dps are you expecting ? It's not clear to me. 

Saw last Night a Rogue in MythDungeon with ilvl 846 and he pulls constantly 220-230 at Bosses.
Nearly same with those Burning Mages, they doing some hard dps,

that's why i ask if i'm 2 stupid for Balance, because those ~5pts in ilvl couldn't make those Differences or?

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I see 2 possibilities (there could be more ;) ):

1/ you need to work on my point 2 above, something you cannot do with a dummy :-/

2/ with a level 18 weapon I don't think you have those tasty 18% crit on starsurge. Starsurge being around 45% of your dps, getting a 18% crit roughly increase your dps by 9%

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Hi, Driora

First of all - you could provide some logs, maybe then we could help you more specifically.

Secondly, those points in weapon really does help with your dps. You basically want to get atleast 22 traits as soon as possible. They really do help. 

Other than that - dummy is one of the best ways to teach your fingers how to do the rotation of spells, but when it comes to real fight you need to step out of dummy rotation and plan ahead :) 

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Thank you all for your replys.

So i need to go ahead and farm some Artefactpower and keep farming more Haste-Stuff :)

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Hi Driora, I had a problem as well. I twekaed a few things and saw a significant improvement.

1.) I focused on gaining haste but also getting rid of Mastery. It may seem counter intuitive to reduce mastery as it buffs our empowerments but by doing so I buffed my Crit and Versatility and haste. I had higher ilvl than another boomkin in our group. She had lower ilvl, high haste and lower mastery and was beating me consistently. Thats when I focused on lowering my mastery. Example, you get a pice of gear that ups your haste by a small amount but if it replaces crit or versatility with Mastery the improvement is negligable. I lowered my mastery and it caused my crit and versatility to increase and bumped my dps a lot.

2.) Don't let heroics or a normal mythic's discourage you. So much of our dps is derived from full cycle of dots. Get into Mythic +'s as much as possible because that will help more with your rotation and movement.

If you could post logs we could look more so hee if you are losing dps on dots or what have you.


BEst of luck in your future nuking!


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