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By Tekuan
Hi guys,
Since the 7.0 and the new talent Deluge, I try to see who is in my rain, and who is not.
For this purpose, it would be veeeeery helpfull if vuhdo could show me who's in.
But the difficulty here is that healing rain don't apply a buff on the ally healed.
Is there an advanced user of vuhdo here that can help me? I struggle with it since few days. :(
Thank you !
By Scrubway
Hey Guys
FIrst, here is a link to my armory : http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/ravencrest/Scrubway/simple
So, we have just started progress in Mythic currently on twins, I am really struggling keeping my numbers up throughout the fight, so much it makes me feel about as usefull as a chocolate teapot.
I understand that shamans dont really excel in high movement fights such as this, but I was hoping for a couple of tips or some advise to help me help my guild a have glyphed into spiritwalkers focus to help as much as i can on movement casting, but even so Im still very far behind the other healers.
Not only numbers but the posistioning of myself when the tank takes phemos away for empowered whirlwind, I either seem to be out of range or find myself running towards him at the speed of light and getting cought in the whirlwind.
So any advise be it specific to this fight or general tips about mythic it would be greately appriciated!!
By Cossette
Hey guys!
I was wondering if anyone could give me some tips on healing Highmaul on my resto shaman. I've recently joined a new guild and I'm finding myself constantly behind the other healers.
I played this character during the last months of MoP and I never had any trouble getting the numbers out of it (rshamans were in a very good place) and now I believe I've lost my touch. I also feel like I'm trying to do many things, like casting stuff on cd and helping dps and I end up not doing anything.
Here is my armory page: http://eu.battle.net/wow/es/character/zuljin/Selha/advanced
And here is a log from the Butcher (where shamans are supposed to be top healing and I was last): https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/AGDXCVB92hqTa4rt/#type=healing
Addons I'm using: ElvUI, DBM, ora3
Thanks in advance!
P.S.: I'm new here, so sorry if this is the wrong place to ask or if I should give more information. Also, I apologize for my bad English.
By Krazyito
TL;DR: Mr robot is not telling you what to do. YOU are telling Mr. Robot what to do and Mr. Robot is doing his thing with what YOU give him. Don't ask "is Mr. Robot right?" because you have to decide that for yourself and the adjust the weights accordingly.
STOP ASKING IF THEY ARE RIGHT. You're basically asking if you told Mr. Robot the correct weights.
You can make him right/wrong.
Hello. I am here to clear up some hate about Mr. Robot. I haven't necessarily seen anyone on these forums say they don't like it, but I've talked to some guildies and other people over the game and a few seem to not like it.
I am a HUGE min-maxer. I love to tinker with my toon and see how I can max out every little bit of stats I can to try to be more optimal. Sometimes it means completely regemming or new gear, but its just one aspect of the game that I love to do. In my quest to optimize I tried to find different add ons or resources to help me. As a Computer Scientist, I know that when coded correctly, computers can optimize much quicker and better than I ever will. I used addons like Reforgelite to do my reforges more accurately than I thought Mr. Robot did, but I still had problems with gems for haste breakpoints. I despise haste gems and felt that I could reach my breakpoints without them, but as you will see later, I had to compromise. For a long time I used Mr. Robot to suggest my gems and then I used reforgelite in game for reforging.
Now, on to explaining about Mr. Robot.
I can agree that some of the default stat weights are arguably no good for some specific people, but for beginners they are usually very good. Most classes are pretty decent, but what the people who dislike Mr.Robot don't understand is that most of these weights are pretty low end, all around, weights for people either learning the spec or what the community has found as "acceptable" or "the norm".
If you are playing a new class, most of the time you don't know what stats to go for at all. Using Mr. Robot and following his suggestions just to get started will probably give you the best start on the class until you decide to delve deeper into it and learn what you want out of the spec in terms of stats.
Then there's the argument that "It will teach new people the wrong way of gearing/haste caps etc" Well, new people in general will do stupid and wrong things. It's their way of learning the class and Mr. robot is a stepping stone, which provides all the TOOLS to get you where you need to be. Most players will find that they want something different out of their class but the problem is you just have to actually work for it, like most things in life.
The reason Mr. Robot is such a powerful tool is that it allows you to change your weights. By setting your own custom weights you are able personalize the optimizer to do exactly what you want for your gear. You just have to know what you want and adjust the weights to your preference.
An example: Here is Mr. robots default weights for a Mistweaver Monk
Which gives me a ton of spirit (14k~) the first haste cap and then some crit and mastery after theres enough spirit.
These work wonders for new MW monks who just start out. It would be the exact same way I would tell them to gem/reforge, but personally I want something completely different.
Since I have a pretty high ilvl and I am doing Heroic 25m ToT raids, I decided I want to maximize my total crit. I also wanted to prioritize crit over intellect in terms of gemming, but I did not want to completely ignore intellect socket bonuses. On top of that I wanted to get the 3rd haste breakpoint of 9158. Lastly I wanted to get rid of spirit. The legendary meta gem and my mana tea mechanics are enough for me to do any heroic ToT boss with very minimal spirit, but the biggest annoyance is excess haste over the cap. And any excess haste that could be easily transferred to cirt or spirit, should be.
This is what I ended up with.
Pretty different weights. To make the optimizer gem for more of a secondary stat than a primary (crit > Int in this case) You need to make sure that the secondary stat weight is MORE than half of your primary stat weight. (half of 2.5 is 1.25), but by having Intellect as a higher weight than Crit, it will still try to go for Int socket bonuses since it is the #1 stat. If i wanted to gem more intellect than crit, I would simply bring the weight of crit down to 1.2 or 1.
The bottom line is that most people who hate on Mr. Robot dislike it because of the default stat weights. What I would highly suggest and implore, is that you give it a second chance and mess with the custom stat weights. If you take the time to think about it from Mr. Robots point-of-view, they need to generalize their default stat weights to try to cover the very basic and most stats can change depending on gear and sometimes even encounters. It's pretty difficult to come up with a general set of weights that will work for everyone and every encounter.
By doing this you not only gain a deeper understanding of your class and how you want to maximize your stats, but you are also happier with the suggestions of Ask Mr. Robot and know that you are much more optimal than before.
Thank you for taking your time to read this and I hope that I at least helped change someones mind or helped someone find a new way of optimizing their character.
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